There are exactly no "nuts" that are allowed to buy even a single firearm.
Gun control isn't about guns, it's about control. Show me one gun law that would prevent a school shooting, and I will vote for it.
That's interesting, because the only school shooting we've had here in Australia in the past 20 years was by a student who was later acquitted on insanity, LOL!
I've no problem with people joining gun clubs, or farmers owning firearms to dispatch animals, or even regulated hunting.
But I'm sure glad I don't have to walk down the street and worry about getting into an argument with someone and having a gun pulled on me. Gun crime is pretty rare here. Because guns are pretty rare.
The problem in America is there are so many firearms already in the community that those who carry firearms to protect themselves from others carrying firearms have legitimate concerns, IMO.
But just think how nice it would be if no-one felt the need to carry a concealed weapon - because no-one else was. That's pretty much what it's like here.
As for assault rifles, well it only took one massacre in 1996 for us to ban them - and you won't find many people here who disagree with that decision. There hasn't been anything like the Port Arthur Massacre since.
In a way, you guys in the States are damned if you do, damned if you don't - you will never be free of your gun culture, which is kinda sad. I'm just glad it never got to that stage here.