Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I really gotta stop leaving this page up.. Or stop giving the pad to customers " that's an interesting website you got there."

"The latest model Yaris can hold 150 clones in the trunk without damage, not including what can fit in the back seat with smaller mothers" - sales pitch time.
You saw how it handles on the test drive and said you liked the features it offers, now we just need to see how it handles a blunt cruise... You're holding right?
Indeed, tell customers to get their own goodamned pad.

imhave found that even tho people have technology it doesn't automatically mean they know how to use it.. I literally say "URL" and they look at me like I got a floppy wang hanging off my forehead
Major Malarky said:
Where you from big head?

First, don't PM me, I don't know you, and don't like you. I think you are a bigot, and a proper cunt.

Second, it depends upon whom you ask. Most people will tell you the very bowels of hell spewed me forth, a precursor to the bad that's to come in this world. Others claim I was born of an innocent and the devil himself. Personally, all I remember is drowning, suffocating, being trapped in a dark hole, surrounded by liquid. I saw an entrance - an opening. Light! I fought my way out, at great peril and almost died. But, I burst forth, triumphant, and stand now, for all to behold.
When I made my trimmer I used it to do my plants, this is what I scrapped off the grill. :):)
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It wasn't much but it was good!!

I'm going to have to outdoor this year... Just so I have an excuse to build one of those trimmers... That's a nice pile of delicious yum.

Hey people, I'm working up my idea for mini underwater bio domes, and I could use some advice now...I can not decide on how to create the oxygen cycle. I know I need animals to take in Oxygen and produce carbon dioxide, and I know they need a sustainable, renewable food source as well, but I don't want them attacking or eating the cannabis I plan to use as the tree-role in this experiment. So basically what I need, is suggestions on animals that could be used.

Keep in mind, these bio domes are being designed to be relatively small, say around one cubic meter.

At 1 cubic meter, cooling will be as much an issue as oxygen/CO2 ... Look at modifying my ghetto CO2 generator, found in my sig, until I get bored with reading it in my sig.

Yeah, Sunni, I double posted. It's not to irk you, though. Plomise...
I'm going to have to outdoor this year... Just so I have an excuse to build one of those trimmers... That's a nice pile of delicious yum.

At 1 cubic meter, cooling will be as much an issue as oxygen/CO2 ... Look at modifying my ghetto CO2 generator, found in my sig, until I get bored with reading it in my sig.

Yeah, Sunni, I double posted. It's not to irk you, though. Plomise...

Well, the idea is to create a temperature balance that regulates itself into a typical day/night cycle, just like any other ecosystem does. Not like it's going to have artificial lighting or anything, so I figure as long as the atmosphere within it is such that it has a stable exchange of oxygen/co2 the temps should also remain stable.
Well, the idea is to create a temperature balance that regulates itself into a typical day/night cycle, just like any other ecosystem does. Not like it's going to have artificial lighting or anything, so I figure as long as the atmosphere within it is such that it has a stable exchange of oxygen/co2 the temps should also remain stable.

If you use CO2 in frozen form, you can use your natural light to activate it, and, when that light's absent, it'll not be getting concentrated heat, and production will fall off. The downside is, of course, the extreme danger of CO2 poisoning, in the event that it's entered while "active," or prior to a fresh-air venting... You could also look at carnivorous insects, and insect eating reptiles...
Good day all. I took a vap pen and cartridges and a small water tite bottle of hash on the air plain with me to Vegas. It all went through TSA just fine no problem at all. I was able to stay stoned while I was there.
I hate my wife's work. Tell her she has to take an unpaid day off next week because they're slow, and she had to come in late the other night because she had a meeting today, and they didn't want to fork out overtime....then they asked her to stay and help with some issues after the meeting....thusly paying OT any goddamned way.

Stupid incompetent first shifters.
My hubby's work used to give overtime every summer. But now they are just up their asses all the time trying to get things pushed out faster than possible.

The management is so wasteful of resources and scheduling of parts/builds etc is a mess.

I know if my husband were to manage the stock and tools the company would save SOOOO much money. (It is what he did in the marines)

Instead they end up paying people to stand around because the parts aren't in or the tools break (cheapos).
I'm looking into this idea of a meeting people road trip. If you're comfy enough to give me a general idea of where you are and would like to be included on my list, PM me. Keep in mind it may or may not happen at this point, but there would be plenty of advanced notice if it does end up happening.
we just got another 2 feet of snow or some shit