I found like a DOZEN VIDEOS of Christ Himself, He said that He posted on HERE!!!!!

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
That's what you get when you got a book of mumbo jumbo and tea leaf bullshit anyone can find a million reasons for anything they do in there. Ever see the Nostradamus shows on history Chanel? Yeah.....him and I are both Jesus and a dude really built a boat for 2 of every animal and a guy really did live inside a fish and get spit out just fin and dandy. Schizophrenia is as powerful a drug as cocaine was for Rick James. My initials are ALS....shit I'm Satan I invented Lou Gehrig's disease.....but my mom's initials are BS....maybe I'm full of shit.....

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I liked that entire post Corey. ^ was the typo of 'fish' deliberate when you wrote "fin"...? worked real well with fish in the same sentence. dig it.

"...and a guy really did live inside a fish and get spit out just fin and dandy."

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
LOL, I love it when the sky daddy people hack on the other religious types like theirs is so believable and right but the virgins in heaven for martyrs and 6 armed gods is just crazy.

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
That's what you get when you got a book of mumbo jumbo and tea leaf bullshit anyone can find a million reasons for anything they do in there. Ever see the Nostradamus shows on history Chanel? Yeah.....him and I are both Jesus and a dude really built a boat for 2 of every animal and a guy really did live inside a fish and get spit out just fin and dandy. Schizophrenia is as powerful a drug as cocaine was for Rick James. My initials are ALS....shit I'm Satan I invented Lou Gehrig's disease.....but my mom's initials are BS....maybe I'm full of shit.....
bongsmilie heres your whale story--

There are, however, several documented accounts of people who have been swallowed by whales and large fish, and have lived to tell about it, even after several days. One species of fish, the "Sea Dog" (Carcharodon carcharias), is found in all warm seas, and can reach a length of 40 feet. In the year 1758, a sailor fell overboard from a boat in the Mediterranean and was swallowed by a sea dog. The captain of the vessel ordered a cannon on the deck to be fired at the fish, which vomited up the sailor alive and unharmed after it was struck.[SUP]1[/SUP]
Sperm whales can swallow lumps of food eight feet in diameter. Entire skeletons of sharks up to sixteen feet in length have been found in them. In February of 1891, James Bartley, a sailor aboard the whaling ship "Star of the East," was swallowed by a whale in the vicinity of the Falkland Islands. He was within the whale for more than forty-eight hours, and after he was found inside the whale, which had been harpooned and brought aboard the whaling ship, it took him two weeks to recover from the ordeal. Sir Francis Fox wrote as follows about this:
Bartley affirms that he would probably have lived inside his house of flesh until he starved, for he lost his senses through fright and not from lack of air. He remembers the sensation of being thrown out of the boat into the sea. . . . He was then encompassed by a great darkness and he felt he was slipping along a smooth passage of some sort that seemed to move and carry him forward. The sensation lasted but a short time and then he realized he had more room. He felt about him and his hands came in contact with a yielding slimy substance that seemed to shrink from his touch. It finally dawned upon him that he had been swallowed by the whale . . . he could easily breathe; but the heat was terrible. It was not of a scorching, stifling nature, but it seemed to open the pores of his skin and draw out his vitality. . . . His skin where it was exposed to the action of the gastric juice . . . face, neck and hands were bleached to a deadly whiteness and took on the appearance of parchment . . . (and) never recovered its natural appearance . . . (though otherwise) his health did not seem affected by his terrible experience.[SUP]2[/SUP]
Another individual, Marshall Jenkins, was swallowed by a Sperm Whale in the South Seas. The Boston Post Boy, October 14, 1771, reported that an Edgartown (U.S.A.) whaling vessel struck a whale, and that after the whale had bitten one of the boats in two, it took Jenkins in its mouth and went under the water with him. After returning to the surface, the whale vomited him on to the wreckage of the broken boat, "much bruised but not seriously injured."[SUP]3[/SUP]

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
stories from the 17 and 1800's Buck? Didn't they still print sea monsters on the end of the world side of their maps then? LOL I'm just having fun have your faith if that's what you're into. my only real gripes are about wars in the name of and hypocrisy within the groups as well as not being able to reconcile science with your faith. Got a "friend" as much as I can be friends with a guy like this: who has told his kid (7 years old) that he didn't have to listen to his teacher when she starts talking about the age of the earth and evolution. science isn't a belief its an explanation of what is with the best possible proof we have. so if you can believe that a giant sky daddy exists tampering with our world and smiting folks who don't believe in him and all that but you can't believe the earth is billions of years old even with proof....well that's something else. cheers!