Firearms Freindly Collective?

When does political negligence become political maleficence?

When does political negligence become political maleficence?

that attempt at changing the subject was almost as pathetic as the fairy tale zombie kid you worship :lol:

so, are you going to apologize for lying to the members of this fine board?
i find it impossible to load pics, must be im a redneck from hell

When I post them, I don't upload at all... I right click on the pic I find, choose 'copy picture' and then CTRL+V / paste it into the typing box with my msg, also stops the forums from making a little clickable thumbnail and forces it to the normal image size as it was saved, or max allowed if it's bigger than that.
Hmm, am not sure if this is specific to 5.. but should work with the 4 as well.. double tap on a picture, select copy.. will copy it.. to paste, you'll use double tap again in the box you'd type in and select paste. I haven't played with an iphone in years, but if memory serves - that's the copy/paste method you'd use from what I remember reading many years ago. Would have to google to ensure it's 100% accurate.
appreciate the insight, maybe then I wouldn't jus hafta poste videos, lol.
now I'm thinking

Could always save them locally through safari in the iphone browser too, then upload to a place like and link to them.. alternatively.

Doggummitt... won't let me paste for some resin lol. failed at photobucket before. just gonna dump this tele. for a nuclear 3D i5 telephonix, (from after Apple sold all to LG.), set up another email acct, stop posting as Billy Mays for trade-in new "1 post acct." Ha, maybe an iPad to boot and then I'm off n runnin'. Jamaica and Mexico Baby.

Later suckerz, Abe gotta brand nu bag.

thanks for tek support Fig.!!
that attempt at changing the subject was almost as pathetic as the fairy tale zombie kid you worship :lol:

so, are you going to apologize for lying to the members of this fine board?

I will ask a third and final time, how many innocent law abiding citizens were murdered in their homes as a direct result of the Washington DC and Chicago legislation? The facts of the matter are now a public record and the reality is neither questionable or excusable. If your politics had any accountability and/or integrity our country would not be wasting time and effort repeating itself. As gun legislation now has a history of promising security and delivering tragedy, I would suggest manufacturing at least success story as that seems to fit your skill set ...


... For those of you whom cannot understand the reality here in the US, I suggest you take trip south of the border to seek your security provided by the exact strict gun laws you seek here. It's nothing more than a joke, yet there are not many laughing in Mexico are there :(
i am-

a machine designed to kill. the Lord my God made me perfect in every respect to it. anything i hold in my hand is only an extension of it. all life is not equal. 10% were left to remain and try to destroy the creation. since then they have proliferated and become many. i'm preety sure dealing with them is a task of mine as i can see them.

did you get the little gift my Lord sent to you? i know you'd like to believe it was just a coincidence, so this time He will send the package to your wife. i am fulfilling the request now.

also i think i should note uncle buck has quite the time keeping the neighborhood teenagers from his pot garden. guns, knives, fists, intelligence. none of these are things buck could use effectively to remove teenage pests from his garden. he even erected a fence and lights. he is so mired in disbelief there are no "things to help him. he thinks an accusing mouth, and a debaucherous mind are qualities to be commended for. also his father was a draft dodger.

and he ratted out fdd.
I will ask a third and final time, how many innocent law abiding citizens were murdered in their homes as a direct result of the Washington DC and Chicago legislation?

obama voted against that legislation in chicago, you blithering fucktard.

now please apologize to everyone for lying to them.
did you get the little gift my Lord sent to you? i know you'd like to believe it was just a coincidence, so this time He will send the package to your wife. i am fulfilling the request now.

your fairy tale is rotting your brain, ya racist old coot!

all is normal at this end. maybe pray harder. that should work, eh?

ya fucking retard.