Random Jibber Jabber Thread

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Orithil again.

Man I hope to smoke one with you some day!!

I was thinking about this today.....we need to organize our own woodstock....fuck it....you know.....bring on the CLASSIC ROCK and have a Smokin good time....I'm sorry guys but its really really really hard to beat the classic rock era!!!!!!! I just dont EVER see that happening!!!
I was thinking about this today.....we need to organize our own woodstock....fuck it....you know.....bring on the CLASSIC ROCK and have a Smokin good time....I'm sorry guys but its really really really hard to beat the classic rock era!!!!!!! I just dont EVER see that happening!!!

To today's youth, Motley Crue is classic rock. I tend to think of Led Zepplin, Fleetwood Mac, The Beatles....hell I even enjoy just chilling to The Ventures on occasion.
I was thinking about this today.....we need to organize our own woodstock....fuck it....you know.....bring on the CLASSIC ROCK and have a Smokin good time....I'm sorry guys but its really really really hard to beat the classic rock era!!!!!!! I just dont EVER see that happening!!!

Im down

Now thats what I'm talking about....now thats a story...Peter Frampton being reunited with his Guitar after all those years when the plane went down with all the bands equiptment...I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in that hotel room when Peter flew back to Brazil to pick it up all those years later......he just assumed that it was lost forever...after all...it was a plane crash....now thats a sweet sweet story....I was at the MGM GRAND this past OCT to see the Eagles and JOE WALSH TEAR IT UP.......I love classic rock...love it
It would be an honor, one of these days I'll have to make a road trip to catch one with all the awesome people from here.

If you include AK,I'm down.

btw,I was thinking the same thing.I was thinking to start in Seattle,go down to Sd,Ca and the zig zag up to Maine.I've down that hitchiking before.Now I want to to it on a big ole Harley.
Then sell the bike and fly home
It would be an honor, one of these days I'll have to make a road trip to catch one with all the awesome people from here.

You'd be fun to smoke with, I'd smoke with ya.

To today's youth, Motley Crue is classic rock. I tend to think of Led Zepplin, Fleetwood Mac, The Beatles....hell I even enjoy just chilling to The Ventures on occasion.

KISS is classic, I've been a knight in the KISS Army since I was 6. LoL, my sister helped me fill out the little application and mail it in, when my mom found out we both got beat and dragged to church for confession,

I got 4 hours of sleep... New neighbors decided to drink and make noise until 4:00 this morning. I'm going to smoke this breakfast bowl, and go back to bed to start the boss lady's day right. And, wake up the neighbors with the thumping. Maybe I should throw on some Avenged Sevenfold (I'm thinking the Nightmare CD) to set a good tempo. Maybe some COC. or COF.
I threw some sugar leaf and a couple overly dried buds in my little hash storage jar (cuz, I'm all outta hash...) the other night, last night I smoked the bud, and threw the sugar leaf back in the bin with the rest of the leaf. I just picked up the jar and ran my finger around in it, just playin' around at scraping any random trichs that fell behind. My surprise and delight was a greenish brown fingertip. The hash residue in the jar softened up and just flaked off the jar onto my finger.
Hey people, I'm working up my idea for mini underwater bio domes, and I could use some advice now...I can not decide on how to create the oxygen cycle. I know I need animals to take in Oxygen and produce carbon dioxide, and I know they need a sustainable, renewable food source as well, but I don't want them attacking or eating the cannabis I plan to use as the tree-role in this experiment. So basically what I need, is suggestions on animals that could be used.

Keep in mind, these bio domes are being designed to be relatively small, say around one cubic meter.
Mr Squirrel came up to me just now. He was like, "Hey homey, you got any food for me?" .. I was like, "Nah brah, but I will take a picture of you!"

I threw some sugar leaf and a couple overly dried buds in my little hash storage jar (cuz, I'm all outta hash...) the other night, last night I smoked the bud, and threw the sugar leaf back in the bin with the rest of the leaf. I just picked up the jar and ran my finger around in it, just playin' around at scraping any random trichs that fell behind. My surprise and delight was a greenish brown fingertip. The hash residue in the jar softened up and just flaked off the jar onto my finger.

When I made my trimmer I used it to do my plants, this is what I scrapped off the grill. :):)
reward 005.jpgreward 006.jpg
It wasn't much but it was good!!
Sleepy time? Is everyone retired lol?

Yes? I used sleepy time and didn't say everyone was asleep in order to convey the image of a sleepy, non-busy village or hamlet. Implying not that everyone was asleep, but that mid-day my time on RIU isn't a very active time.
I really gotta stop leaving this page up.. Or stop giving the pad to customers " that's an interesting website you got there."