Can non pollinated female plants still produce seeds?

A few weeks after flowering I destroyed 1 plant because it was a male. The male plant hadnt had any flowers that were open as they were all still dangling balls. The 3 female plants I had left were in a room by themselves and the male was removed before any pollen could be produced. I started selectively harvesting a few nugs that were ready to find out there were seeds. How is this possible since the male plant was removed well before any flowers bloomed. The females have no hermie flowers or anything like that. Also, as a followup question not related I have a microscope that is 15X but I dont think it is powerful enough to see the half amber half milk white tricomes. I have read that when the hairs are 60% brown that means the plants are ready to harvest. Can anyone tell me ifthat is true? Thank you


Well-Known Member
It is the act of pollination that starts the process which leads to the development of seeds. If it doesn't occur then seeds cannot develop.


Well-Known Member
Bottom line is that either she's a hermie and self pollinated or the male did pollinate her. Them seeds are coming somehow.


Well-Known Member
Could have been some male pollen lying anywhere from when you took down your male. Might have been some on you or your clothes. Doesn't take much to accidentally pollinate a female if you're not careful.


Well-Known Member
A few weeks after flowering I destroyed 1 plant because it was a male. The male plant hadnt had any flowers that were open as they were all still dangling balls. The 3 female plants I had left were in a room by themselves and the male was removed before any pollen could be produced. I started selectively harvesting a few nugs that were ready to find out there were seeds. How is this possible since the male plant was removed well before any flowers bloomed. The females have no hermie flowers or anything like that. Also, as a followup question not related I have a microscope that is 15X but I dont think it is powerful enough to see the half amber half milk white tricomes. I have read that when the hairs are 60% brown that means the plants are ready to harvest. Can anyone tell me ifthat is true? Thank you
Are you asking if immaculate conception is real ?

You probably had a nanner someplace that you didn't see.


Well-Known Member
To the OP: The "Balls" can, easily, leak out a little bit of pollen without being obvious.

How much is a little bit? Consider this; it only takes one grain of pollen to produce one seed. I'm guessing you just got a, relatively, few seeds per nugget; a fully pollenated nugget would produce, literally, hundreds of seeds. If I am right about "just a few seeds", you just have to face the fact that you had a few loose grains of pollen and move on!


Well-Known Member
I had two seeds in my previous harvest, I'm guessing the wind brought them in. From some guy who removed a male plant too late or thought it would look pretty in the garden...


Well-Known Member
to get a seed a pistil would have to get at least one grain of potent pollen on it

an wait 4 or 5 weeks is no other way short of immaculate connception

Thanks to all who answered. It just seemed strange for a indoor grow in a enclosed closet. I look at my plants very closely all the time and havent seen any male flowers. I started harvesting it now so its a moot point but I just don't like to repeat something like that and was wondering the possibilities. Maybe some pollen could of shook free when I cut the plant at the soil line and destroyed it. but 3 our of 4 plants being female from bagseed is pretty good. I know it isnt advisable to grow in apartments but for right now thats all I can do. There is barely any smell with the ionizer,hepa filter and all the air freshners we have plugged in.
What about the telltale signs being the hairs being mostly brown? Is that a correct indicator? I Initiated flowering 2/24. Some of the nugs are all whit hairs still but theres a few everyday that have over half the hairs brown so I harvest those. If the hars isnt a indicator please let me know so I can let the babies mature more while I find a higher intensity magnifying glass


Well-Known Member
Your plants are at least 2 weeks from being ripe. You are losing a good amount of weight for every nug you pluck. hairs are not an accurate measure of maturity and you are only 6 weeks into woorthwhile cannabis is ripe in 6 weeks. You want those mushroom shaped gooey looking things (trichomes) to be almost all milky turning amberish in color before harvest. You will be stoked if you wait 3 more weeks before you cut them down at the earliest. You will see the hairs (pistils) turn orange or red and pull back into the bud. When its ripe there will be few if any hairs sticking out as the bud will swell.

If youre growing bagseed there is a higher chance of hermie than known seeds. Do you see any small yellow banana shaped things sticking out of any buds. Hermie flowers can look different than male balls and can be really small. Having had a true male in there up to the point it had balls on it though means you had pollen in there. Next time you think pollen could have been around spray the whole area with a misting of water as it destroys pollen.

can we see some bud porn?
If you've been flowering for 5 or 6 weeks, it's normal to start seeing brown hairs on quicker strains.


You have a light leak, or the male you removed produced the pollen... It could even be a pod fell off, and rippened on it's own.
Sure I will post pics. Keep in mind these are my first sucessful grow. My last ones were faildawgs because of necrosis and I still get weapy about it. I realized after the fact that I simply didnt give them enough water for fear of over watering. Let me go take pictures and upload. Be right back. Thanks for the interest.