2nd grow. C'99 and Super Lemon Haze(feminized)

Kite High

Well-Known Member
on c99 chop the whole plant on SLH stagger

My rec is run c99 again as anything as trippy pr more trippy will have a very long flower time

IMO high P containing foods are hype and detrimental...just run your grow nutes and cal mag


Well-Known Member
at local coffeeshop i got very nice and extremely strong G13, but just like jack herrer different seedbanks have different variations, it was extremely trippy, but i was unable to get the name of seedbank, any g13 u smoked that u liked? also flower time is not a big deal for me, since with 40g of harvest i can last for 4-6 months, and im expectingat least 80g from both so i am more interested in quality :)

added an intake fan yesterday, so now temps are 24-26C even 15cm from top, plants are streching more than i was expecting, they are alr 35-45cm long, and still 5-6 weeks to go, while i have like 20cm space left.
after watering SLH with nuteless water some leaves went back to normal, some did not, some went back to normal and then bended again, probably takes more than a week without flush to correct those things.. at least tops got bright color and it started grow faster again, so i believe it will turn out ok.. c99 have alr some nice tiny buds.
happy little garden, so is the gardener :)


Well-Known Member
Aaaahhh... One of those mornings when you go to the attic to check on ur plant and u see result that thrills you.
On Sunday I was watering both of the plants and this time I went very mild on nutes. Just because I have a lot of them, does not mean that plants has to be brutally forced to eat them. I did some search on RIU forum and found BioGrow feeding schedulle and comparing to this I was giving like 3times more than I should have. Anyway, I gave SLH one liter of pure water (this was a second time watering without nutes) and finally all those tops became light green and plant started showing some decent grow. C99 was and is crazy with growing, when I flowered my first c99 with cfls, in the end she was like 45cm high. Now still 4.5 weeks to go and her branches are alr 50-55cm and they grow like 1-2 inch per day. I have like 6inch of space left and I am really starting to worry. Good thing that with fans some of tops are 2-3" away from lamp and they do not show any heat stress for 2 days alr. So that gives me extra few inches of grow space.
Also I saw some magnesium deficiency on C99. I've read that it could be fixed with epsom salt, but I've never seen that in grocery stores. Will check in drug store, but then again, I read something about giving mag without cal can be harmful. I wonder whether that is true.
Here are some pics.


Well-Known Member
So many thoughts, so many people stating so many different ways of how to grow it right and in the end you stop and do something in between and then wait for the harvest to find out that you shouldn't have done it. Well one thing for sure, nobody can tell you better than the plant it self, it just takes time to learn how to listen...
Anyway, today I was trying to check if the soil is any humid so I could water it and I noticed it being really tough, my finger was hardly getting through.. I bought soil mix from grow shop with cocos and perlite and such. Maybe it is because I am using it second time for the grow or because the plant is big and its roots tied that soil. Anyway that probably can be not too handy for roots, due to lack of oxygen. But can anything be done regarding this? I saw one video where the guy lifted mj by it's sten with all the soil, added some more soil beneath and put that back to medium, claiming that its good for loosening and thus letting the air get in. But im not sure if those kind of things can be done when plant are already 4 weeks into flower.

Streching. It seems like it finally stopped streching, at least this was a second day I did notice main branches going up. it was 5th day after watering, so maybe that cause it to slow on growing, but my guess it's because its 4 weeks alr into flowering.
Stems. I have no clue how my plants are going to form the buds with those thin stems. well actually c99 is looking like it cannot get any more weight on those branches, thin and soooo long.. but its mostly sativa, and sativas are stretchy devils.. And SLH... that lemon haze is incredible, main stem is so tough, if not for the screw-hook it would be really difficult to keep her trained. Next time I would definitely top her or supercrop. as you can see from the pics side branches are way smaller than main shot.
Leaves. C99 on bottom leaves are showing some yellowing gradually from tips to stem, looks very much like magnesium deficiency, will try to find that epsom salt today. After watering last time SLH shoed some bright green color on the tops, but in three days it went dark, we'll see how it will do after todays watering.
nutes. now Im going very low on nutes, I guess I was overfeeding them, will check if that will help.
so here are some pics of C99, her buds, SLH and her newly formed little bud which does not look very healthy.. or maybe I am being impatient and making wrong assumptions, thats why I'm relying on you guys who read that and can comment on my situation, mistakes etc.

oh and also about my previous harvest. That C99 is a true winner. I don't remember any strain that could get me to laughing for 2-3 hours while having it with friends or my wife. And after 2 months it seems like its waaaayyyyy more tasty and potent. Last weekend I made DIY water pipe, omg that soft tasty smoke, goes in like from hookah and all it takes is one liter bottle, some duck tape and little tube made of pretty much anything, in my case it's broken tube spanner... :D
here's the pic of it

so in case you have some critics about my ladies or suggestions how I could get better on them, Please don't hesitate to comment :) thanks!


Active Member
I currently have a Super Lemon Haze that just took root a couple of weeks ago. So far I've noticed it likes to stay squat and bushy. I wasn't expecting this even though I've topped it a couple of times.

I'm subbing in to watch the rest of your project.



Well-Known Member
Supergreenman1, do you have any thread started about ur SLH? I'd like to watch that as well. SLH here is way more bushy than C99, but that plant definitely had to be topped, she does not like her tranches bended.


Well-Known Member
Oh, today one thought popped into my mind. I am reusing BioBizz All mix soil for the 2nd time. Can it be the case why the soil is so tough? Also is it advisable to reuse the soil or reuse and add something like worm casting or throw it away and get some fresh soil? Thanks for the input!


Well-Known Member
i live in apartment, do not own any garden etc, so will have to throw it away, or atleast leave like 30% of old soil and add 70 of new mix.
Kite, I saw you advising people including me to add more cal mag. if you were growing in soil with organic nutes, what would be best option to solve this deficiency? chulk + epsom salt or cal +mag nutes or sth else? u seem to know this strain very wll, so far everything what you said came true :) idk maybe thets common for every plant, still your very good forecaster

Kite High

Well-Known Member
I don't do "organics" indoors and its been a while since I did outdoor grows. I use Botanicare CAL-MAG Plus. IMO it is advisable to up cal mag, k and sulfur from week 3 flower until the end of flower as cal is the 2nd most used macro in flower, not P as most everyone is misinformed about. Tissue analysis in mid flower of cannabis demonstrates N is most used followed by Cal then K then P. As a matter of fact 3 times the amount of Cal is needed over the amount of P. Sulfur is the micro most needed in flower to fuel synthase production which makes the cannabinoids.

If you can allow your medium to "cook" for months before planting then egg/ oyster shells pulverized can be used but as with dolomite lime it takes quite a bit of time for it to be available


Well-Known Member
I don't do "organics" indoors and its been a while since I did outdoor grows. I use Botanicare CAL-MAG Plus. IMO it is advisable to up cal mag, k and sulfur from week 3 flower until the end of flower as cal is the 2nd most used macro in flower, not P as most everyone is misinformed about. Tissue analysis in mid flower of cannabis demonstrates N is most used followed by Cal then K then P. As a matter of fact 3 times the amount of Cal is needed over the amount of P. Sulfur is the micro most needed in flower to fuel synthase production which makes the cannabinoids.

If you can allow your medium to "cook" for months before planting then egg/ oyster shells pulverized can be used but as with dolomite lime it takes quite a bit of time for it to be available
man, I love you


Well-Known Member
It's a pity I can't find any botanicare products in europe, been googling all morning for Cal Mag mix and so far found:
Sensical Bloom (or Grow)

but I tried to google any opinion on forums, however does not seem to be very popular..

also Grotek Cal-Max

this one also seem to have cal, mag, iron and site says for organics. and its cheaper. hmmm cheaper..

can anyone recommend any of these or any other I maybe were not able to find?


Well-Known Member
On sunday I ordered Grotek Cal-Max. 11eu for the fert 9 eu for delivery... oh well.. I should get it tomorrow. Hopefully this one will save me, cause at first I was not worrying because I thought it's supposed to be like this that bottom leaves are falling. But now I see that plant is really suffering from some deficiency. bottom part is yellowing quite strangely. Leaves start to wilt and start yellowing and drying at the same time from the tips towards the base. Hopefully this is cal mag def and that mix will solve it. You can see how badly those leaves look in a pic. From the middle to the tops leaves are healthy, no deficiencies shown in there. Here are some pics of C99 at 26th day into flower and one pic from previous grow at 25th day to compare. Nodes looks smaller and buds bigger. this one is at least 30% higher than previous.

SLH on the other hand almost all looks dark green, leaves are not canoeing anymore, looks like she's getting back on track. She is really picky on too much of nutes. Anyway, now I know.. Those plants became quite big and one 150W hps with 2x 25W 6500K cfls are not sufficient anymore. I added 25W and 30W 2700K cfl for some side lighting. Looks like streching completely stopped, at least for 4th day I do not see any stretch any more. nice. SLH has very fat and long pistils. C99 has also way longer pistils than on my previous grow.

Also, let me introduce you my 2.3feet incognito plant. It was not my intention to grow it, but I couldn't throw that away. On my previous harvest day I cut two branches and wanted to reveg them. Well one actually rooted and later, it started growing. I read something about revegging and I wanted just to try whether I'll succeed. Well I succeeded, however the result is not what I expected. I read that after you reveg they become bushy. well check this bush out :))) single stem, only on very bottom two side branches which are not very well developed, only bud sites appearing between fan leaves. It's in very small medium. you can see that in C99 pic, but she does not complain. It's a good thing I did not trash it as somebody suggested in another thread, will be nice addition to my harvest :)

And now so far the only thing that really worries me is those falling leaves on C99.


Well-Known Member
actually i always try to water so it would not splash or mess with soil surface, i even left fallen leaves in pot so they would protect soil from direct water, but i did reduced twice feeding seeing my slh being overfed.. but the yellowing from n deficiency usually blurs all leaf at the same time, but lots of leaves here with dried tips, which looks very similar to mag def examples, but i guess this is a combo of both, thanks again Kite!


Well-Known Member
Sir, yes Sir,

dead leaves out, nitrogen - incoming :)

I've been watering on Sunday, but maybe it's not that unnatural to get extra rain shower within 2 days, cause if I will be waiting, I will lose more foliage..


Well-Known Member
Incredible. I had to receive yesterday my Grotek Cal-Max, 11eu for 1L, 9eu for delivery and today after calling them, they say that it will be delivered withing 8-9days. arrrhhhh frustration... I'll be harvesting in 3 weeks, I wonder whether that cal mag supplement even help me after 9 days :/ Hopefully grow nutes going to fix some deficiencies


Well-Known Member
Sup sim, sorry I ain't been by in awhile. We're both experiencing the same problem I see. Damn bloom food hype :wall:. Thanks to KH and UB, I am extremely excited to start the next grow (not that I was never excited to grow). Any chance you'll keep the plants a bit shorter next time around? Kind of a help your lights, help you sort of thing.

Went with gallon jugs to help limit my height, I feel I went too small though. Gonna try 2 gallon nursery pots next time around.