30 days!


This is my first grow and I'm 30 days in and just want to know what you guys think. My set up is a 1000 wathps my soil is sunshine mix #4 with green planet full line also they all in 3 gal pots image.jpg



Well-Known Member
Looks like its lacking some nutes, or may have ph lockout. Are you PHing water? Whats your soil base? What and how much if any nutrients are you feeding?


Its 30 days flowering and I'm using a 1000 watt hps are the buds good size for 30 days? And yeah I know one or 2 of them are a little yellow I normally give them water phed at about 6.5 but it was a little lower the last feed or so oh and I'm giving them about 300-500 ppm


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty standard for 30 days to me. Also I would be feeding 800+ PPM at this point, I would start working my way up If I were you.


I don't really wanna give them nute burn a few of them only veged for a month I don't think they could take 800...


Well-Known Member
I gave you a low number. Most people are at about 1500 at the stage you are at. IF you want big tasty buds I would up your nutes. Start going up by 200 or so every week and see how it goes if you notice your tips getting burnt back off.