First ever grow, grow journal.

Only problems are now with how tall they grow and nute burn problems which could occur.
I would hold back on the mix as far as nutrients went then, and use just what they need. You would have less worry about nute burn then.
Just give em lots of P and some K and molasses!
its the tying down part mostly that would have me concerned, be sure to explain how delicate they can be and that a little goes a long way.
I would hate to see him snap branches but I am sure that if you explain it he will do fine.
What are you going to plant next grow?
I have been looking at "Marley's Callie" from sensi seeds or something from Subcool to do next spring. I will do the Grenadine I have this fall for my holiday stash :mrgreen:
So many strains, so little room in my closet...
Yeah thanks i think thats what i'll do. Still need to look thoroughly into molasses.. My mate should be alright i give him a bit of tutorial lol. Ah my next strain, i dont know lol ive seen so many that tempt me like the g13 x Haze or plain and simple white widow, even LR2 has tempted me. I want something exotic that i know will be good so i'll have to do some research. Only thing is come September im moving out of my current house to London. So theres no point me starting anything until i move. I also wont know if it'l be possible to grow until then either... Fingers crossed!
Yeah thanks i think thats what i'll do. Still need to look thoroughly into molasses.. My mate should be alright i give him a bit of tutorial lol. Ah my next strain, i dont know lol ive seen so many that tempt me like the g13 x Haze or plain and simple white widow, even LR2 has tempted me. I want something exotic that i know will be good so i'll have to do some research. Only thing is come September im moving out of my current house to London. So theres no point me starting anything until i move. I also wont know if it'l be possible to grow until then either... Fingers crossed!
Hey TGP if you're even considering the LR2 for the next grow take a look at these first. I'm thinking about the Mini-Thunderfuck for my next grow.:peace:
I want something exotic that i know will be good so i'll have to do some research.
Check out the TGA strains.
Like the attached Jillybean It looks electric
I have been looking for the Apollo strain but found out its a cutting only deal :cry:
But if I do something from subcool's group will be for next springs harvest at the earliest.


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Cheers for link BGT! Its even in GBP! ha the LR Mint looks tempting there! I think if i have a tiny place to grow like i have now then i may just have LR's maybe two or three different types growing. That way i can have numerous harvests a year. However if i have a bit more room to play with (which im hoping for :D) Then i may try a bigger strain which i still need to look into haha theres so many that im tempted by. If i do get a bigger place to play with i may incorporate some LR's into that OR set up a small grow box/ tent and have LR's in that. Remember i have a red spectrum CFL as well as a HPS which is lying around, i may be able to put both to use in London :D

Alto that bud looks crazy! I definitely will look into the TGA strains cheers!
Cheers for the link man! I guess the good thing about not having my next grow till September is that i have plenty of time to narrow my choices down haha

Hmm im stuck for choice on that site as it is haha Possibly the citrus mix....
Quick question: Im looking into purchasing a jewelers magnifying glass to check my trichs *if and when i get there* do you guys reckon 30x is strong enough? I cant seem to find anything stronger...
Quick question: Im looking into purchasing a jewelers magnifying glass to check my trichs *if and when i get there* do you guys reckon 30x is strong enough? I cant seem to find anything stronger...

My eyes aren't very good and I find 30x loupe is fine for viewing trichomes. You can get one of those 40-60x pocket microscopes which is even better - but i found my hands weren't steady enough to hold the thing still to see anything unless i cut a leaf off and viewed on a steady surface.

i also have one of these:
Big 10-X Magnifier from Growco Indoor Garden Supply

which is excellent! only 10x power but it is so big it gives you a really good view of what's going on.
I'm thinking about the Mini-Thunderfuck for my next grow.:peace:
This is what they say about Thunderfuck...
Dutch seed site linked above said:
bin so long since this rare strain was around we cant tell how much of its traits were carried over to the new auto flowering Mini Thunderfuck as there is nothing to compare it to
Yet here Dr. Greenthumb: Cannabis Sativa, Seeds, Indica, Marijuana Weed, Growing Culture
They claim to have that strain in seed form to sell?
I am a bit confused, but if the mini has the MT traits it would be a great SOG plant. I had some of that back in the day and :clap:.
I have purchased seeds recently from Dr Greenthumb and they were great over the phone and the one seed I grew out so far is Jessica in my current grow.
She is their Grenadine strain.
MT was a bit to tall for my room but this small one would be a sweet addition to my collection, thanks for that link.
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Email: Thanks for the help again! Great i'll go for a 30x then hopefully that will be ok! That larger magnifying glass looks similar to one my mum has so next time im over there i might borrow it. Shes visually impaired you see. Thanks for the help mate!

Alto: Ah you've got me torn again haha you guys are too good at helping! The scope i was looking to get is a simple 30x pocket loupe. Its only like £5. But im tempted to get one with a LED now as it'll help loads with viewing. I can imagine using the one i was previously going to get would make it difficult to see due to light. Thanks for the links again! I'm looking into it!
Email: Thanks for the help again! Great i'll go for a 30x then hopefully that will be ok! That larger magnifying glass looks similar to one my mum has so next time im over there i might borrow it. Shes visually impaired you see. Thanks for the help mate!

Alto: Ah you've got me torn again haha you guys are too good at helping! The scope i was looking to get is a simple 30x pocket loupe. Its only like £5. But im tempted to get one with a LED now as it'll help loads with viewing. I can imagine using the one i was previously going to get would make it difficult to see due to light. Thanks for the links again! I'm looking into it!
you're welcome! to be honest - it is nice to have a variety - something very powerful to get a great view of trichomes (like a $20 pocket microscope) and a 30x loupe for a quick check for sex and trichomes and bugs!

The 10x comes in handy for the above as well. Plus you can look at other shit close-up!
you're welcome! to be honest - it is nice to have a variety - something very powerful to get a great view of trichomes (like a $20 pocket microscope) and a 30x loupe for a quick check for sex and trichomes and bugs!

The 10x comes in handy for the above as well. Plus you can look at other shit close-up!
Your right I got that pocket scope for trics basically but I also have a 10x magnifier for those other things and a big square magnifier for when I can't find my reading glasses lmao.
I was messing with the 60-100x scope the other night and looking at all the crazy shit they print on American money these days.
Cheers guys! Yeah this has got to be the most intriguing hobby ive ever had lol. Ive been checking the PH of random liquids (not dodgy..), growing my own vegetables etc all influenced by my grow. I think i've learnt more with this grow and on this website than i ever did in school haha
BTW next grow I want to get one of those zPic thingys,
its a high powered scope that connects directly to your pc.
Then I can do screenshots and share them with you all in my next journal...
We need new pictures TGP
One of those zPics would be awesome! Get one! lol :P Yeah sure i'll get an update shortly for ya! Not sure if there will be much noticeable difference though. I wish i hadnt broken my video camera i could get decent quality videos of the girls then.
Update: Day 71 day 19 flowering.

Clone is doing exceedingly well lol i thought it would be dead. Particularly as from what ive seen on these boards its quite tricky? I havent done much at all apart from snip dip and put it in a bottle lol and now its in soil doing fine.. Below is a picture, for some reason the picture came out quite bad, it looks like the clone is quite yellow and crisp around edges. It really isnt, its looking really healthy so dont be mislead by this pic.


I decided to water them today with weak nutes. Suggested dosage for Canna Boost is 2ml per 1 liter. So i just under 1 ml per liter and water and gave one liter per plant. I also added a small amount of PK 13/14 to the mix just to help flowering. Thought this was a pretty cool idea for measuring out your nutes, youve probably seen them before but thought id take a photo of it anyway lol You just squeeze the bottle and it fills the top compartment up to your desired amount:

Mary is developing hairs almost all over now how ever very slowly. She is at least a week behind Jane. So i imagine i will be chopping her after Jane. Which in a way is a good thing because there's more chance of her finishing well after i get back from holiday.

On one or two of Janes lower older leaves she has been showing some drying/ slight yellowing. Nothing ive been worrying about but i tried to take a photo it didnt come out well. I guess it must be down to nute deficiency? Who knows, main thing it isnt spreading and these leaves were burnt back when i had the problems and transplanted etc.. Heres the pic, sorry its out of focus..:

Anyway to the interesting pics:

Both girls and me clone:

Sorry had to use the fisheye lens again haha Primarily Mary.:

Top of Jane:

Close up of top most bud on Jane. Sorry about the macro being off center lol:

My apologies for this being slightly out of focus, same bud from above:

Jane again just not close up:

And thats all i managed to take today before my battery ran out! Hope thats ok lol

Mary is all over the place at the moment with all her branches lol it will be interesting to see how she manages over the next few weeks. Jane is showing some gorgeous pink stems to her leaves now. Annoyingly it wont show up on photos... Ah well. Thats about it really, thanks for stopping by!


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plants continue to look very pleasing. i've never tried cloning but from what i've heard and read - some folks just have a knack for cloning - maybe you are one of those lucky folks! :joint: