Canna Sylvan
Well-Known Member
This thread is the stupidest thread I ever partially read. Canndo, Buck is gunning for your spot.
In all cases, 3 ten round magazines couldve done the same damage with a less than 1 second reload time.that must be why james holmes and adam lanza and jared loughner all chose high capacity magazines to successfully accomplish their massacres.
you heard it here first, folks. less firepower = more deadly.
This is not a sentiment I expected from you.
If you and I agree that the police are currently more corrupt than not .. would it not be simple prudence to seek the erasure of their access to better weapons? This nation was built on a principle of distribution of power. It frustrates the centralizers, slows their consolidation of an authoritarian state from the rot of the Republic. What finer way to jam a broomstick into the spokes of the empire builders than for you and me to have the same standing as a police officer? Why do you think I stress that the police are civilians? I would like to at least slow their being transformed into Your Total Security Solution, one that will ultimately treat dissent as a disease state as Your Total Conformity Solution ... and the best way to do that, and to underline the value of the individual, is to use the Second Amendment as intended. Lots of distributed guns (not disabled by puny magazines, a central registry, chambering limitations etc.) can interfere with and even unmask power grabs swaddled in the camouflage of acts of compassion. Of course, with three of four polled Americans speaking in favor of a national gun registry, I fear the cause is already lost. They've already taken you down, since you declare that you bought the most insidious message of all: guns, ewww. cn
woah now, bear.
this is the NRA logic thread, let's keep it at NRA level.
for example, people get killed by drunk drivers, so everyone should be able to drive drunk legally.
In all cases, 3 ten round magazines couldve done the same damage with a less than 1 second reload time.
Duct tape can make a "high capacity" magazine ffs.
gee I wonder if this old mitt romney looking guy from oregon who is the only guy who tweeted this tag on this day and hours before unclebuck made this thread could somehow be a friend of unclebuck?
You know someone named Raoul Duck UncleBuck? Hey that rhymes! You and this guy should be friends, you would totally hit it off I bet!
or should we outlaw cars?
what is it with the gun crowd jumping to full retard conclusions?
have you not paid attention to what arizona has done? common sense penalties for drunk drivers have reduced DUI fatalities by 75% over the last decade or so.
no need to go full retard, common sense has its place. apparently, it's not in the heads of gun nuts though.
ummmm, wut?
all i did was simply list the constitutional legislative desires of the majority of the people.
but excellent rebuttal, comrade.
Hold up.1 second is more than than 0 seconds.
plus, what if they bobble the reload like loughner did? massacre over.
if massacres were comical, that one would definitely make the mass murderer's blooper reel.
...... the rest of the post.......
that way you can't drive drunk or otherwise.
gun owner is to murderer as car owner is to drunk driver, removing the gun is equivalent to removing the car, where as the drunk driver and the murderer are the actual problem.
If you've any guns, there will be shootings. If you remove the guns, people will get creative with other one is talking about removing the guns though. remember that little detail? or are you stuck on full retard?
no one is talking about removing the guns though. remember that little detail? or are you stuck on full retard?
no one is talking about removing the guns though. remember that little detail? or are you stuck on full retard?
You seem to be an expert in retard logic.yeah, can't even get comprehensive background checks but they're coming to take your guns.
#NRAlogic, it's full retard logic.
You seem to be an expert in retard logic.
How would a background check on Lazlos mother have stopped that shooting?yeah, can't even get comprehensive background checks but they're coming to take your guns.
#NRAlogic, it's full retard logic.
How would a background check on Lazlos mother have stopped that shooting?
Oh shit, son.
the background checks stopped lanza from buying guns.
a gun safe for mama lanza would have done the rest.