BC99 at it again! Blue Cheese x LUSH , Peyote Purple x Tahoe Og, Chemband et al.


Well-Known Member
That Bubba Yields light like my Purple Kush seems to be doing now.
I hope the smoke is worth it.
I might pollinate her if run again to get something that yields at least a lil better.
A 3ft plant with 1 oz or less is pathetic


Well-Known Member
Which ones...?

Edit: Everything I have made with the exception of the C99 which i just bred down a generation, and the Grape Kush, which I have made f2's of is still at F1 status.

Some strains have been grown and tested out, but different ones have more variables than others.

For instance, the Grape Kush F1's all grew fairly uniform. Very minor variation between phenos.

The Stank Ape and Skunky Monkey have the widest variety of phenos from anything that I have crosssed.

I am expecting the Sasha x BubbaCougar to have a lot of phenos as well, hopefully out of the 8 I have, I can find a desirable male and female. Since i already know specifically what I am looking for, it makes it easier to decide which ones i keep, and which I toss. I have no problem tossing a female plant if it is not up to my expectations... or a male for that matter.
It was just a general question about your breeding. I have been doing alot of research into plant breeding and breeding for specific traits and it seems like you need a shitload of plants to really stabilize the genetics so that you can predict what the seeds will be.


Well-Known Member
It was just a general question about your breeding. I have been doing alot of research into plant breeding and breeding for specific traits and it seems like you need a shitload of plants to really stabilize the genetics so that you can predict what the seeds will be.
I am way far off from stabilizing anything.. I had the perfect setup to continue what i was doing, but 2 moves in 2 years kinda screwed that all up..


Well-Known Member
sketchy LOL
yeah i know. i had to move halfwa thru flower. was kinda unexpected to be honest. they did well tho. the herojuanas had to be tied together so i lost a lot of yield becuz of it. got 2.5 oz total out of 2 plants that would have been closer to 4 each. but u live u learn. everything else came out pretty well all things considered.


Well-Known Member
Built a small veg box for the ladies (and gents if there are any)

2013-04-13 14.30.15.jpg

I am still working on a front for it though, it was a pain in the ass without screws. Built that bitch old school, hammer and nails.


Well-Known Member
I grew a skunky monkey once that came out looking like an entirely different strain. It had like no bud structure, was crammed with sugar leaves and frosty as hell. It wreaked of skunk, was purple inside and was actually very popular despite the lack of "nugs"


Well-Known Member
nice likle box dere can just hang like a heavy piece of drapery - canvas - tarp me it com from over the top to cover around the corners an just hang a little



Well-Known Member
nice likle box dere can just hang like a heavy piece of drapery - canvas - tarp me it com from over the top to cover around the corners an just hang a little

Thats what i was thinking. Just hang a white cloth over it...
Box doesnt get too hot cause they are flouro tubes.


Well-Known Member
I grew a skunky monkey once that came out looking like an entirely different strain. It had like no bud structure, was crammed with sugar leaves and frosty as hell. It wreaked of skunk, was purple inside and was actually very popular despite the lack of "nugs"
Was this a clone, or a seed?

Not all of them can be winners, lol.

A lot of different phenos when it comes to the skunky monkey.