Best Drug for Hangover

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
99% of a hang over is due to dehydration. If you know you are going to drink you should hydrate yourself before hand. You should also dry to drink water while you are drinking. Alternate between glasses of water and your drink of choice. When you are done drinking slam as much water as you can handle.

There have been nights when I have slammed 5 water bottles (500 ml each) right before bed and still had yellow piss in the morning. Can you imagine how shitty I would have felt if I didn't drink that 2.5 liters before bed? I would have been severely dehydrated aka feeling like shit.


Well-Known Member
bunch of pussies.:roll: Talk to me when you have a real hangover and are puking bile.
fuck that iv been so messed up i was sick for days try drinking bottle after bottle of tequila while eating jalapenos thats a real hangover


99% of a hang over is due to dehydration. If you know you are going to drink you should hydrate yourself before hand. You should also dry to drink water while you are drinking. Alternate between glasses of water and your drink of choice. When you are done drinking slam as much water as you can handle.
Water is a best hangover cure because it's really all about the hydration people will feel after drinking soo much. But having anti-hangover pill with a water is more effective and causes less damage as well.


There are a number of over the counter medications that claim to prevent a hangover. It is hard to prove a negative, so you never know if you would have had a hangover, but many believe these medications work. The science is still not settled on these. If they work for you, then great.


Active Member
Well no you're supposed to do it after. A pull in the am, some good healthy breakfast and bam! Conquer the day. Hahah, or th e legal way just pop 2 alleves. Those have caffeine in them.


Well-Known Member
Well no you're supposed to do it after. A pull in the am, some good healthy breakfast and bam! Conquer the day. Hahah, or th e legal way just pop 2 alleves. Those have caffeine in them.
Caffeine is a no-no 4/hangovers. The reason for the headache is due to high blood pressure, a side effect of alcohol...last thing you want to do is raise it even more w/stimulants.


Well-Known Member
The best way to cure a hangover is to take a shot or 2 of what you where drinking the night before.. i usually poor it in my coffee and go to work..


Active Member
i tall glass of prickely pear juice 5 hours BEFORE you start bonds with the congeners which are the cause of the hangover and eliminate them far after you've been drunk. it sounds like bullshit but it works...i have no idea where to buy the juice so i stole a bunch of prickely pears from the neighbors cactus and made my own.


Well-Known Member
Xanax and sleep it off. Or if you're in Vegas, just find one of those IV buses and you're ready to do it all again in 10-15 minutes.