So then you agree...
Most defifnitely. Without a doubt.
.....with the exception that your wording is more complicated and you think someone should spend lots of money and time in "professional counseling". When really their problem can be solved by just not associating with such a person and moving on with their life. I feel my solution is quicker, cheaper and easier(maybe not mentally for the reasons we both stated). Bottom line is there is no reason whatsoever to stay with someone who physically abuses another person...end of story. Emotional abuse is a little different, since we all lapse and say things we know we shouldn't from time to time.
And if children are involved you just take them with don't stay for them, you leave for them!
Yes get the heck out of there for the childrens sake Unfortunately mothers are too emotionally weak to do so. With all physical abuse comes mental and emotional abuse. How could there not be?
Someone you thought you were going to live happily ever after with has just distroyed and shattered your world. It is a LOT more complex than just picking up and leaving.
In researching this you will find that these men who abuse has very low self esteem issues. They want to abuse their power and hold their wife captive while doing so. Often these men have VERY tight reins on thse women. They often can't call friends and family as the men will isolate them for the very reason that THEY know it is wrong and do not want to woman to seek help because they know that they will leave them and then they will not see their children and will be in trouble with the law.
Life is really not that difficult or complicated. I guarantee that if every person in the world were to look at there life right this moment, they would see they do not have any problems in this moment. Some may have challenges at this moment, but nothing that can be overcome. Most peoples problems are these big convoluted situations that them what to be these big enormous life alter problems. But if someone really feels they have a problem with their life all that it takes is one simple little choice.
Do you want to choose to continue to live that way or not.
Like I said. IT sounds all so simple on paper but there are a LOT of emotional issues involved with abuse. A LOT more than you obviously realize. I can not stress this point enough!! If someone feels that they are in a shitty situation, it is only because they are choosing to allow it to continue. You can always do something to change it, even if it means just simply walking away. No if's and's or but's.
But there are OFTEN if's ands and buts. If your husband is basically holding you hostage to avoid confronting the situation, then no it isn't as easy as walking away. That is why they have all kinds of health centers for woman in this transition. They first help these women gain back some of their self esteem and then they help them make and follow a workable plan for them to follow. Many women have been killed trying to leave men like this. And every living entity on the planet instinctually knows this at the core of their being. Sometimes in humans it tends to get drowned out by that little voice in your head otherwise known as your ego.
Well YESSSSSS! Absolutely without a doubt BUT you are still missing the point. FEAR is ego based. Fear comes from the ego. If and when you are ever in distress you are not coming from a place of inner serenity. It is so easy to sit there and type all that about inner souls and all but these people are so far removed from being in 'that' zone. The kind of wording you are using is philosophy and spirituality....and psychological healing. They are FAR from this point. Thats is why they need to seek help first. They need help to realize that they are entitled to this and deserve better. Many of them are so beaten down they can not even fanthom this notion. Its beyond their perception. THIS here is why these people need help. They need to be shown some human compassion first for them to believe they are worthy of better.
The fact that people, whether they are in the situation or not, defending this position only gives this ego mind set credibility. Makes the person think that since people are sympathetic, it allows them to believe that staying in such a situation is right. They have to try to fix or live with this problem or situation they don't want. That just seems plain stupid to with something you don't want. I mean come on, there is a whole profession of "doctors" that specialize in it. If the first generation of women that got abused had just walked away rather then talked to someone, there would be no abuse now.
OMG buddy. You've got to be kidding me. I could not disagree with you more on this.
Back then you would NEVER even discuss personal affairs with anyone. Marriage was for better or worse and people believed this. People just didn't get up and leave in those days. It was unheard of.
Those men would have learned quick that they would be alone if they did that, so subsequently it would have been breed out, evolution. But instead we created a whole industry of people who get paid to sit on their asses to listen to people.
YES but again you are missing the fact here that women were NOT in the work-force back then. They did not have the same outlet that you men have. It isn'tt that cut and dry as you are stating here.
These men wouldn't have been alone. They would have hunted down their ex and beat her into submission or perhaps even killed her.
Being a man yourself here srgpepper you don't have a clue what it is like to be beaten and attacked by someone you love.
I met a man through a mutual friend. We started dating and fell in love. The realtionship was amazing. We were both so much in love and shared so much together. He was like my knight in shining armour.
We had an amzing sexual relationship that we both enjoyed and I taught him a lot which he really loved. The only thing is our relationship became sexually based. It seemed that when he didn't get it when he wanted it he would flip out.
And then the jealousy began. I no longer could see this mutual friend who had introduced us because he was a real jealous ass. He would stalk me and follow me would I found kind of cute at first but it eventually became just plain spooky.
At the time when we first started seeing each other he was still living with his parents. THAT should have been my first clue. He wanted to move in with me but I would not let him so he got a very nice apartment. When I did go over to visit and stay with him we always had an amazing time. It was almost magical.
It was ALL good until I wanted to leave. Then this guy would play ALL kinds of head games on me and start getting aggressive.
This went on like this for a while but I just chalked it all up to the fact that he was so in LOVE with me.
Later he had to go to the states for some training. He called and asked me to come down and my first instinct was to say no. Well this guy could cry at the drop of a hat and he would. So I went down there. While there one night because I did not want to have sex with him one night,....he hit me and completely knocked my ear drum out of my head. If I had a shower water would just run right into my sinuses. It was REALLY bad.
The worst thing was he did not want to take me to the doctor because he would get into trouble. Never mind the fact that my ear was bleeding and become extremely infected. Then I had to board an airplane and go up in the sky with a ruptured extremely infected eardrum. Thats completely sucked. I had to go along with it because I had no way of getting home otherwise.
I later had to have an operation for them to take skin graphs and make me an eardrum. It still is not fixed properly as I get water leaks. And the thing is,...I love the water. This guy knew that and now I cannot submerge me head in water at all or go int the shower without a earplug.
I could go on, but I am tired. I hope I have made my point in the way that I intended. No matter what the situation or question, you already know the truth....sometimes you may need help uncovering it, but it is there. But you are the only one who chooses how long it takes to find and accept it.