
Buck doesn't know the difference between an AR15 and a select fire M16. So I thought I'd throw him a bone.

Buck thinks that the AR-15 as being sold today was designed as a military firearm. The original AR-15 as designated by Eugene Stoner was designed as a select fire capable weapon, that weapon has been known as the M-16 ever since the design was first produced. The AR-15 of today was NOT designed as a military weapon, it was designed as a sporting rifle.
Buck thinks that the AR-15 as being sold today was designed as a military firearm. The original AR-15 as designated by Eugene Stoner was designed as a select fire capable weapon, that weapon has been known as the M-16 ever since the design was first produced. The AR-15 of today was NOT designed as a military weapon, it was designed as a sporting rifle.

The only difference between an M16 and a civvie AR15 is the burst setting and a bayonet lug. Essentially, it's the same rifle. We never touched the burst setting on our rifles when I was in the military. Unless we just had extra rounds and the scheduled firing was done. You don't use it for combat shooting, because it's a waste of ammo and encourages spraying over aiming. So as far as truly relevant differences between the two; I'd say they were negligible.

Personally, I don't know the answer to the fairly obvious problems we have about guns getting into the wrong hands. Both sides can agree that somehow these issues need to be addressed though, I'm sure.
Buck is like an idiot savant with autism who memorizes baseball statistics when it comes to spree killers. He may be good at memorizing them, but he has no idea what they mean, nor the actual rules and actual gameplay.
had no idea that mass murdering humans was "sporting".

It's not terribly. To be fair, that's not why any of my buddies have them though. They're light, accurate, and don't have much recoil; making them ideal for many things other than mass murder. Personally, I'd say a 12ga with the hunting plug out would be much better for unarmored targets who aren't shooting back.
What is your particular issue that needs to be solved with these weapons? Specifically I mean.

it's not really the weapons, it's the unfettered access to them, especially by those who have no business with a slingshot, much less a military style rifle.
He just wants a big liberal government with it's citizens disarmed and other socialist ideal.

Now, I don't think I've heard the guy demand disarmament. Why can't someone be concerned without some sinister motive to take everyone's guns away? Not saying it's just you. There's plenty of heated tempers when it comes to this.
it's not really the weapons, it's the unfettered access to them, especially by those who have no business with a slingshot, much less a military style rifle.

Which guns more specifically? Keep in mind, just about every major firearm has had some place in the military in one form or another; or was inspired by a military weapon. It seems important to determine exactly what you're talking about. After that, how would you suggest keeping access limited to those who should have them? How would you determine who should and should not own firearms? Finally, what would be your enforcement mechanism?

I understand that there are people who have no business owning a gun for a number of reasons. I'm just not sure how to effectively manage that on a federal level.
Now, I don't think I've heard the guy demand disarmament. Why can't someone be concerned without some sinister motive to take everyone's guns away? Not saying it's just you. There's plenty of heated tempers when it comes to this.
I still reckon Buck is actually Charlton Heston trolling from beyond the grave.
Eric Holder doesn't give a fuck about the law.

Fast and Furious?

Yes indeed.
Operation Fast and Furious that gave Mexican gangs some nice American weapons.

"House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa and Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley sent Holder a letter in May 2011 asking for details about Operation Fast and Furious, a botched federal firearms sting operation that allowed weapons to reach Mexican drug gangs.[SUP][87][/SUP][SUP][88][/SUP] Grassley and Issa "urged Holder to cooperate and turn over subpoenaed records that would reveal the scope of the government coverup."

Good ol Obama acquitted him of any wrong doing.
Friggin crazy.
F&F might still stick one of these days.

benghazi, too.

in fact, please do keep talking about your benghazi outrage while ignoring the wholesale slaughter of 20 kindergarteners.

no one will see right through that faux outrage.


please proceed, easily frightened racist white GOPers.