my stupid fuckn dog!!! aaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!


Active Member
OMFG my dog got in my closet and helped himself I guess all he wanted was the pot cause the little plant & dirt was on the floor well I picked it up & put it back in will it be OK before he did I was about to make a post after View attachment 2616465reporting yesterday I noticed during the day all leaves were growingbigger & none were getting taller except for 2 its not growing any way could it be can it just nit grow a growth stunt if so how do u help it
All joking aside that is a beautiful dog so for the dog's sake I'm going to give you some sound advice. Puppies tear up shit, what you don't want tore up keep put away plain and simple quit being lazy and pick the place up. The puppy doesn't know any better, keep things put away especially medicine, bottles of pills and stuff like that will kill your dog. Buy it some toys to chew up instead of your things. Give the dog attention. If you can't do this please place an add and give him to a good home you could probably even sell him. Last but not least don't hit the dog, you'll scar it for life and he probably doesn't understand why he's being hit.


Active Member
i will volunteer to either pick that dog up in person or have him shipped to me so that he can live in a happy, loving home.

i will also pay a rehoming fee of $500.

that dog is cute as hell and i want him to have a happy life, not one where he wonders why master is beating him.

i am dead serious, OP. consider it.
Funny I was thinking the same thing, good looking pit bull in the wrong hands.


Well-Known Member
Funny I was thinking the same thing, good looking pit bull in the wrong hands.
i've raised seeing eye dogs before and am now dealing with a breed that seems to be stubborn, willful, and very intelligent.

i have no idea how to raise a pitbull right, but i'm sure i could figure it out.

and i reiterate to the OP, i am dead serious. i will pay for shipping to either PDX or my veterinarian to have that guy checked out, and $500 is yours to keep. i will send a money order to an anonymous PO box if you prefer.


all in all I love my dog we have a big family & trust me that dog does not lack any attention and me I know how pups are just Sid is different he's mine he the best no one get him we done put alot into him so that's that


Well-Known Member
So it went from beating the hell out of him until your hand hurt to spanking him with a flyswatter? Smooth transition.

"I know how pups are" No, no you don't. If you did you would know that spanking doesn't fucking work. For fucks sake they're not humans they don't understand the connection your trying to make they just see it as their master beating on them for no reason. If anything they think they get beaten for having fun or showing signs of free will, just make the dog a slave.

You probably don't think what you did wasn't that bad because he started licking you, but thats because he wanted you stop beating him and get approval. and he didn't seem off because they can't show any signs of weakness to pack leader when your picking on him.. It doesn't matter if the rest of your family is nice if the dog has to be afraid of the pack leader. We're bitching and starting drama not because we're women but maybe because we don't like vile ignorant creatures


Active Member
Orlandocb, something tells me this girl doesnt really think about what she posts.
Getting the impression she just writes down what she think people will like without giving it real thought.

Perhaps she thought that the fly swatter would add a level of comedy ... alas ... stuff like that on forums like these always backfire ...
too many grammar nazis, and too many people looking for the uppertunity to rip someone up because of things they said... sadly, they are doing the same as the girl, hoping someone agrees with them and that they will laugh and admire their post and hopefully be liked ....

ms weed, if I were you I would stop posting about the dog xD but thats all up to you ofc


Active Member
Orlandocb, something tells me this girl doesnt really think about what she posts.
Getting the impression she just writes down what she think people will like without giving it real thought.

Perhaps she thought that the fly swatter would add a level of comedy ... alas ... stuff like that on forums like these always backfire ...
too many grammar nazis, and too many people looking for the uppertunity to rip someone up because of things they said... sadly, they are doing the same as the girl, hoping someone agrees with them and that they will laugh and admire their post and hopefully be liked ....

ms weed, if I were you I would stop posting about the dog xD but thats all up to you ofc
Good point...Its like a bravado ppl tend to put on to get accepted by the community


Yea I know what lock but I tell ya what when my dog is bad he gets his ass popped just like a kid you probally need to be beat to don't tell me you let your animals do what they want like u said they are very smart they know what's wrong and not that's why when u leave the room the dog gets in trouble


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2616807View attachment 2616808

I don't know what this is does anyone know,and are lady bugs good for your plants?
How do u get rid of bats or prevent them from happening we always get them real easy at my house &&I've been reading every where u DONT want those on ur plants
Actually ass hole the clothes are on the floor cause its laundry day and every time the dog goes in the house it gets shampooer as for giving my baby Sid away I wouldn't take a million & I didn't actually beat him he got a spanking w/ a flyswatter he's not even a year old he's still in the training prosses
all in all I love my dog we have a big family & trust me that dog does not lack any attention and me I know how pups are just Sid is different he's mine he the best no one get him we done put alot into him so that's that
Yea I know what lock but I tell ya what when my dog is bad he gets his ass popped just like a kid you probally need to be beat to don't tell me you let your animals do what they want like u said they are very smart they know what's wrong and not that's why when u leave the room the dog gets in trouble
i don't like you at all :eyesmoke:

like fairy.gif


New Member
the worst part is that she is beating a puppy.

and judging by her posts, she's either not all there, from the south, or both.

the dog is probably smarter than her.
u can tell because she was all "I done beat the hell out of her" thats either from the south or not all there or both


Well-Known Member
OK, it might not have been a great question, but it was a simple one. All that I have been reading is a bunch of jokers trying to out insult each other at that person's expense. Not nice at all.


Active Member
OK, it might not have been a great question, but it was a simple one. All that I have been reading is a bunch of jokers trying to out insult each other at that person's expense. Not nice at all.
Ya get on here and admit to beating a puppy and we all just should ignore that, she deserves this reaming imo