Over or under watering?


Well-Known Member
These two seedlings are ~two weeks old (one on the left is about 5 days younger). They are a nice colour and look very healthy, but I'm trying to figure out if I'm over or under-watering.

My temps in my tent are 79-81F, ranges between 30-50% RH, and I keep my watering can and mist bottle in the tent to keep the temp of water the same as the air, however I *always* pH to 6.6-6.8 prior to watering. I'm in MG soil and am not yet feeding nutes. I am growing under a 135w LED flanked by 6 x 23w 6500k CFLs 24/0 with good airflow.

This is my first indoor grow, and I haven't sorted out a scheduled watering schedule, so I would appreciate feedback as my veg stage goes on.





Active Member
looks like over watering...test the soil with your finger if it feels moist about one knuckle in your good for at least a day


Active Member
my guess is OVER watering,
if you water regularly with the correct ph, and NO nutes.

the only suspect I can see is too much water.

My rule of thumb is, if the top layer of soil "looks" dry, then go ahead and water.

If the top layer is dark and moist like yours, it can probly go another day.

hope I helped a lil


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you've heard that MG soil is not the best for mj, it's too hot, you may want to transplant in some other soil when you have the chance, watch your watering 'cause each time you do you desolve more nutes....just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
That's exactly what I was thinking Snick, thank you for the feedback.

I think I'm just impatient ;)



Well-Known Member
definitely over watering. you shouldn't need to water a seedling for the first 10-15 days from the initial watering it took to plant it, you need to wait until it has spread sufficient roots to absorb the water you initially put into the medium, before adding more.


Well-Known Member
Yep, I have heard that about MG, and although I did a TON of research prior to starting my seeds, I decided that was one thing that I'd leave alone... I have started seedlings of vegetables/herbs indoors my whole life, and MG has worked for the last few years, so I went with what I had around as a test for these seeds as well.

I have four plants started, and as soon as I get my new tent/lights/fan, I'm going to do a hempy setup. This run was literally just a test, but now that I see them healthy, I'm moving forward.




Active Member
Yep, I have heard that about MG, and although I did a TON of research prior to starting my seeds, I decided that was one thing that I'd leave alone... I have started seedlings of vegetables/herbs indoors my whole life, and MG has worked for the last few years, so I went with what I had around as a test for these seeds as well.

I have four plants started, and as soon as I get my new tent/lights/fan, I'm going to do a hempy setup. This run was literally just a test, but now that I see them healthy, I'm moving forward.


It definitely pays off to do a couple "trial runs", I did 2 grows on the extreme cheap and bagseed and learned a ton. Also got some pretty decent bud both times


Well-Known Member
Well, although this first run is just a 'test', after a bunch of research here, online and books, I just wanted to get started properly. I bought everything up front (tents, lights, temp/hum monitors, pH stuff, pots, domes, heat mats, fans, filters etc) and ordered 20 WW fem seeds... happy as I'm still under $1k, even after small items (crap for the CFLs, velcro for holding stuff up etc).

I'm still waiting on the rest of my stuff to arrive (MH/HPS w/cooltube etc) as my objective is to do staged SOGs in 2L soda bottles. Something like the following but on a much smaller scale: http://www.420magazine.com/forums/completed-journals/138874-come-sog-me-112-plant-2-liter-hempy-sog.html

One tent will be for a Mom and clones, and other for flower, and I want to 12/12 rooted clones immediately.

I think I'm just picky and impatient. My tomatoes and herbs just always grow... this is just a special plant ;)

Again, this is my first *indoor* grow, but I think I'll pick it up quick, especially with the help of all you fine people. Funny thing is, I rarely smoke anymore... my girl does, and she knows I'm a greenthumb, so this was kind of forced upon me :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
If you can grow tomatoes, you can grow weed. The soil looks too wet. problem with watering when the soil is dry on top, is there may be plenty of moisture lower in the pot.
Checking pots by weight is the best way. Your watering schedule won't be a set schedule, you just water when the plants need it.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you've heard that MG soil is not the best for mj, it's too hot, you may want to transplant in some other soil when you have the chance, watch your watering 'cause each time you do you desolve more nutes....just my opinion.
Over watering is the biggest problem with Miracle Gro soil. If you take it easy, Miracle Gro
will work fine, but you have to be super careful about watering, because as DeeTee said, you release nutes everytime you water.