I was actually commenting on the age of the post you quoted.
Maybe it's time for me to pick up the pipe. :lol:

I wasn't at all associating it, my mind has shut down most analytical processes and I'm just chillin' here with coffee and a smoke while posting this afternoon.
I think it's funny how we are giving shit to yellowTop for being a little creepy to the ladies, but look at the tags on this thread. Pretty ironic and funny.
Totally awesome... wish I could make it - if I could, I'd grab another who's holding the venue there later on and bring Aikido Sangenkai and we'll get him stoned off his ass before his 25th wedding anniversary too.
I actually wanted to go to the 420 concert on oahu. soja is playing there :( but ya, ooklah the moc is good enough for me. still be jammin concert tho
fig, its gonna be funky tonight.
Peyote: this guy. Im not looking for riu stalkers when Im out having a good time.
fig, its gonna be funky tonight.
Peyote: this guy. Im not looking for riu stalkers when Im out having a good time.

Sounds like a fun time - just make sure you line up another concert after this one, so you can start your own touring to see the concert tours circuit.. on a party bus (make sure it's cannabis friendly too)
Here's a good rendition of me as an alien:
