help, are these balls? (pics)


Active Member
Hey, first time grower here, finally getting to sexing the plants, i have some females confirmed, and some i don't know. They look like buds but maybe they're balls, i don't know. Anyone can confirm?



Well-Known Member
im going to say male i couldn't see a female white pistol but give it another day or two and look,it won't pollinate by then


Well-Known Member
give it a few days it might be a late bloomer and dont worry its not like your ladies will get pregnant by lookin at the guys lol


Well-Known Member
Looks like female pre flowers to me. Females usually take longer to sex from what I've experienced. Give it a little more time to be sure.

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Well-Known Member
The 2nd pic might have a sac in the background, but for me it's still too early to tell....sometimes the leaves that grow from nodes can look like balls at first, till the leaf actually grows out..You've got time.........IMO


Active Member
What are those little ladies doin in the HPS side? same question with the fattie on the CFL side???

u experimenting?
Yeah, kind of, with HPS and CFL, trying to figure out which is better, though so far I think HPS > CFL. However, if I see that CFL gives the same results like yield I'll probably stick with it cause it's cheaper.

Thanks for the replies guys, I'll wait a little longer before giving the suspected dudes the chop :(