About pot size !


Well-Known Member
i like my pot size to be as big as possible, and*a good container size for 150 watts is 3-5 gallons.


Active Member
It depends a bit on your lighting. but if you're using HID's with under 4 feet of headspace, I would use about twenty or so 1-liter soda bottles and grow SOG style. Or use one 5-gallon bucket and SCROG a single plant. You're not going to have much vertical height for anything else after your pots, plants, lights and the optional filter.

If you're using LED's or fluorescents, you should be able to get about four 3-gallon buckets or a single 18-gallon rubbermaid, which again, you could SCROG in. Or if that's not your thing, you could fit 2-4 plants in a rubbermaid that size. Some people advise against multiple plants in a single container. I've found that if they're not large plants, and they've been adequately spaced, they will grow just fine. But again I would recommend SCROG'ing over that any day.


Active Member
What size goes with 600w HID's?
Your pot size isn't really relative to your light size. You can use any size pots depending on the style of grow you are going for.To KISS:Just remember that however large your cannabis plant is above the soil line, you'll want nearly just as much space below the soil line for the roots to grow optimally.


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