C4C in Sacramento foothills area?


Well-Known Member
They got raided and his brother at river city wellness here's a pic of river city's stuff no pics of c4c
I hope they really were not stupid enough to keep that many guns at their store. I could understand a little 380 or a 12 gauge...but shit....thats just too much


Well-Known Member
Right now from what I can gather yes they were in the store itself Wich was stupid on there part ...there's somethin goin on herd another place they had wax and pounds of bud ready for transport across state line

Please people this is all word of mouth and news not hard facts


Well-Known Member
Like I said all stuff I just hear ......

Someone said sheriff's department tested the wax and had traces of heroin in it yikes


Well-Known Member
Any gun for any reason will get you jail time when in connection with a dispensary or grow-op. Video cameras, baseball bats and security hired from an outside company not associated with your business should cover it. Keep plenty of donuts and coffee ready for security sincesome may be off-duty cops and you KNOW how they go for coffee and donuts.


Well-Known Member
heroin in the wax? why in the fuck would you cut weed with something more expensive/harder to obtain? lol
Probably done by a low-life who has no respect personally and has no regard for anything but the almighty buck. Putting H in the wax would increase the effect but it would also help to get somebody hooked on the stuff, as Steely Dan sang about chasing the Dragon in "Time Out of Mind". Oh, and heroin is easy to get, smack-heads all over the place.