Firearms Freindly Collective?

do you read world history?-

spoil it for me. how'd it go before all us dumb ol farmer swith guns stood up?

Do you read the news?

What rights have been taken away from you murfy? You'd actually have a point if they started going door to door to collect your guns .... but they haven't, and they won't.
What "rights" have been taken away homeless? There are no new weapons bans, there are no bans on magazine capacities, nobody has or will come take away your guns. The only thing even being debated are universal background checks. Would that be such a big deal even if it did see the light of day? Do you feel like your right to drive a car is being infringed upon because you have to go take a test and get a drivers license??

You guys cry wolf like your rights are being trampled on, when it's the furthest thing from the truth. All of the truly tragic and unfair things that go on in this world and all you guys can think about are your fucking guns

Universal background checks are just as much of a political joke as the "gun control" debate in whole is to this countries well being. How do you expect any "universal background" to flag the mentally ill that caused those tragedies they exploit with HIPAA privacy laws all over the books. That's a pretty fucking BIG elephant in the room? It is simply an absurd political waste of time and effort as so many other real problems face this nation.

Motive + Crime = Problem
I don't know how they always get them. But criminals always have guns. They are not going to give them up or stop getting them. Background checks only slow them down. So as long as the criminals are gonna have guns I'm not sure why any one else's should be so regulated?
Everything you own and value is protected by our fucking guns.

And yes, our rights have been trampled upon for years at a great cost to our freedoms. There are many things gun owners cannot lawfully own or do because of the actions of others.

Gun control is like giving a penalty to a football team where when the other teams cheerleader makes a mistake, you have to take off some of your equipment before you can continue to play.

Bullshit. You having a stockpile of weapons in your basement protects nothing but your paranoid delusions.

How do you explain countries like Canada where they have common sense gun laws in place? Are Canadians being mowed down in record numbers by this imaginary boogeyman that you're talking about? Are they any less safe because they don't allow lunatics to go buy a gun on a whim?
Everything you own and value is protected by our fucking guns.

And yes, our rights have been trampled upon for years at a great cost to our freedoms. There are many things gun owners cannot lawfully own or do because of the actions of others.

Gun control is like giving a penalty to a football team where when the other teams cheerleader makes a mistake, you have to take off some of your equipment before you can continue to play.

... recent US history.
I don't know how they always get them. But criminals always have guns. They are not going to give them up or stop getting them. Background checks only slow them down. So as long as the criminals are gonna have guns I'm not sure why any one else's should be so regulated?

What regulations????? Please point to me one thing that would prevent you, homeless, prodigal, or anyone else from going out and buying a gun, or fifty guns if you so please.

Please explain this to me, because all I'm seeing is a bunch of whining over something that doesn't even exist.
Assault weapons, aka, machine guns, short barreled rifles, short barreled shotguns, suppressors, handles on certain guns, certain types and materials used in ammo, Breach fed light cannon, brainwashing and propaganda especially in schools. Gun free schools act, national firearms act, assault weapons bill, national firearms act, national instant checks service, concealed license permitting and fees, , open carry bans, concealed carry bans, tens of thousands of police videos desecrating thier uniforms, private property bans, gun free zones, range closures/denials, hunting licenses and fees, the list goes on and on and on and on and on.
Universal background checks are just as much of a political joke as the "gun control" debate in whole is to this countries well being. How do you expect any "universal background" to flag the mentally ill that caused those tragedies they exploit with HIPAA privacy laws all over the books. That's a pretty fucking BIG elephant in the room? It is simply an absurd political waste of time and effort as so many other real problems face this nation.

Motive + Crime = Problem

Answer me this:

I guy is convicted of armed robbery. Someone gets shot in the process. The guy is released from prison 5 years later. Should that individual be allowed to go to a gun show and purchase whatever he wants, or should there be a process in place to screen individuals like that?
the problem -

really. is the debate. we don't agree on the bible. we don't agree on the pledge of allegiance. we don't agree on the weather report. the constitution we agree on. it's not up for debate. this country is different than all the others because of our different rules. if we change to be like them, we lose, and are re assimilated.
Assault weapons, aka, machine guns, short barreled rifles, short barreled shotguns, suppressors, handles on certain guns, certain types and materials used in ammo, Breach fed light cannon, brainwashing and propaganda especially in schools. Gun free schools act, national firearms act, assault weapons bill, national firearms act, national instant checks service, concealed license permitting and fees, , open carry bans, concealed carry bans, tens of thousands of police videos desecrating thier uniforms, private property bans, gun free zones, range closures/denials, hunting licenses and fees, the list goes on and on and on and on and on.

Does any of that prevent you from buying 20, 50, 100 guns and all of the ammo you choose to own?

Are you going to tell us next that your rights are being trampled on because you can't own a grenade launcher?
Answer me this:

I guy is convicted of armed robbery. Someone gets shot in the process. The guy is released from prison 5 years later. Should that individual be allowed to go to a gun show and purchase whatever he wants, or should there be a process in place to screen individuals like that?

If you can't be trusted with his right to keep and bear arms, WTF is he doing out on the street where he is very likely to hurt someone else?

Let me ask you a question. A guy is willing to take a gun to rob someone, and through escalated incompetence, someone gets shot in the process. What laws would prevent this from happening that have not already been passed, and what could be added to the existing unenforced failed background check that could accurately predict such a crime from taking place?
Answer me this:

I guy is convicted of armed robbery. Someone gets shot in the process. The guy is released from prison 5 years later. Should that individual be allowed to go to a gun show and purchase whatever he wants, or should there be a process in place to screen individuals like that?

once his time is served, his crime is paid. that's our system. make the punishment fit the crime. armed roberry resulting in first degree murder?(he planned it). hang that fucko from a rope.that was my grandma he shot for forty three hundred dollars. when he gets down he gets a gun.
that's what we do in america-

hang thieves with guns. after we round that scourge up. with our guns.
Does any of that prevent you from buying 20, 50, 100 guns and all of the ammo you choose to own?

Are you going to tell us next that your rights are being trampled on because you can't own a grenade launcher?


A grenade launcher is debatable in fact. I say it does, but if so, then that would be about the limit of the second amendment. Nobody has ever committed a crime with one, so I dont see why not. Besides, if some4one did use a grenade launcher in a crime, what good would taking my grenade launcher from me do? Without the second amendment, owning a grenade launcher or a tank, or attack helicopter would still be legal. A law needs to be passed before anything becomes illegal.
If you can't be trusted with his right to keep and bear arms, WTF is he doing out on the street where he is very likely to hurt someone else?

Let me ask you a question. A guy is willing to take a gun to rob someone, and through escalated incompetence, someone gets shot in the process. What laws would prevent this from happening that have not already been passed, and what could be added to the existing unenforced failed background check that could accurately predict such a crime from taking place?

So your answer to that is "fuck it". We should just fold our hand and be resigned to the fact that crazy people should have guns??

Should the same approach be taken with driving? Fuck it, people are going to speed even though there are laws in place so we should just allow everyone to do 150mph down 696.

Same with murder. Fuck it, There are laws in place and murders happen anyway so lets just eliminate any effort to try to mitigate the damage.

A grenade launcher is debatable in fact. I say it does, but if so, then that would be about the limit of the second amendment. Nobody has ever committed a crime with one, so I dont see why not. Besides, if some4one did use a grenade launcher in a crime, what good would taking my grenade launcher from me do? Without the second amendment, owning a grenade launcher or a tank, or attack helicopter would still be legal. A law needs to be passed before anything becomes illegal.

I rest my case. There is a loud vocal minority (you) in this country that feels that any form of weapon falls under the second amendment and you won't be satisfied until every nut out there has a stockpile of guns and a nuclear warhead stashed in his basement. And then there's the rest of us that believe that people should have the right to own weapons, but that right isn't without it's limitations.

The supreme court agrees with me on this btw.
So your answer to that is "fuck it". We should just fold our hand and be resigned to the fact that crazy people should have guns??

Should the same approach be taken with driving? Fuck it, people are going to speed even though there are laws in place so we should just allow everyone to do 150mph down 696.

Same with murder. Fuck it, There are laws in place and murders happen anyway so lets just eliminate any effort to try to mitigate the damage.

You just dont get it.

Crazy peopleARE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE GUNS NOW! You act like we are trying to repeal the laws that make it so.

There is no right to drive, although I think there should be. And people driving down their own highways doing 150 are doing just fine. There are levels upon layers of brainwashing at play here.

If a person is innocent, leave them alone. If a person is guilty, punish them. Do not treat the innocent like the guilty, nor the guilty as the innocent.

If a person has committed a crime, give them an appropriate punishment, and when that punishment is paid, they are restored to freedom.