Typical Size of AutoFlower Buds


Well-Known Member
Did a quick search on google and skimming the thread on RIU, didn't find anything.

Trying to figure out the typical size of autoflower buds. This was my first plant grown and I made some mistakes on it, so I don't expect a great auto harvest, but I do have some pretty buds growing. Just wondering how big they might get before harvest. Quarter size? Inch and a half? Any ideas?

I planted it because I thought it might give me a sample of the quality of smoke the other non-autos were going to be.


Well-Known Member
There is no average. Here's one, and it wasn't the biggest from that particular grow.
The grow is in my signature. (1250 watt scrog) Autoflower.

The right auto's can put off Massive weight, and Super Potent smoke given the right conditions like any other plant.


Well-Known Member
Awesome grow taviddude, ya should expect most buds to be around an inch each way, a head cola that big ^^^^ and side colas about palm size
With autos what really matters is the density of your buds


Yup, autoflowers pretty much grow one big bud and all the others are one inch sized, but if you LST it then you can expect more main colas!


Well-Known Member
Awesome grow taviddude, ya should expect most buds to be around an inch each way, a head cola that big ^^^^ and side colas about palm size
With autos what really matters is the density of your buds

  • I run ScrOG so I have nothing but main colas with Hardly Any fluff.
    Check the last grow, probably only 1-3 ounces of smaller fluffy bud out of 5 pounds dry.
    Dense as hell :weed:

    Also pulled 1.07 GPW not counting the fluffy smaller shit. I gave it away to the trimmers.

    It's all about hitting them with enough light.

    I'd be disappointed pulling 1 inch buds.
    I do run Larger, High Yielding plants and ScrOG them though.

