what would happen if i grew my plants in .5 gallon buckets?


Well-Known Member
would my plants grow fine if i put each of them in a .5 agllon bucked ive seen people grow plants fine in 16oz cups if i grew mine in .5 gallon buckets would it grow fine just stay small? im trying to keep all my plants under 3 feet tall and tips or suggestions? what about topping? when would be best to top?


Well-Known Member
would my plants grow fine if i put each of them in a .5 agllon bucked ive seen people grow plants fine in 16oz cups if i grew mine in .5 gallon buckets would it grow fine just stay small? im trying to keep all my plants under 3 feet tall and tips or suggestions? what about topping? when would be best to top?
that will definitely keep them dinky and pathetic!..why not just train them horizontal, or bonsai?


Active Member
there is alot you could do, I think growing them in a .5 gal is fine just make sure you keep it watered. I dont think tha will make them weak and dinky i think they will be fine. If you want to keep you plats small flower when they are about 2 ft tall, and top them off, but if you want them small your not going to be able to harvest a ton of bud, but that is why when people grow plats small they have a lot of plants a sea of green