How many USA vets here?

america is mostly always the aggressor, but it will only ever involve itself for personal gain, ie oil, government take over,
but i cant say much as our (uk) government is no better, just a us puppet.
shame they couldnt have done some good with that great army they have in syria and saved many lives.
so the you two libs think I don't question our government. you both know what the first word in assume is don't ya. its ASS. and thats what two of you sound like. a braying ass.
sometimes I might not agree with what our country does but I still know its the best thing going. And when you join the military you take an oath. now I'm sure you two have never done anything like this which is why you don't understand. When I took that oath that meant I follow orders, PERIOD. if not someone gets killed thats just how it goes. i was in the infantry where the bullets fly and the mortars drop. Believe me we aren't the only ones shooting. We just happen to be a lot better than any other military in the world why because we TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN.
Now I don't expect dolts like you two to understand this because you have never served anything but yourselves. Just little kids who think they know it all. you two will grow up one day.
Lol @ calling me a liberal.

Youre just stupid.

Why do you support unauthorised acts of war in countries that never attacked yours?

Lol, you don't support your troops if you support that crap.
so the you two libs think I don't question our government. you both know what the first word in assume is don't ya. its ASS. and thats what two of you sound like. a braying ass.
sometimes I might not agree with what our country does but I still know its the best thing going. And when you join the military you take an oath. now I'm sure you two have never done anything like this which is why you don't understand. When I took that oath that meant I follow orders, PERIOD. if not someone gets killed thats just how it goes. i was in the infantry where the bullets fly and the mortars drop. Believe me we aren't the only ones shooting. We just happen to be a lot better than any other military in the world why because we TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN.
Now I don't expect dolts like you two to understand this because you have never served anything but yourselves. Just little kids who think they know it all. you two will grow up one day.


Haha... I been there done that... I, however, am not the stupid zealot I was back then - you, it seems are.

Too bad your eyes are still closed, but then, we are nothing more than the potters clay... Some clay is meant for enlightenment, compassion, and better things... Some clay (like you) is meant for nothing but the trash heap - this is why you are still un-enlightened. Good luck to you, maybe someday you won't be such a feeble minded tool :P
Gagekko, Iraqi war vet here. Red Horse Squadron. After returning home I joined Vets for Peace and Iraqi Veterans against the war, I was very naive when I joined and had an ethical/moral crisis when I was deployed. I thought we had a responsibility to the civilians and treated them with kindness, respect, and generosity and I got that in return. This led many of my coworkers to believe that I was "aiding the enemy" and "a security threat". See where being a nice person gets you in the military?
I thought about getting rid of my US citizenship because of the things I'd witnessed. I'm not so angry anymore, but I'm VERY critical of our government and military.
Gagekko, Iraqi war vet here. Red Horse Squadron. After returning home I joined Vets for Peace and Iraqi Veterans against the war, I was very naive when I joined and had an ethical/moral crisis when I was deployed. I thought we had a responsibility to the civilians and treated them with kindness, respect, and generosity and I got that in return. This led many of my coworkers to believe that I was "aiding the enemy" and "a security threat". See where being a nice person gets you in the military?
I thought about getting rid of my US citizenship because of the things I'd witnessed. I'm not so angry anymore, but I'm VERY critical of our government and military.
Thats an organisation I can get behind.

Real soldiers know battles should be fought only when entirely necessary and if they have integrity, will follow orders but not blindly believe they're doing the right thing.
so the you two libs think I don't question our government. you both know what the first word in assume is don't ya. its ASS. and thats what two of you sound like. a braying ass.
sometimes I might not agree with what our country does but I still know its the best thing going. And when you join the military you take an oath. now I'm sure you two have never done anything like this which is why you don't understand. When I took that oath that meant I follow orders, PERIOD. if not someone gets killed thats just how it goes. i was in the infantry where the bullets fly and the mortars drop. Believe me we aren't the only ones shooting. We just happen to be a lot better than any other military in the world why because we TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN.
Now I don't expect dolts like you two to understand this because you have never served anything but yourselves. Just little kids who think they know it all. you two will grow up one day.

You know, I don't remember that part of the oath. Refresh my memory?
How many people did you have to slaughter to figure that out?

Pity you didn't listen to the voice saying "don't be a fool" instead of "America, Fuck Yeah!!"

Just remember when you get few positive results; this is how you announced your presence in this thread. Probably not the best way to accomplish anything useful. Though it does a great job of making you look like an assuming ass.
Gagekko, Iraqi war vet here. Red Horse Squadron. After returning home I joined Vets for Peace and Iraqi Veterans against the war, I was very naive when I joined and had an ethical/moral crisis when I was deployed. I thought we had a responsibility to the civilians and treated them with kindness, respect, and generosity and I got that in return. This led many of my coworkers to believe that I was "aiding the enemy" and "a security threat". See where being a nice person gets you in the military?
I thought about getting rid of my US citizenship because of the things I'd witnessed. I'm not so angry anymore, but I'm VERY critical of our government and military.
The only person you have to be true is to yourself. In the end, that's all that matters. A lot of vets blame the military or their commanders for the shit they did - I venture to say this is part of why the military has such a high suicide rate. But as long as you didn't buy into the illegal and immoral actions, then I say you have stayed true to yourself and your code of ethics.

Shame on the military for trying to turn us into savages and buy into their blood sacrifices.... But shame on us ten fold if we let them.
Gagekko, Iraqi war vet here. Red Horse Squadron. After returning home I joined Vets for Peace and Iraqi Veterans against the war, I was very naive when I joined and had an ethical/moral crisis when I was deployed. I thought we had a responsibility to the civilians and treated them with kindness, respect, and generosity and I got that in return. This led many of my coworkers to believe that I was "aiding the enemy" and "a security threat". See where being a nice person gets you in the military?
I thought about getting rid of my US citizenship because of the things I'd witnessed. I'm not so angry anymore, but I'm VERY critical of our government and military.

IVAW member here myself. Was even at winter soldier.
What's a winter soldier? I will have to look that up, lol.

Oh ok, good. I'm glad we have winter soldiers and that you did that! I saw some horrible things when I was in Iraq.

Yeah gegekko, but you can't help but feel responisble when you are a member of a group that does things you don't agree with. You can't help but feel like you could have done more. Sorta like you're the one that brought the bullies to the schoolyard.
USAF 22 years retired...Did more good then bad, so I sleep well. People if you think your government is so evil I would suggest you travel to countries like China or North Korea. Please let me know how you feel afterwards
It's a shame none of the wars of the last 10 years have done anything to enhance US security.

well while accomplishing technically nothing, we have become that unstable crazy person running around with knife.

People don't fuck with crazy people holding knifes. unfortunately people don't like crazies.

So to say it has done nothing isnt quit true, but if they actually planned it to happen its kinda fucken stupid.
USAF 22 years retired...Did more good then bad, so I sleep well. People if you think your government is so evil I would suggest you travel to countries like China or North Korea. Please let me know how you feel afterwards

I knew a few people from china when I went to college. Always super stoked about all the shit we take for granted.

"America so fortunate, you get to pick what you want to do as a career. In china we take a test at a young age and they ship you to specialty schools to learn what you will be doing for the rest of your life."
Always stoked about politics & a bunch of shit we expect to be the minimum requirements. Like traffic that actually stays in between the lines . cleanliness of food places , he had a funny word for the grocery store but I don't remember.

Then the other person form china , she fled with her father. Her father was a successful immigrant that came to america, got a phd and became a professor. He went back to china and wrote a book.
He wrote about how he went to america worked hard, capitalism type things. He also wrote about choice and how limited china is EX; there are 10,000 options for toothbrushes even though they do the same thing.

After publishing the book he became an enemy to the state of china. China detained ,him but he was able to contact his colleagues in America. They got some politicians to support his release by saying , "The USA disdains the action taken for someone exercising free speech" . They released him to a US embassy which shipped him back to the USA from there.
What's a winter soldier? I will have to look that up, lol.

Oh ok, good. I'm glad we have winter soldiers and that you did that! I saw some horrible things when I was in Iraq.

Yeah gegekko, but you can't help but feel responisble when you are a member of a group that does things you don't agree with. You can't help but feel like you could have done more. Sorta like you're the one that brought the bullies to the schoolyard.
You can do more bro... You can get the word out what your unit did - don't let people justify the fucked up shit because it was "war". The USA gets into wars and says its because we are trying to liberate the people from oppression.... Just how are we "liberating" them? A bullet to the head? Fuck that noise. People are people, we all want the same shit in life - a nice home, good things for our family... I don't give a damn if they are in China, Russia, or Arizona... Peeps are peeps.

Get the word out what your unit did in the war... Hopefully it'll make sure that people wont repeat the fucked up shit done.
USAF 22 years retired...Did more good then bad, so I sleep well. People if you think your government is so evil I would suggest you travel to countries like China or North Korea. Please let me know how you feel afterwards
Just because you don't see the end result of your bombs, missiles, and drones doesn't mean Air Force is 100% innocent - but you fly boys/girls do get paid well and stay out of harms way for the most part. I know a guy that works for Lockheed and he doesn't seem to think there is anything wrong with designing missiles to kill more people - to each their own.

And, BTW, the "love it or leave it" speech is for feeble minded with no other argument.... I did my time in the military - most likely seen more horrors than you. So I got just as much right to my opinion.
well while accomplishing technically nothing, we have become that unstable crazy person running around with knife.

People don't fuck with crazy people holding knifes. unfortunately people don't like crazies.

So to say it has done nothing isnt quit true, but if they actually planned it to happen its kinda fucken stupid.
In the SHORT term, yes, making your neighbors afraid of you will enhance you security but in the long run, all you did was make enemies waiting for the day to fuck you up.... Which is really better?
Former US Marine here...1st Battalion 4th Marines. 1 tour Afghanistan.I miss my brothers. I do not regret at all joining the Corps. Would I do it over again? Hell yeah. The people of Afghanistan are true peaceful people. All they want is to be prosperous and happy. The same dream we chase. Unfortunately there are the few shitheads that ruin the image.Besides, the reason I'm even here telling you this, even growing. Is because of a fucking huge afghani grow I saw. It changed my life. One humble old man farmed in the mountains all by himself. Now I have a sanctuary to myself just like him.
Former US Marine here...1st Battalion 4th Marines. 1 tour Afghanistan.I miss my brothers. I do not regret at all joining the Corps. Would I do it over again? Hell yeah. The people of Afghanistan are true peaceful people. All they want is to be prosperous and happy. The same dream we chase. Unfortunately there are the few shitheads that ruin the image.Besides, the reason I'm even here telling you this, even growing. Is because of a fucking huge afghani grow I saw. It changed my life. One humble old man farmed in the mountains all by himself. Now I have a sanctuary to myself just like him.
How many of his friends, family and countrymen did you kill?

I bet they all smiled and gave you the handshake with their left hand.