Firearms Freindly Collective?

Agreed. But I do hope that you dont find out about heaven by someone asking you to leave it.

If there is a god and a heaven, I will roll the dice on being judged by the life I led, and not by my beliefs. Why would a god give us the ability to think/reason and then punish us for doing so?
Because He wants you to believe in Him. He's not going to make you do it, and he doesnt have to prove anything to anyone. He does on occasion, but belief is easy. All this stuff didnt come from nowhere. It didnt start at a point, and then bang, here we are, thats silly. The point would have had to come from somewhere we dont understand, or from someone we dont understand. You have to have faith in something, thats how it is. I want the God who created all of it. God can't be around sin, so there is separation. He loves us, judging from what we can tell about His efforts involving us, I think his love is obvious. He is a just God, so he found that the way to make yourself right and be clean, so you could be present with Him again, the cost was a life for a life. Your life spared by the life of someone who had no sin. That was His Son. All he asks in return, is that you glorify His name, live your life for Him bu following His laws, and tell others about it so they can enjoy what you have found. Start here. Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Because He wants you to believe in Him. He's not going to make you do it, and he doesnt have to prove anything to anyone. He does on occasion, but belief is easy. All this stuff didnt come from nowhere. It didnt start at a point, and then bang, here we are, thats silly. The point would have had to come from somewhere we dont understand, or from someone we dont understand. You have to have faith in something, thats how it is. I want the God who created all of it. God can't be around sin, so there is separation. He loves us, judging from what we can tell about His efforts involving us, I think his love is obvious. He is a just God, so he found that the way to make yourself right and be clean, so you could be present with Him again, the cost was a life for a life. Your life spared by the life of someone who had no sin. That was His Son. All he asks in return, is that you glorify His name, live your life for Him bu following His laws, and tell others about it so they can enjoy what you have found. Start here. Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

With ya on that stow. If I am judged let it be for the life I lived, and the reasons I did what I did.

I am with ya on the first part isn't that I don't believe there is some bigger force at work. but to just have blind faith in a book put together by imperfect humans..well idk that is a debate for another thread. The teachings of Jesus are generally awesome. Hang with those society rejects. I can dig itbongsmilie
I did find a firearms friendly collective. They take firearm carry on a person to person thing, otherwise, I'd say where it is. Imagine that, a stoner that understands peace and freedom.:peace::joint::leaf:
Your missing the point. I used to work in a liquor store.. A real sleazy one, with junkies all around and bars between the custumers and the bottles. We were never robbed. Lucky. I knew though that if I was gonna be held up in the front of the store my coworker had a sawed off filled with bird shot in the back room watching it on camera. If someone don't want guns in there establishment, think about why.... How could it all unfold? Do you really have the judgement you claim?

Take the military for example? How many of America's finest have been killed by friendly fire? Really, I don't want to look up the stats?

I look for peope like yourself who shoot first and ask questions later. You would have been shot, I have no doubt about that. You said you don't carry a gun because as you clearly posted, you cannot handle the responsibility. I commend you for that, most people who I've seen carrying who shouldn't, dont have the good sense you do apparently.
Your missing the point. I used to work in a liquor store.. A real sleazy one, with junkies all around and bars between the custumers and the bottles. We were never robbed. Lucky. I knew though that if I was gonna be held up in the front of the store my coworker had a sawed off filled with bird shot in the back room watching it on camera. If someone don't want guns in there establishment, think about why.... How could it all unfold? Do you really have the judgement you claim?

Take the military for example? How many of America's finest have been killed by friendly fire? Really, I don't want to look up the stats?

To me, it wouldn't matter if they didn't want guns in their establisment - I'd take my money and spend it in a place that has no issues with me having a sidearm concealed, and being able to respond to an active shooter immediately, when the cops are -only minutes away-.
To me, it wouldn't matter if they didn't want guns in their establisment - I'd take my money and spend it in a place that has no issues with me having a sidearm concealed, and being able to respond to an active shooter immediately, when the cops are -only minutes away-.

^ That! ^ Is the purpose of this thread. To find a place like that where I can feel my rights and safety are being respected.

Its not complicated. I take responsibility for my own safety by carrying a firearm. I realize that I am not invincible, and I realize that the most common tool that a criminal uses is a gun, so the logical conclusion is to bring mine, just in case. Above that, I do not like to fund people who cannot respect that fact, even though I stood up for their rights at the polls, and I do assume a tremendous responsibility when I pack my penis compensator on in the morning. What the girls do who have a gun is anybodys guess. For me, it's also a religious thing. I believe in God, that should be obvious to people. It's my right to believe in a God who also told me in the manual that I should carry a gun. If you want that discussion, I'm down.
Prodigal, you and I disagree on this big time .... BUT, I do tip my hat to you for keeping the conversation respectful.

There is nothing wrong with people debating things as long as it doesn't spiral in to the mud-slinging that often happens here.

I have enjoyed reading post from you Uncle Buck but why you need to call me a fucking gun nut? I am a vet with extensive training, been carrying a weapon for years and only once has it ever been noticed, by my wife at that. I carry a weapon the same reason I carry a phone. It is a tool for a job. I may need it one day to save your ignorant ass. Just because a fool carries a gun, that does not mean your a fool to carry one. Wise up brother and open your eyes. I am tired of being judged by people like you because of the actions of others and the agenda of those providing you the information. Open invite to all, don't like I got to say. Wanna talk, here I am, let's meet. Uncle Buck, really you should not generalize, are all Mexicans lazy? All Pollocks dumb? Gun nuts lol ppfffftttttt......

if, unlike the OP, you can put down your gun for long enough to buy a bag of weed, you probably don't meet my definition of "gun nut". maybe "gun enthusiast" or "person who carries a gun", but gun nut is reserved for people like the OP, who strain themselves to figure out why the people with the pounds of bud and thousands of dollars don't want people with AR-15s strolling through the door on the regular.

my apologies if you actually are like that, that is a horrible way to live.
Thanks. I can't imagine why you would want me to be unarmed, or at least have limitations that my adversary does not have. You retain all of your rights, as should I.
And get a life man, do you just sit and post all day? If your home stricken I am sorry but if not go see the sun. 36000 post, I would be ashamed of that, want me to send you some pics of what a life worth living looks like? Destroy your computer, You have averaged 12 post a day for for three years. How many hours a day are you here? Sad. Ps I do grow and I am a newbie

just wait until summer, when i will have no choice but to sit at home and guard.

at least now i can get out for the occasional round of golf or movie with the wife.
Because He wants you to believe in Him. He's not going to make you do it, and he doesnt have to prove anything to anyone. He does on occasion, but belief is easy. All this stuff didnt come from nowhere. It didnt start at a point, and then bang, here we are, thats silly. The point would have had to come from somewhere we dont understand, or from someone we dont understand. You have to have faith in something, thats how it is. I want the God who created all of it. God can't be around sin, so there is separation. He loves us, judging from what we can tell about His efforts involving us, I think his love is obvious. He is a just God, so he found that the way to make yourself right and be clean, so you could be present with Him again, the cost was a life for a life. Your life spared by the life of someone who had no sin. That was His Son. All he asks in return, is that you glorify His name, live your life for Him bu following His laws, and tell others about it so they can enjoy what you have found. Start here. Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.


believes in a zombie who defies physics.

that is literally a cool story, bro.
if, unlike the OP, you can put down your gun for long enough to buy a bag of weed, you probably don't meet my definition of "gun nut". maybe "gun enthusiast" or "person who carries a gun", but gun nut is reserved for people like the OP, who strain themselves to figure out why the people with the pounds of bud and thousands of dollars don't want people with AR-15s strolling through the door on the regular.

my apologies if you actually are like that, that is a horrible way to live.

Look at how far out of context you've taken the entire thing. As a person moving from a state with VERY relaxed gun laws to a state with some of the strictest in the country I can see where this guy is coming from. You would think that a place like a dispensary or collective would be a magnet for robbers since there are ALOT of sleezy people in this business. I know I'd be more comfortable in shady areas with a firearm. But there's a difference between carrying a little 380 and walking around with an ar-15 everywhere you go. But then again OP could be a nut job lose his mind and shoot up a movie theater. Theres no safe way to go about all of this. All of your opinions are flawed in this thread.
^ That! ^ Is the purpose of this thread. To find a place like that where I can feel my rights and safety are being respected.

Its not complicated. I take responsibility for my own safety by carrying a firearm. I realize that I am not invincible, and I realize that the most common tool that a criminal uses is a gun, so the logical conclusion is to bring mine, just in case. Above that, I do not like to fund people who cannot respect that fact, even though I stood up for their rights at the polls, and I do assume a tremendous responsibility when I pack my penis compensator on in the morning. What the girls do who have a gun is anybodys guess. For me, it's also a religious thing. I believe in God, that should be obvious to people. It's my right to believe in a God who also told me in the manual that I should carry a gun. If you want that discussion, I'm down.

I recall the cautionary advice to sell your cloak for a sword, but I can't recall any advice regarding a gun. cn
Look at how far out of context you've taken the entire thing. As a person moving from a state with VERY relaxed gun laws to a state with some of the strictest in the country I can see where this guy is coming from. You would think that a place like a dispensary or collective would be a magnet for robbers since there are ALOT of sleezy people in this business. I know I'd be more comfortable in shady areas with a firearm. But there's a difference between carrying a little 380 and walking around with an ar-15 everywhere you go. But then again OP could be a nut job lose his mind and shoot up a movie theater. Theres no safe way to go about all of this. All of your opinions are flawed in this thread.

Thank you, well said. I get my meds in Flint Michigan for petes sake. look it up. The OWNER carries openly in the store too. Im quite certain she isnt going to shoot me, she knows who I am. One distinct advantage over concealed carry.

I recall the cautionary advice to sell your cloak for a sword, but I can't recall any advice regarding a gun. cn

This is an interesting time of year to have this discussion, being round easter and all. This can all be found in the book of Luke, good read. Jesus sent the apostles along with a bunch of disciples for a missions trip, for lack of a better term. Prior to sending them off, he wanted to prove the miracles of God by asking them to do some unusual things. He had asked them to go with no cloak, (coat), no wallet, and a few other items that people just shouldn't go traveling about without. When they had returned from this ministry trip, Jesus asked if at anytime on the journey if they had lacked for anything. (those who ask for Gods proof need to look in places like this to find it). They acknowledged that they had lacked for nothing. Now here is where it gets to the relevance of people in our day. Jesus then told them that he was about to be killed, and wanted to get them ready for the next phase of the ministry, the one we live in today. Jesus told them to, among other things, prepare for things that are in the world that would bring them harm, not only spiritually, but physically. He told them in Luke 22:36 to carry a sword, and that if they couldn't afford one, that it was better to sell your coat so that you could get one, than to be without. When Peter cut off the soldiers ear, Jesus didnt gasp, and say, Peter, what are you doing with that evil, black, assault sword, those are for the military!. HE simply told him to put the sword back in its place, Peters holster. The sword was the weapon of the soldiers and the commoners of the day, similarly to the times we live in. The idea was the same. Life is worth protecting, and if you want it, you better take steps to protect it, the military, who were the police of their day, were not there to protect them, and ours is not there for us today. The sword was carried by everyone those days back to the beginning of metal tools, and before that, people carried rocks and sticks. A sword is a far more dangerous weapon than a handgun ever could be, and their respective effective ranges are identical.
If nothing else, in order to abolish my second amendment rights, you will have to abolish the first amendment as well.
To hear fools disparage religion as they promote politics, is about as good as ignorance gets ...

How do these clowns justify such faith in man?