Get the pineapple in here!


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Staff member
The mango might have been a better choice. :cool:

The Mango Marijuana Effect for Medicinal Patients
Alden Morris, Yahoo! Contributor Network.

The mango has just been recently discovered to be a perfect ally for marijuana smokers, both recreational and medicinal, around the globe. This is because myrcene terpenes are found in mangos which are also coexistent in cannabis and marijuana. Myrcene is an organic compound most commonly used in the fragrance industry because of the sweet aroma is produces. This is why plants containing myrcene terpenes such as mango's, lemon grass, cannabis, and hops have a sweet odor. The chemical myrcene (specifically the terpenes within it) helps the psychoactive ingredients in marijuana travel faster and more efficiently through the blood brain barrier ultimately increasing, strengthening, and even lengthening the '‹Å"high' feeling.
The idea of a mango supplementing the marijuana high is great news especially for medicinal marijuana patients. This is a cheaper and healthier form for patients to be pain free for prolong amounts of time. To get started eat either one or two mango's roughly an hour before smoking. This allows for the mango to be properly digested and the terpenes to have entered into your blood stream. Having a fast or slow metabolism does factor in the experiment, so to be safe and precautious only start by ingesting one mango at a time. Eating the mango before you smoke allows for the effects of marijuana to happen faster, but to lengthen the time of the effects of marijuana it is advisable to eat a mango after you have started smoking or even during.
It is also healthy to eat mangos as part of our daily diet because the fruit provides essential nutrients and sugars that our bodies need. This also solves the common problem of having '‹Å"the munchies.' This is a safe and healthy alternative to having other snacks that could propose health issues and concerns.


New Member
Or do both! Mango would be amazing also but mango shit is overdone. I personally never see anything pineapply at the shops. Plus a pineapple bong, cmon thats just epic


Well-Known Member
Or do both! Mango would be amazing also but mango shit is overdone. I personally never see anything pineapply at the shops. Plus a pineapple bong, cmon thats just epic
Frankenstein that shit? Use the mango as a "bubbler?" I think I have enough slides to do that. Then, most hollow the pina and punch a hole in it. Kinda' ruins the pineapple bong filled with rum, though.


Well-Known Member

Smoke report? When I can get a hit, and it's hard because it's flexible after hollowing out, it's yummy!

End Result? I'm going to make a gravity bong with this as the draw, and my sink as the base.

EDIT: Tomorrow, The mango, as a pipe. That'll work better.


Well-Known Member
Curious why did you cut the top hole so big? But overall thats badass!

Cuz I was high, it had a big top, and I was all excited. That's not the problem, though. Well, a bit of it, but the problem is more that it's to flexible and porous to really get a good draw from.


i look forward to seeing how the mango set up goes; if its a fail we can still have strawberries, mango and pineapple salad.. mmm yummy.


Well-Known Member
Pineapples WILL NOT ripen any farther once removed from the bush. Once picked it is as ripe as it will get. Letting it sit does nothing but start degrading it. And also color is not a factor in determining ripeness but rather the firmness.