Firearms Freindly Collective?

an assault rifle or assault weapon describes a certain type of weapon, specifically a semi automatic, military style rifle.

you don't need one of those for self defense.

An assault rifle has a select-fire provision. The last semi-auto-only assault rifle was the SKS, Simonov's semiautomatic carbine of 1945. It was supplanted by Russia's other assault rifle, Kalashnikov's confection of '47.
As there is no such thing as a nonassault weapon, it's like saying Most Extreme.

You don't need a V8 to power a car, and that doesn't disqualify V8s as eminently practical choices sometimes. cn
An assault rifle has a select-fire provision. The last semi-auto-only assault rifle was the SKS, Simonov's semiautomatic carbine.
As there is no such thing as a nonassault weapon, it's like saying Most Extreme.

You don't need a V8 to power a car, and that doesn't disqualify V8s as eminently practical choices sometimes. cn

comparing a V8 for transportation to an AR15 for self defense is just silly.
An assault rifle has a select-fire provision. The last semi-auto-only assault rifle was the SKS, Simonov's semiautomatic carbine.
As there is no such thing as a nonassault weapon, it's like saying Most Extreme.

You don't need a V8 to power a car, and that doesn't disqualify V8s as eminently practical choices sometimes. cn

What does a tool, and/or the control of, have to do what so ever with the CRIME you fear or the MOTIVE for such?

These politicians just need to stop wasting our time and come up with some true answers to a much more complex problem within our society than the fabricated metal control they currently are pushing.
comparing a V8 for transportation to an AR15 for self defense is just silly.

I think it's quite apt. I prefer economy-minded Fours and Fives.

the Four

and the Five. cn
What does a tool, and/or the control of, have to do what so ever with the CRIME you fear or the MOTIVE for such?

These politicians just need to stop wasting our time and come up with some true answers to a much more complex problem within our society than the fabricated metal control they currently are pushing.

At first I read "fabricated mental control". Some would argue that that is also applicable. cn
There are exactly no "nuts" that are allowed to buy even a single firearm.

Gun control isn't about guns, it's about control. Show me one gun law that would prevent a school shooting, and I will vote for it.
That's interesting, because the only school shooting we've had here in Australia in the past 20 years was by a student who was later acquitted on insanity, LOL!

I've no problem with people joining gun clubs, or farmers owning firearms to dispatch animals, or even regulated hunting.

But I'm sure glad I don't have to walk down the street and worry about getting into an argument with someone and having a gun pulled on me. Gun crime is pretty rare here. Because guns are pretty rare.

The problem in America is there are so many firearms already in the community that those who carry firearms to protect themselves from others carrying firearms have legitimate concerns, IMO.

But just think how nice it would be if no-one felt the need to carry a concealed weapon - because no-one else was. That's pretty much what it's like here.

As for assault rifles, well it only took one massacre in 1996 for us to ban them - and you won't find many people here who disagree with that decision. There hasn't been anything like the Port Arthur Massacre since.

In a way, you guys in the States are damned if you do, damned if you don't - you will never be free of your gun culture, which is kinda sad. I'm just glad it never got to that stage here.
The equation was intended to be absurd you shit stain. Here in reality we do not use absurd variables, as the outcome would be just as absurd. If you had the intellect of spit, the reality would be obvious: Motive + Crime = Problem. Hence banning any variance of any weapon fails to address the problem fucktard, only ignorance considers a gun part of mental illness.
You kinda fell into that one Buck!

Now perhaps James, or whomever psycho m'f'er, would have geared his training tools accordingly to clean house. Ninjas adapt to the terrain buckminster fuller.. Don't shoot me w/ your face. lol
you're right, james holmes would have been just as deadly with a baseball bat or ninja stars.
That the batman theatre guy? How about if he used door chains and gasoline? I'm bettin he could have upped he 'score'.

What is the 'gun show loophole'??? Do u even know? Can u explain it to poor ole me? I've been to a couple Lookin but can never spot it. Every one I have been too has background checks. So where is that hole I hear so much about?