How many USA vets here?

WOW you actually just tried to compare level of horrors with a person on the internet :shock:. My argument was not "love it or leave it".. sorry you missed the point. Where did I say or insinuate that you are not entitled to an opinion ???
Sure... I have no problem comparing horrors. Ever see a man take his last breath? Ever see someone drown in their own blood?

And just because your government pays you well and gives you a comfortable retirement for killing innocent peoples, it doesn't make it right. I didn't miss your point.

If I was a rich individual, I would definitely leave the United States. Not because I don't love my country, but because I don't want to any longer support a country that kills people that it claims to be liberating. You might have no problem with it - but I do. You remind me of the other 90% of Americans that don't give a shit what happens to the rest of the world as long as you get yours.

As far as North Korea and China go, at least they don't pretend to be "liberating" while they have an alternate motive... If you really thing the invasion of Iraq "liberated" the Iraqi people, you are either crazy, delusional, or just a plain idiot.
Sure... I have no problem comparing horrors. Ever see a man take his last breath? Ever see someone drown in their own blood?

And just because your government pays you well and gives you a comfortable retirement for killing innocent peoples, it doesn't make it right. I didn't miss your point.

If I was a rich individual, I would definitely leave the United States. Not because I don't love my country, but because I don't want to any longer support a country that kills people that it claims to be liberating. You might have no problem with it - but I do. You remind me of the other 90% of Americans that don't give a shit what happens to the rest of the world as long as you get yours.

As far as North Korea and China go, at least they don't pretend to be "liberating" while they have an alternate motive... If you really thing the invasion of Iraq "liberated" the Iraqi people, you are either crazy, delusional, or just a plain idiot.
I don't mean to disrespect the vets out there. Most vets a good people with good intentions that are, IMO, duped by the system.

I am one, I admit I was a bad individual that was capable of bad things. I can see how we get caught up in the whole mentality and brainwashing - they didn't just invent their techniques over night.

I support the vets but I'd just assume see the politicians and the individuals that sold us into war be put on trial for war crimes and treason. It is said Haliburton made about $40 billion on the wars since 2001. Do you think they might have a hidden agenda to prolong the war?

Sad part is I love certain aspects of the military. It's just too bad that it is used for other reasons then just keeping this country safe.
Sure... I have no problem comparing horrors. Ever see a man take his last breath? Ever see someone drown in their own blood?

And just because your government pays you well and gives you a comfortable retirement for killing innocent peoples, it doesn't make it right. I didn't miss your point.

If I was a rich individual, I would definitely leave the United States. Not because I don't love my country, but because I don't want to any longer support a country that kills people that it claims to be liberating. You might have no problem with it - but I do. You remind me of the other 90% of Americans that don't give a shit what happens to the rest of the world as long as you get yours.

As far as North Korea and China go, at least they don't pretend to be "liberating" while they have an alternate motive... If you really thing the invasion of Iraq "liberated" the Iraqi people, you are either crazy, delusional, or just a plain idiot.

Again I have zero interest comparing horror stories on the internet. Your comment on Iraq just shows how little you know about the person you are conversing with. Iraq was the very reason I took retirement. Hell I wanted to do 30 years.

You do realize that you dont' have to be rich to live outside the U.S. People do it everyday by working in another country. If you are so against what this country does and if this country is so evil, whats stopping you from moving to a nation that treats its people better...Oh could you please tell me what country that is.
And before you start that shit about " why I can't have an opinion". You can...just be sure you thank our vets who fight so you can keep having your opinions. Question... what do you think would happen to America if we had no military ???
i think-

he was saying WW2 was the last real war. it liberated the hebrews, and reunited them to their homeland Israel. i don't think he knows hitler was hired by americans to find atlantis, and persecute the jews in order to make true the prophecy of when the messiah was to come. it did seem to serve most of the requirements.

and wasn't babylon in iraq? wonder if they found any cool buried treasure? any of you oif guys do any digging?
i think-

he was saying WW2 was the last real war. it liberated the hebrews, and reunited them to their homeland Israel. i don't think he knows hitler was hired by americans to find atlantis, and persecute the jews in order to make true the prophecy of when the messiah was to come. it did seem to serve most of the requirements.

and wasn't babylon in iraq? wonder if they found any cool buried treasure? any of you oif guys do any digging?
You nuts, bro.
Again I have zero interest comparing horror stories on the internet. Your comment on Iraq just shows how little you know about the person you are conversing with. Iraq was the very reason I took retirement. Hell I wanted to do 30 years.

You do realize that you dont' have to be rich to live outside the U.S. People do it everyday by working in another country. If you are so against what this country does and if this country is so evil, whats stopping you from moving to a nation that treats its people better...Oh could you please tell me what country that is.
And before you start that shit about " why I can't have an opinion". You can...just be sure you thank our vets who fight so you can keep having your opinions. Question... what do you think would happen to America if we had no military ???
Air Force... Early retirement at 22 tells me you were either a Chief Master or a LTC... But then again, rank is harder to come by in the Air Force. Regardless...

I am not against what this country claims to be - I am against what it has become. Maybe in a few years I'll join Jesse Ventura in relocating to Mexico... But for now, I'll speak out against the tyranny this country has become. Until then - I don't gotta go anywhere.

And yes, a big thank you to all our vets. I thank all those that protect and serve - as long as they are honest and noble in their actions. If you are a vet that likes to kill, mame, rape, destroy, and hurt for the thrill of it, then FUCK YOU. Oh, and londonfog, you're welcome as well.
i think-

he was saying WW2 was the last real war. it liberated the hebrews, and reunited them to their homeland Israel. i don't think he knows hitler was hired by americans to find atlantis, and persecute the jews in order to make true the prophecy of when the messiah was to come. it did seem to serve most of the requirements.

and wasn't babylon in iraq? wonder if they found any cool buried treasure? any of you oif guys do any digging?

You nuts, bro.

Haha... Murphy's tongue and cheek reasoning for us being in Iraq is tame buy the reason I really think we are there. But I'll keep it to myself :/
Nothing would happen. The USA has 120 million armed people, they won't go down without a fight. Think Afghanistan is a hard country to defeat? you saying because we have 120 million armed people we really don't need a military to defend our nation? Question... are all 120 million armed people fighting for the USA. How many would fight against? Do you think we can also get the these civilians to fly the aircrafts, run the ships, subs, tanks, etc...??? If we are attacked will they just defend our soil or will they be willing to take the fight abroad ??? Whats your plan on organizing these folks with arms ??:roll: Will ammo be issued out ?? Damn so many questions, but could you start with those. I would love to see your no military nation plan. you saying because we have 120 million armed people we really don't need a military to defend our nation? Question... are all 120 million armed people fighting for the USA. How many would fight against? Do you think we can also get the these civilians to fly the aircrafts, run the ships, subs, tanks, etc...??? If we are attacked will they just defend our soil or will they be willing to take the fight abroad ??? Whats your plan on organizing these folks with arms ??:roll: Will ammo be issued out ?? Damn so many questions, but could you start with those. I would love to see your no military nation plan.

I think the armed populace is sort of a Plan Z ... when all else fails, deny territory. That presupposes our real military having been broken and an invading force walking the land.
Any less extreme scenario depends of course on the pros operating with pro-grade matériel. cn
I think the armed populace is sort of a Plan Z ... when all else fails, deny territory. That presupposes our real military having been broken and an invading force walking the land.
Any less extreme scenario depends of course on the pros operating with pro-grade matériel. cn

on this I would agree,but to say we don't need a military to defend our nation is kinda..well crazy. A USA with no military would soon fall as we know it and would not be the same again.
on this I would agree,but to say we don't need a military to defend our nation is kinda..well crazy. A USA with no military would soon fall as we know it and would not be the same again.

No argument here. Red Dawn was about as realistic as a Mission: Impossible motorcycle chase. cn you saying because we have 120 million armed people we really don't need a military to defend our nation? Question... are all 120 million armed people fighting for the USA. How many would fight against? Do you think we can also get the these civilians to fly the aircrafts, run the ships, subs, tanks, etc...??? If we are attacked will they just defend our soil or will they be willing to take the fight abroad ??? Whats your plan on organizing these folks with arms ??:roll: Will ammo be issued out ?? Damn so many questions, but could you start with those. I would love to see your no military nation plan.
Defending a nation isn't the same a going around the world stirring up trouble - you can't seem to differentiate the two. It's not your fault.. You were trapped in that whole brainwash mentality for 22 years. Your handlers give you an "atta boy" and a check every month for a job well done - a reward to try to convince more people to fall into the same trap you did.

But the fact is Saddam Hussain didn't pose a threat to us, neither did the Taliban, neither did Gaddafi, neither does Syria or Iran or North Korea... But the USA wants to stir up trouble then cry when it bites them in the ass later. Oh well... you saying because we have 120 million armed people we really don't need a military to defend our nation? Question... are all 120 million armed people fighting for the USA. How many would fight against? Do you think we can also get the these civilians to fly the aircrafts, run the ships, subs, tanks, etc...??? If we are attacked will they just defend our soil or will they be willing to take the fight abroad ??? Whats your plan on organizing these folks with arms ??:roll: Will ammo be issued out ?? Damn so many questions, but could you start with those. I would love to see your no military nation plan.

Your hypothetical question can only lead to hypothetical conclusions. I don't remember ever saying that we don't need a military, can you quote that or do you just make shit up? ( You make shit up)

Since we are just making shit up, I propose if we have no military that the civilians just bring out their own personal thermonuclear device and space ray gun to take care of any pesky enemy past the wire events.

Making shit up isn't really that much fun, I am not sure why you indulge in it so much.

so, in conclusion: I never said we don't need a military. Got it Mr make up shit?