wack start to the morning.


Well-Known Member
That would have been a power move right there. But I have already posted, "Finish him" in another thread. So you're just copying at this point! lol

Zing! 2 stars for me!!

Claim still mine!

P.S. - I'm too lazy to hunt down the post and link the comment.


Well-Known Member
We, the collective previously mentioned, will cede this thread to you -- IF you help me make my thong meme into more than a twisted idea. If, and that's a pretty big if, you can get it to appear on Fark, in at least 5 threads, the thread shall be your domain. Otherwise, fuck yo' claim, cracka! I'm tired of you honkies always trying to take more! :bigjoint:


Active Member
sadly, i am still the proud owner of this thread. i cant believe its stillllll going.

but i award ownership to kite. see4 will have to find another place to cry


Well-Known Member
sadly, i am still the proud owner of this thread. i cant believe its stillllll going.

but i award ownership to kite. see4 will have to find another place to cry

my claim, because i said so. and i trolled the fuck out this piece of shit thread. should have never been created in the first place.



Well-Known Member
sorry kush187. i think i'm overreacting on you a little. i'll chill.

it's cool if you need to get in a few attacks to make you feel better.. im cool with that. i can be a bit harsh sometimes. im cool now.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
So .........snip.............crop.
You know this is a Cannabis forum right? To get to the Crack heads take a left at the third run on sentence.

I'd be a lot more sympathetic if I wasn't caring for a Raven that may well loose his ability to fly loose because of someone else's dislike of Ravens.


Active Member
it was all in good fun. im over the thread.
but i really couldnt help it. i meant to post the video the other day.

but credit is due to you, you are the biggest baddest troll under the bridge. and im always hapy to give someone credit for your skills ad accomplishments


Active Member
You know this is a Cannabis forum right? To get to the Crack heads take a left at the third run on sentence.

I'd be a lot more sympathetic if I wasn't caring for a Raven that may well loose his ability to fly loose because of someone else's dislike of Ravens.
ravens are a natural predator of magpies, pest i despise. the fact that someone harmed a raven is a tragety. and they are a honerable bird. unlike magpies and seagulls, crows and ravens do not subside on garbage.

and regardless what a animal eats, i would never maim a animal and leave it to die slowly. regardless of anything. that is sick, you cant compare me ridding a possibly dangerous pest to someone harming a animal for enjoyment. and im not wasting its pelt. whats really the problem? should i have left it to rot in the sun?

you cant just compare situations that have no common factors.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
You know this is a Cannabis forum right? To get to the Crack heads take a left at the third run on sentence.

I'd be a lot more sympathetic if I wasn't caring for a Raven that may well loose his ability to fly loose because of someone else's dislike of Ravens.
then it is one that needs be deleted from the genepool...this is nature....kill it


Active Member
if the raven is saveable and it likes living in your home, and you become attached to it, keep it.

if it recovers, that would be wonderful. i like em. who knows how many magpie eggs he could go out there and eat for me.

and if hes in pain, and will unlikly not survive, or will have a seriosly hard kife due to disability, its doing it a dissevice to extend its suffering.

good luck mr raven. pull thru and help exterminate the magpies.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
ravens are a natural predator of magpies, pest i despise. the fact that someone harmed a raven is a tragety. and they are a honerable bird. unlike magpies and seagulls, crows and ravens do not subside on garbage.

and regardless what a animal eats, i would never maim a animal and leave it to die slowly. regardless of anything. that is sick, you cant compare me ridding a possibly dangerous pest to someone harming a animal for enjoyment. and im not wasting its pelt. whats really the problem? should i have left it to rot in the sun?

you cant just compare situations that have no common factors.