Firearms Freindly Collective?

This thread really brought out everyone's asshat.

Obama this, republicans that.

Seriously, if you own a gun for protection, that's fine, use it for protection.

But if some people don't like the idea, or feel uncomfortable with being around others, locked and ready to "protect",

Then so be it. This is America, you may have the right to bear arms, but I also have the right not to like it, and speaking my mind about it is as American as it gets.

Quit pointing fingers and wake up to the idea that what makes us a great nation is our ability to accept others for what THEY believe.

Gun nuts act like THE only law the matters is the right to bear arms, and act surprised when the government tries to take our rights?

They put people in jail for growing a plant. Keep acting like a machine gun ban is infringing your rights, while 1 million Americans are jailed And fined for owning a plant each year. Children are taken away from parents. As soon as Obama wants to take your child away ffrom you for owing a gun, I will have sympathy for you.
you are correct-

and mistaken. you do have the right to tell me. it ends there. the next rule is i get to be scared and hold my gun. end of story. don't like the rules in here, leave.

i have sworn an oath, to protect the constitution as it were. i intend to keep it. the meaning of " foreign and DOMESTIC" has never been clearer.
tom j. warned me.
Just playing devil's advocate..Of course we have the right to free speech. you can say "I hate guns, they scare me, etc,". Whatever right? The right to bear arms is just as equal yes? "Gun Nuts" get lumped in with good men who want their sons to have the same rights their grandfathers had. You said they are ok for protection, but what about hunting? Very common practice here in the u.s. of a.
And then you compare a machine gun ban to the drug war, which we are all against the drug war here right?
As far as I know there has only been talk of an "assault weapons" ban which doesn't really have a definition. Could be any gun. Noone uses machine guns as far as I know LoL. Noone is asking for sympathy. I want nothing from the government except for 'them' to respect my rights, that alot of people already have died fighting to gain and protect.
Just playing devil's advocate..Of course we have the right to free speech. you can say "I hate guns, they scare me, etc,". Whatever right? The right to bear arms is just as equal yes? "Gun Nuts" get lumped in with good men who want their sons to have the same rights their grandfathers had. You said they are ok for protection, but what about hunting? Very common practice here in the u.s. of a.
And then you compare a machine gun ban to the drug war, which we are all against the drug war here right?
As far as I know there has only been talk of an "assault weapons" ban which doesn't really have a definition. Could be any gun. Noone uses machine guns as far as I know LoL. Noone is asking for sympathy. I want nothing from the government except for the to respect my rights, that alot of people already have died fighting to gain and protect.

It really is tough to draw a line somewhere on what should be allowed and what shouldn't to me. One extreme would be to abolish all law and let everything go. The other would be to put one master in charge to control everybody. We live in between both. There is an ebb and flow to all of it in my opinion. What's right or wrong I can't say with absolute certainty. I try to learn as much as I can.
the constitution is the agreed document by which we legally deem things right or wrong. in my opinion the writers tried to preserve the human spirit in it. preserving under societies law individuals. if that was there intent that doesn't mean they did so perfectly. yes i'm saying it, the constitution may not be a perfect example of right and wrong.
it's as close as it gets-

who's better? Jeshua? it's as close to his law as we could come. do you know the real reason the king james was made? i think it's because the Bible taught there is no such thing as government. it's all false. there is one King only.
Looking for a firearms friendly collective.

I don't like to go anywhere unless Im packing. Especially a place that has top grade drugs, money, (obv) a largely female staff, isn't in the greatest part of town, and a known weapons policy. facepalm. Really?!? a no weapons policy? Are you that frigging retarded? You imply that a person who is possibly willing to KILL YOU is going to stop when he finds out his weapon isn't allowed in the establishment? I fought for, and voted for your rights, the least you can do, is respect mine.

Anyhow, enough of the rant. Anybody know a good spot?
so im just gonna say federal crime. weed+guns=long jail time.

its the government that caused this not the owner. wise up before speaking. i carry but i respect places that choose not to have them in their establishment.
Just playing devil's advocate..Of course we have the right to free speech. you can say "I hate guns, they scare me, etc,". Whatever right? The right to bear arms is just as equal yes? "Gun Nuts" get lumped in with good men who want their sons to have the same rights their grandfathers had. You said they are ok for protection, but what about hunting? Very common practice here in the u.s. of a.
And then you compare a machine gun ban to the drug war, which we are all against the drug war here right?
As far as I know there has only been talk of an "assault weapons" ban which doesn't really have a definition. Could be any gun. Noone uses machine guns as far as I know LoL. Noone is asking for sympathy. I want nothing from the government except for 'them' to respect my rights, that alot of people already have died fighting to gain and protect.

My thoughts on guns have changed lately. I have never had an issue with people owning guns, but I didn't see the logic in carrying everywhere in public. I have backed off of that and understand why people want to have guns on them in public now.

What baffles me though is the resistance from the gun advocates to background checks. If some one is mentally fit, and has been adequately trained, they should be able to carry their guns with them at all times. If someone is right off their rocker then they shouldn't be able to own a gun period. There is just no reasonable argument to me that justifies allowing any random person to go to a gun show and buy whatever weapon they please and however many rounds they please with no questions asked. There are higher standards than that in place to log on to a porn website.
Mostly agreeable. I wonder where they would draw the line? I have had charges for malicous destruction of police vehicle and resisting and obstructing charges. Not nuts, just willing to defend myself sometimes, even if the idiots I'm fighting have mace and guns?

My thoughts on guns have changed lately. I have never had an issue with people owning guns, but I didn't see the logic in carrying everywhere in public. I have backed off of that and understand why people want to have guns on them in public now.

What baffles me though is the resistance from the gun advocates to background checks. If some one is mentally fit, and has been adequately trained, they should be able to carry their guns with them at all times. If someone is right off their rocker then they shouldn't be able to own a gun period. There is just no reasonable argument to me that justifies allowing any random person to go to a gun show and buy whatever weapon they please and however many rounds they please with no questions asked. There are higher standards than that in place to log on to a porn website.
That's a good point taco. Who gets to decide who's mentally fit and who's not?

I don't know how to answer that, but I know that I have come across some peeps in my lifetime that are nuttier than a pecan pie and have no business walking around with a gun.