id bet youd be great arguing with middleschoolers under the bleachers.
i never see you snarling at advanced warnings, or alternative choices, or artificial prostheses.
why the selective semantic disarmament? cui bono?
bonum commune imo. I see no good and much harm in the attitude being promoted: "let the police handle it". Police should not be the "lasyt mile" of an overarching security force ... that is not properly within their ambit, even though (perhaps especially) because they're champing at their bits to take that job on.
What advance warnings/alternative choices can take over the job of an armed citizen in her down defense? "The police" is neither a practical answer nor a recommended abdication. cn
whereas you religious, bible thumping types specialize in diddling middleschoolers anywhere you can.
you kiddy diddling fucks disgust me.
so it appears that theWOMAN13 is too much of a vagina to apologize for lying to us.
the real mark of a man is that he can admit his mistakes. theWOMAN13 is carrying on in the same fashion as a 13 year old girl.
p.s. the phrase " assault weapon" is a bit silly no? Aren't all weapons for assaulting? What makes one more prone to an assault than another lmao.
p.s. the phrase " assault weapon" is a bit silly no? Aren't all weapons for assaulting? What makes one more prone to an assault than another lmao.
whereas you religious, bible thumping types specialize in diddling middleschoolers anywhere you can.
you kiddy diddling fucks disgust me.