Under the bridge a trolls paradise.


Well-Known Member
my address? i guess you could. i got nothing to hide, and you are more than welcome to stop by any time. my door is always open. so are my legs. ;-)
Yeah, boi!

I think you have one of my knives, too -- from back in the day, I'm trying to collect them all, for my re-entry into the consulting world. Could you check your back for me really quick?


Well-Known Member
I tossed in the pic of one of our more well known trolls, I still had that saved.. that was Bmeat's first plant or so he said hahahahaha
I trolled your troll... Sorry if I sounded too insightful on it. I forgot the intention misspellings.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, boi!

I think you have one of my knives, too -- from back in the day, I'm trying to collect them all, for my re-entry into the consulting world. Could you check your back for me really quick?
haha! seriously. blood thirsty world it is. i live above that shit though. i move different chess pieces around rather than going in for the quick kill.

Chartreuse Spruce

Active Member
When it get like this at me, I'll just leave. It's not fun when someone speak to you like this and I don't like the anger it makes me feel either so I'll go laugh elsewhere. There's all that emotion I'd better check! shiiiiaaat, I'll work on that for ya. Without emotion everyone would be pretty fucking boring!


Well-Known Member
How many grams o' dank-dank from this? Should I top it?

Yup.. after you top it, you should FIM it, then LST.. o yea, dont forget to stupercrop~
then SCROG it-- just to make sure you get a FAT yield :dunce:

--troll troll troll your boat gently down the steam.. merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream..



Well-Known Member
When it get like this at me, I'll just leave. It's not fun when someone speak to you like this and I don't like the anger it makes me feel either so I'll go laugh elsewhere. There's all that emotion I'd better check! shiiiiaaat, I'll work on that for ya. Without emotion everyone would be pretty fucking boring!
Don't worry about it, like you said it is meant for fun.
Besides without you who else would people call an attention whore? ;)


Well-Known Member
haha! seriously. blood thirsty world it is. i live above that shit though. i move different chess pieces around rather than going in for the quick kill.
I miss the game. I'll be honest. I need an outlet. I.T. consulting seems to be the ultimate outlet. It takes a certain kind to live the life... I don't believe in quick kills, but, I did have a habit of leaving a knife in the back of at least one cunt at almost every company. They just beg for it.

When it get like this at me, I'll just leave. It's not fun when someone speak to you like this and I don't like the anger it makes me feel either so I'll go laugh elsewhere. There's all that emotion I'd better check! shiiiiaaat, I'll work on that for ya. Without emotion everyone would be pretty fucking boring!
You know, you just called like 30% of RIU boring, by virtue of our genetic difference, right? When you come into a troll thread, and post, and continue to post, you shouldn't get butt hurt when someone tells you that you should behave.

she's not a master baiter? im thinkin she is really good at it.
I don't know, she didn't reply to my PM, I tried to play with her, like she asked -- but, I guess not.


Pickle Queen
wtf is your problem, we were all laughing in here. How do you get mod power with that attitude? don't be so miserable. Maybe you need a mod break if you are that sour to people having a fun conversation where you don't recognize a bit of humor. They made fun of my man hands, so did I. And? it was no insult to me. I know its all play. Who care's anyway. The only person insulted just now was me and you did it. And don't tell me to check my emotions at the fucking door. Don't patronize me at all! How that for vocabulary?
perfect example thank u. Lol umm lol need a bowl hun? Talk about attitude lol maybe practice ur own words.