I'm about to buy one of these:
with 78 plants what is a realistic yield? is 2 oz per plant possible? I'd do 2x 1000 watts...
regardless of price though... is the stuff they say about maximizing yield etc true? I'd think vertical growing is better then anything else, right? I don't see 2 oz a plant being a problem....
you come on here asking for peoples advice, they give you solid advice and you return with the know it all attitude. dont ask if you dont want to hear the facts. 5 grand is a shit ton of money to spend on a system. your plant count is fucking retardedly high for your lighting.
you can build that NFT system for 200 bucks. you can buy a 4x8 tent for 250 bucks. you can buy a 1kw light package for 200 bucks.......for a $1000 you can practically build that entire system. check out stinkbuds NFT system. he gives the layout and his knowledge and experience on large yeilds and a small setup.
before going out and pissing 5grand away do some research and learn how and what to expect. 1/2 a gram per watt is about average so like someone above said 1000g from 2 1k watt lights is about what you can expect. you can grow 1000 7ft tall plants but if you dont have the lighting they wont produce jack shit.
i could setup a fking warehouse grow for 5 grand. think smarter not harder and know that just because you over spend on a "state of the art" system dosent mean your going to get good results without any knowledge of how plants grow.