Does anyone want to receive Spiritual Enlightenment?

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Ok so it's real late where I'm at and I'm about to go to bed, but real serious, does anybody out there want to receive Spiritual Enlightnement, and by this I mean does anyone want to live in complete Peace in Paradise. Now keep in mind that I haven't done any psychadelics in a long time lmfao, I haven't even smoked a j in quite awhile, but I gaurantee you, I can bring you into the promised land lmfao. It might seem like a practical joke but trust me I can do it. So if anyone's interested in this shit let me know.
Ok so it's real late where I'm at and I'm about to go to bed, but real serious, does anybody out there want to receive Spiritual Enlightnement, and by this I mean does anyone want to live in complete Peace in Paradise. Now keep in mind that I haven't done any psychadelics in a long time lmfao, I haven't even smoked a j in quite awhile, but I gaurantee you, I can bring you into the promised land lmfao. It might seem like a practical joke but trust me I can do it. So if anyone's interested in this shit let me know.

If this somehow invloves FinShaggy, I'm out... lol
Ok so it's real late where I'm at and I'm about to go to bed, but real serious, does anybody out there want to receive Spiritual Enlightnement, and by this I mean does anyone want to live in complete Peace in Paradise. Now keep in mind that I haven't done any psychadelics in a long time lmfao, I haven't even smoked a j in quite awhile, but I gaurantee you, I can bring you into the promised land lmfao. It might seem like a practical joke but trust me I can do it. So if anyone's interested in this shit let me know.

All through recorded history humanity has been awaiting your arrival...Sorry to read you are further delayed because it is past your bedtime...FWIW
LMAO, ok, bare with me, I am no prophet, and I wouldn't exactly call myself Enlightened, I still have quite the ego lol!!! I am not trying to exalt myself here this is some very practical stuff and it has helped many many people, so that's why I asked. That actually is a good vid heisenburg, ya I don't believe in law of attraction and have absolutely no interest in the age of aquarious and all that crap, I don't identify as anything, all things are fleeting. What I can do is give you a glimpse of Enlightenment, and to anybody who has already begun to Awaken I can accelerate your Enlightenment. Ok it's about to get real deep and spiritual up in here, this is gonna be long so if you're not interested in it then just leave the page, this I know for certain, it is really not important, yes the survival of humanity is dependent on Awakening, but I have very good news, even the survival of humanity itself is not important, death is nothing to be afraid of, it is very peaceful, like sleep.

Read very slowly and pay very careful "Attention" to what is being said

I am not a prophet, "prophet" is just a word, I am the way and the Truth and Life, I am the Light of the world and so are you, ok now let's be honest, I am not the way not nearly, like I said I still have quite the ego, I'm a work in progress so bare with me lmao, what you have to realize is that this is not about me, it is about you, "everything that I have told you is not for me but for you yourself" Muhammad, "If I err, I err only against my own Soul, for in the Light I know Allah's will as my own will" Muhammad, ya it's not easy to control your ego, trust me it's hard. Yes Muhammad was a warrior, what you have to realize is that good and evil do not exist, the Torah begins with the warning "do not eat from tree of the knowledge of good and evil", please believe me when I tell you that is one very bad apple, they are just perspectives in your mind but they have the power to torment your Soul.

I will give you an eye opener, the big bang is not actually where the universe begins, there is no actual thing “Time”. Time is the illusion created by the motion of Energy. The space-time continuum(Space bending in on itself and creating the illusion of light in the Quarks-boson) actually begins at the base particle(Quarks-boson). The source of all Life Energy is really nothing more than Space bending in on itself(the four forces of physics) and creating the motion of time, which absolutely undeniably is being performed by a higher conscious that is Aware and Alive. If you work your way up from the Quarks-boson you will eventually discover that you are the Immortal Light of God expressing itself in Space-time at this very moment.

Religion, like all of the perspectives and ideas in your mind are false, but the Truth to which the prophets were pointing to remains as solid as it will always be. "What is Truth" asks the Pilate to Jesus just before the crucifixion, but Jesus doesn't answer the question, he just stands there unwavering. Perhaps Jesus realizes that the Truth is not an answer to a question but is something much bigger. If you want to know the Truth all you have to do is open your eyes. What is Real, what is True? When all of the thoughts and emotions in your Soul stop, what is left unwavering, You, Awareness, the Light, and what do you behold, the Earth is not hell, it is actually a very peaceful Paradise, it is Heaven indeed Jesus, such a Glorious Kingdom is Eternity.

Time is an illusion but the Earth is very Real, that is true Enlightenment, and if you do not understand the Truth then you are no where near Wise, but that's okay because in Truth nothing is important, not even wisdom.

If you are attached to ideas and ideologies such as God and religion you should let go of that attachment if you truly want to attain Enlightenment, the Dali Lama actually said recently that now is the time for humanity to abandon religion, the Dali Lama is very Enlightened.

Always be Aware of Space - The Space in the Present Moment, the Eternal Sea, that which is not fleeting
Time is an illusion but the Earth is very Real - Just open your eyes
All things come and go but the Light remains Eternal - You are literally Immortal, untouched by time, you are the Light

If you understand this then you are now in Paradise, welcome to Eternity, welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven, it is your home and you will never leave it, you are Eternal Life and you will always be Eternal Life, untouched by time, you are the container of all Space-Time, you are what allows the universe to exist, you are as much God/Goddess as words could ever say.

If you want to learn more about this I would highly recommend the book "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle, if you are suffering and you need help with it you can feel free to contact me.

Ok now that's enough I hate how serious I get when I talk about this stuff lol!!!

I will give you this though, this seems to help people, Magnum Opus is a lifelong journey, it is not something that just happens it has to evolve. The Homeric hymn dedicated to hermes states that he is the bringer of knowledge from the Immortal world to the Mortal world, judging by the vast amount of Truth and Wisdom portrayed in both the Illiad and the Odyssey, two of the first recorded texts in western history, it is my assumption that Homer himself is the original author of the tablet.

The Philosophers Stone
The Emerald Tablet by Hermes

1: This is the Truth, the entire Truth, the absence of illusion

2: As above so below, and as below so above, with this balance alone can you truly Love the world, for the worker of all wonders is Space

3: All things exist in and emanate from Love which is the ultimate Cause, and as all things are from the One, by means of the meditation of the One, thus all things were born from the One, by means of adaptation, and all things sprang from this essence through a single projection, how marvelous is its work, it is the principle part of the world and its custodian

4: The Sun is your Father the Moon is your Mother

5: The wind carried you in her belly; the Earth nourished you and guarded you

6: You are the Father/Mother of all things; perfect is the power that reveals the Light

6a: Love is the cause of all perfection; the Eternal will is contained in you

7: On Earth your power is perfected

7a: It is a fire that became our earth, separate the Earth from the fire, the densest from the faintest, and you shall adhere more to that which is subtle than that which is coarse, that which is Light than that which is dark, through care and wisdom

8: Rise above the world and art in Heaven, extract the Light from the Eternal Sea and be here on Earth containing the power of the Heavens above and the Earth below for you are the purest Light, therefore the darkness flees from you

9: The world will be illuminated and confusion will fly from you, thus you will have the Glory of the world, regardless of an abject fate

10: It is power, strong with the strength of all power, for it will penetrate all mysteries and dispel all ignorance, the mortal soul will flee and the Heavens, and the Sky and the entire Earth will be known as it truly exists

11: This was the means of the creation of the world; the structure of the microcosm is in accordance with the structure of the macrocosm

12: And from it are born wonderful adaptations, of which the way is given here

13: That is why I have been called Hermes Tristmegistus, having the three elements of all Wisdom: logic, conscience and the Immortal Truth

14: Thus ends the revelation of the work of the Cosmos, the work of the Sun and the Moon, and the wind and the Earth

The Eternal will is Love, not the sappy emotional Love, the Love of which I speak is a very light and easy thing, it should take an effort that is not there to hold it back, there is no seriousness in Paradise, life is very easy, effortless, you are just making it hard on your self.

The one on his left spat at him and cursed his name, at once a crow swept down and plucked out both his eyes, the one on his right said I accept thee, may I enter the Kingdom with you, and Jesus said, then come and dine with me in Paradise. That is the choice that is given to all, whoever denies Eternal Life will suffer blindly, whoever accepts Eternal Life will live in Peace in Paradise. Forgive them father for they know not what they do, that is true Love, unconditional, even in the face of his death, now I gotta be honest I don't know if I will ever be capapable of such Love, but I do know this, that guy knew what he was saying.

Peace, Bliss, laughter and Love
Yes! The Emerald Tablets. I found myself speaking the chants trying to gain access to the hall of halls! The halls of Amenti. I felt after a while like I was maybe getting closer to the dark rather than the light. I think that perhaps Thoth built the Great Pyramid. With all that you said above, assuming that you know that all this is the Truth the light and the way, are you aware of all pyramid facts and know of its previous in history as a machine? And I don't mean what we have been told by Egyptologist. Thanks for posting all of that.
I am aware of the perfect placement of the Cosmos, if that's what you are getting at Chartreuse, how the pyramids are calculators for cosmological events such as the age of aquarius, I don't know quite what you mean by it being a machine is that what you mean, perhaps Thoth was involved in its construction but I don't think he built it himself. It's no problem talking about this stuff if you are interested in it. Sometimes you have to go into the darkness before you can assend into the Light.
hey man i think i want to become more knowledgable of this enlightement, i feel my life is almost to fall apart. today i was almost going to start walking from new mexico to california. because i need to leave my house
Ya Topman I'll talk to ya about it, gotta head out right now, but will def talk to ya about, think it will help ya a bunch.

alright thanks man, i think i do need it because, my family starts arguements about me and me not having a door knob, or me being afraid of spiders. i think if i went up to my dad and said, the word, "man" he would probably start arguing with me, i really need to leave my house. i cant live here any longer. someone help.