wack start to the morning.


Well-Known Member
No fraud here man, it was a trailer worth about $15K and he only got $12k out of it, and as far as fraud goes, adjusters come along and determine what the damage is so Again insurance fraud is more like a Indian guy leaping infront of a car to collect insurance money.

lmao! I love how you picked a particular race at random.. haha... you guys are too funny.


Well-Known Member
Uhh. So if I left my Lexus in downtown Detroit with the doors unlocked and left it there for a few days, to come back to it being either totally stripped down or missing all together, that is somehow "their" fault?

If you leave something unattended in an area that anyone, even a 2 year old, would know get damaged by an animal or person, I would say it's more your fault than it is theirs.

Furthermore.. the raccoon was looking for food and shelter, a basic need of any animal, including humans. A raccoon does not say to itself.. hey check out this jackass's house/trailer, lets go trash it... if you believe that.. then well.. there's no debate to be had.

P.S. when I say "you", I am not referring to you specifically, I am using "you" in general terms.
hahaha.. is why I have the car insurance I do... living within an hour-ish of both Detroit and Flint, my policy covers my car completely with no penalty even if I leave the car door open with it running and someone jumps in, then takes off with it.

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
Ya anyone in the know, calls it no fault insurance, it was a trailer, normally kept in the woods, so not really out of the ordinary, but whatever. See4 have you ever held an insurance policy?


Well-Known Member
No fraud here man, it was a trailer worth about $15K and he only got $12k out of it, and as far as fraud goes, adjusters come along and determine what the damage is so Again insurance fraud is more like a Indian guy leaping infront of a car to collect insurance money.

Dot or feather? Cuz, we feathers generally push people that call us "indians" in front of cars, to collect a LoL.

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
Uhh. So if I left my Lexus in downtown Detroit with the doors unlocked and left it there for a few days, to come back to it being either totally stripped down or missing all together, that is somehow "their" fault?

If you leave something unattended in an area that anyone, even a 2 year old, would know get damaged by an animal or person, I would say it's more your fault than it is theirs.

Furthermore.. the raccoon was looking for food and shelter, a basic need of any animal, including humans. A raccoon does not say to itself.. hey check out this jackass's house/trailer, lets go trash it... if you believe that.. then well.. there's no debate to be had.

P.S. when I say "you", I am not referring to you specifically, I am using "you" in general terms.
not trying to Debate you about anything just sharing a story and I grew up on a farm and am very familiar with how animals go about there business and yes sometimes you have to dispatch an nusence to protect you property and livestock, it is totally legal to do so.

Again I am not trying to argue or debate with you See4, try not to get all defensive.



Well-Known Member
DOT and I know alot of feathers, however they don't really wear feathers.
Dude... some of my best tech. support calls have been to Indians. And, they have Curry, and Indian women.

You'd be surprise at what people wear when no one's looking.

In Japan, our company had drivers, because the elderly sometimes stepped in front of cars driven by Americans. Happens a lot in S. Korea, also.


Well-Known Member
not trying to Debate you about anything just sharing a story and I grew up on a farm and am very familiar with how animals go about there business and yes sometimes you have to dispatch an nusence to protect you property and livestock, it is totally legal to do so.

Again I am not trying to argue or debate with you See4, try not to get all defensive.

yea man, totally understandable, I certainly was not trying to be defensive or attacking, I was merely pointing out my view on it.

and Im actually not debating the act of killing animals itself. if it is justified, totally understandable. but sometimes, and some people think its funny to kill animals because they are vaguely annoying, and then brag about it, as if it were some sort of grand accomplishment.. that is not very respectable.


Well-Known Member
Ya anyone in the know, calls it no fault insurance, it was a trailer, normally kept in the woods, so not really out of the ordinary, but whatever. See4 have you ever held an insurance policy?
no, what's an insurance policy? is that the thing Im forced to have on my several homes? or how about my two cars? or my boat perhaps? or how about my patek philippe watch?

some lady told me i had to get them because the government told me i had to. otherwise i wouldn't, i simply protect all my gear with bows and guns... yeeehaw!

as a side note: my condo in brazil is not insured, i really should look into that..

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
Agreed, not responsible, not honourable, not stewardful. But some people just be little heartless children running around destroying anything before trying to understand things.

well there are all types I suppose, and when I say children I was once a child aswell so I speak from experience.



Well-Known Member
Agreed, not responsible, not honourable, not stewardful. But some people just be little heartless children running around destroying anything before trying to understand things.

well there are all types I suppose, and when I say children I was once a child aswell so I speak from experience.

maybe i read this wrong, but i assure you i understood exactly what i was attacking. if that is not what you are saying, please disregard.


Well-Known Member
woops! almost corrected yourself without nobody noticing.

you're a funny little kid aren't you? *tussles your hair

aight little buddy, you go run along play with the other children. let us adults talk now.
oh no i'm high as fuck and made a typing mistake then corrected it promptly. i'm such a little kid yes that makes total sense. maybe the one calling other's a little kid every chance they get is the little kid? yeah, i think so. can you just end the troll spree please you are losing the respect of your valued members in this virtual reality you call home.


Well-Known Member
oh no i'm high as fuck and made a typing mistake then corrected it promptly. i'm such a little kid yes that makes total sense. maybe the one calling other's a little kid every chance they get is the little kid? yeah, i think so. can you just end the troll spree please you are losing the respect of your valued members in this virtual reality you call home.
its funny how you keep posting, yet your post count stays the same... its almost as if your useless blather keeps getting deleted.



Active Member
Someone needs to shoot a broadhead arrow into the heart of this thread.
Wellllll i guest i need to notch another arrow.

i cant believe even after the heat is off, erryons acting so childish still.

for any who are in agreement with me, and what i did, just stop talking to these jackasses. let them go act like idiots elsewhere. as soon as you engage certain members in convo, they geek and act like 3 year olds. if you ignore them, they go away. i was warned about bucky and see4. This is something they like to do, get erryone fired up and pissing on eachother.

without us, and our reactions, they cant have fun. just read what they say and dont answer. that how you piss off those who sek to ruin others enjoyment by starting shit.


Well-Known Member
Wellllll i guest i need to notch another arrow.

i cant believe even after the heat is off, erryons acting so childish still.

for any who are in agreement with me, and what i did, just stop talking to these jackasses. let them go act like idiots elsewhere. as soon as you engage certain members in convo, they geek and act like 3 year olds. if you ignore them, they go away. i was warned about bucky and see4. This is something they like to do, get erryone fired up and pissing on eachother.

without us, and our reactions, they cant have fun. just read what they say and dont answer. that how you piss off those who sek to ruin others enjoyment by starting shit.
you should take your own advice kiddo. and as long as you dont make threads bragging about how you killing animals because your inability to keep your grow area and house contained, people like me and bucky wont need to come in and piss on your parade.

funny how i play nice with most everyone else, yet people like you get the shit end of my stick.. i wonder why that is...


Well-Known Member
Wellllll i guest i need to notch another arrow.

i cant believe even after the heat is off, erryons acting so childish still.

for any who are in agreement with me, and what i did, just stop talking to these jackasses. let them go act like idiots elsewhere. as soon as you engage certain members in convo, they geek and act like 3 year olds. if you ignore them, they go away. i was warned about bucky and see4. This is something they like to do, get erryone fired up and pissing on eachother.

without us, and our reactions, they cant have fun. just read what they say and dont answer. that how you piss off those who sek to ruin others enjoyment by starting shit.
Don't let it get to you so much...it's just the interweb.


Active Member
It dosent bother me anymore. after being told those two particular users like to stir shit, i dont even read thier posts. i just could care less. giving them a reaction satinfys them