Random Jibber Jabber Thread

And moving into Sci-Fi...Dan Simmons "Hyperion" books...OMG...read all of those like three times. Some of my favorites, by far.
Yes! I had a big sci-fi craze for a while. I read the Fall of Hyperion and Endymion around the same time I was getting into Philip Pullman and the Dark Materials Trilogy
Not crazy...all that play between order and chaos, and the steampunk-esque sorta modern technology using older more "primitive" means...A lot of building in those books...lol

Yeah, like 16 of 'em....I think I got through more than 10 though...and certainly no Wheel of Time, since they're not like 900 pages each...lol
Oh shit! *slaps forehead*
I totally forgot about Jordan Roberts!
Kind of the opposite for me, I'm already a shut-in, RIU has restored a bit of my faith in humanity and made me even more determined to get out and meet people. Hell, it's proven they can't ALL be bad.

Everyone sucks out here. Very often i feel like this
Everyone sucks out here. Very often i feel like this

People suck up here too, but there's got to be a few. There just HAS to be, law of probability and all. I live just outside of a place with 80K-90K people...there just HAS to be a few that are cool.

And while I'm on the topic of cool people...why is the live chat always dead? I think I saw one person talk once, but that was about it.
People suck up here too, but there's got to be a few. There just HAS to be, law of probability and all. I live just outside of a place with 80K-90K people...there just HAS to be a few that are cool.
Very true man.
Im just thankful for the limited interaction i get with ppl like yourself who remind me to stay positive.

Luckily I'm blessed with a wife who doubles as my best friend, so that helps out quite a bit as well.
And while I'm on the topic of cool people...why is the live chat always dead? I think I saw one person talk once, but that was about it.

I'm not really aware what that is or even means lol
Computers aren't really my strong suit..how is 'live chat' different than what you and i are doing now?
I'm not really aware what that is or even means lol
Computers aren't really my strong suit..how is 'live chat' different than what you and i are doing now?

I heard it described as email on steroids or a phone call using text. A little more instantaneous. Not the lag time you notice here sometimes
Kind of the opposite for me, I'm already a shut-in, RIU has restored a bit of my faith in humanity and made me even more determined to get out and meet people. Hell, it's proven they can't ALL be bad.

Leaving the apartment and going further than a block.

Words of advice: Don't insult people on the street the way they do on RIU. You could get punched in the face.

One more: they never look as good in person as we imagine in our heads.

Good luck and soak up some rays while you are out there.