Up shit creek!Res size too small!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys. I have a wilma system that I turned into a DWC but I have just realized 5 weeks into flower that the res is way too small for four plants (6.5 gallons). The PH will drop nearly everyday from 6.2 to 4.8! I'm assuming it's because they are taking all of the N and leaving a high amount of P which is dropping the PH. I'm changing it everyday and that kind of PH swing is going to fuck them!

What the hell can I do here folks! At this rate I am going to lose this crop and 600 pounds in costs for F all!

Any input would be great :)


Well-Known Member
I'm lost. How are you using the Wilma for dwc? Dwc is individual res.
well i basically drilled holes in the pots and top tray to let the roots into the res. i never thought about res size and the even greater uptake of solution. its a complete oversight.


Well-Known Member
no unfortunatley not. they are still in the pots so removing them would just rip half of the root system off. i think i will just have too start doing res changes every day or two. do you think a change that regularly will stress them?


You could always use a second reservoir and connect them in 2 different ways.
Option1: pick up two 1 inch PVC threaded coupling with male thread and slip, and two with female threads and slip. You will also need a section of PVC pipe and two 1 1/4 inch rubber washers (in plumbing section of Lowes). Drill a 1 1/4 inch hole in each reservoir, place one coupling (doesnt matter which one) inside the sump the rubber washer on the inside coupling and screw the other in from the outside. Connect the two sumps and the water between the two will equalize.
Option 2: pick up two 1" 90 degree PVC fittings and a short section of 1 inch pvc. Build a U shape with the pvc and angles, flip over and connect the two sumps. Feed a section of airline up into the middle of the U shape and suck out the air. As long as the U is below the water level of both sumps a siphon will form and equalize the levels between two tanks.
The siphon doesn't really allow the free flow of water as the two connected do, but both will increase you water volume.

I used to do alot of saltwater tanks and these principles are used on many tanks as an auto topoff or overflow to the filter.


New Member
Buy a bigger rubbermaid and lid and cut the lid to accept your smaller lid and plop it on top of the larger res.


Well-Known Member
I think morbius has the best solution just get another res and hook them together I would get two small sump pumps and use them to circulate the nutrient solution between the two


Well-Known Member
You could always use a second reservoir and connect them in 2 different ways.
Option1: pick up two 1 inch PVC threaded coupling with male thread and slip, and two with female threads and slip. You will also need a section of PVC pipe and two 1 1/4 inch rubber washers (in plumbing section of Lowes). Drill a 1 1/4 inch hole in each reservoir, place one coupling (doesnt matter which one) inside the sump the rubber washer on the inside coupling and screw the other in from the outside. Connect the two sumps and the water between the two will equalize.
Option 2: pick up two 1" 90 degree PVC fittings and a short section of 1 inch pvc. Build a U shape with the pvc and angles, flip over and connect the two sumps. Feed a section of airline up into the middle of the U shape and suck out the air. As long as the U is below the water level of both sumps a siphon will form and equalize the levels between two tanks.
The siphon doesn't really allow the free flow of water as the two connected do, but both will increase you water volume.

I used to do alot of saltwater tanks and these principles are used on many tanks as an auto topoff or overflow to the filter.
i know its asking alot but could you do a mediocre diagram for the first idea on paint lol thanks