Has anyone tried growing in a Topsy Turvy?


Well-Known Member
I remember blasting the shit out of the whole "Topsy Turvy" concept (for growing weed!), here at RIU a couple of years ago. At that time, I think it was just an "academic argument" - I don't think anyone had actually done it yet!

At any rate - I'm pleased to say that I (and others) were completely wrong! And might I, graciousely, add that those photos by the OP, prove that cannibis will do quite well hanging upside down!


Active Member
Last years plant I was able to prune it like a candelabra... This year I have a Pineapple Kush started, but she's gonna be onesided I can already tell. Last years Thai (pictured above) was grown in a flower Topsy-Turvy. It looks like it choked itself on the collar of the planter. Tomato TT's have a larger diameter hole so should work perfect. I'll post some pics as soon as I dust off my camera... Great to see all of you interested! One more thing is that plant had zero caterpillars, mites, slugs, & etc. since it was suspended... I've got more seedling started & preparing for TT's. I've gotta work on my pruning technique!


Well-Known Member
Just switched mine over into a turvy, did you just let her grow out or was there some serious lst going on too? Im thinking of weighing down the branches during vegg so the nugs form as an upright mj plant only the leaves are turned around... None of this wrapping around action. I get high winds come the end of the season.. A good microburst will defiantly take advantage of the weak point on the plant with it curving around. I want my turvy to look exactly like a common potted plant only upside down! Talk about a constant battle

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
@indagrow .. with my topsy plant, i did some serious pinching/supercropping.. i always do with a lot of my plants though


Active Member
I would try training her up and over the pot, mine didnt quite make it and they are getting rained on when I feed them lol, it cool now but im thinking itll cause problems when the flowers are bigger.