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indy, tives, or brid

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Well-Known Member
SUNSET OG hmmm might be headstash status. We only had like 200 beans total and I've given quite a few away... if youve got em F2 em, and spread tha love!
Haha ya I remember seeing it somewhere and she looked oh so lovely! Haha I could only imagine those genetics!

chef c

Well-Known Member
Pink lady (tga) x Tahoe OG (tcc) was the SUNSET OG's genetic background. I most likely re-posted pics of the testers that d84 should be credited with. He had a few amazing phenos that were to die for! Here is a nug that is curing away to make your mouth water, again grown by a master, d84.


Well-Known Member

Ahh I should spend more time on tsd besides store section... need to register and such to look thru stuff.

Lots of TGA crosses cant really go wrong there.

Noticed that Working Mans Dank ECSD x App was back in stock while i was there.. hope it lasts long enough for me to grab some... sounds like something id like..

chef c

Well-Known Member
Ya it's a good spot, I dunno why more heads from here don't jump on over there but to each their own. Personally I love it. Bodhi's threads are all overs there, more 303 threads and basically all the breeders they have in stock have their own pages. So if you want to contact em they're there for you. 303 is still the best hands down, they're the only ones who on an almost daily basis post pics, answer questions and give info about new releases. But the other ones are there. Hell it's how I got in contact with bodhi and ya can't knock that!

chef c

Well-Known Member
Haha, that's why I never married... none of the vally bitches I dated in cali were on board w mari being in the relationship. And all my friends that did puff with were just friends. I wish I knew a hot chick that loved to puff and loved me too. First one that I find like that will be the next misses chef c! Actually that's not true, I had a few great ones, but I was a drunk fuck and cheated on all of em. Fuck alcohol. No fuck me and alcohol, I love being drunk as hell and making really bad decisions. I hate saying that. But its true in retrospect, which I also hate because it means I was wrong. Shit. But I lewrned from it all so I guewe it was all a part of the process. Neway... enough about me. Heres the project in full swing.

Honestly I don't regret any part of my life. As with all of us, I've had my ups and downs. But all of it has meaning and all of it is meaningful. Those are different right?


Well-Known Member
your growing into a new C, that's what really matters. because life is about learning from our actions, good or bad, and evolving into (hopefully) better people for those actions. gotta hook up soon mang


Well-Known Member
Heh, luckily my wife supports me as pot blows away prescriptions for a lot of meds that I just wasn't getting used to after a year of use and it was getting old and they hardly worked. But yea tsd looks like a fun money sink, I am getting a new grow room this summer so me and wife have been making a list of strains to grow and its getting a bit redic... And tsd auctions will help a lot so im stoked..heh. Here is a few pics of the 2nd OSD i cut this morning after I got done with work...IMG_0003.jpg

This one should of been pulled last week sometime more than likely, lots of amber trichs. The rest are doing final swell another 10 days max from how the other 2 went.. The cure on the first jar is coming around smells like the obvious stank fuel but has a sweet almost coffee like undertone to it. Still a tinge of cut grass smell as well so they aren't done yet. Still haven't broken a nug to taste and try..



Well-Known Member
Using the 25u bag was pointless all the good stuff seems to be in 45u. I saved all the 120 for using in coconut oil. So bubblebags sets are all pointless its either buy the 8 bag or buy single bags 220 120 90 45 or the cheap set imo. I guess some strains might need different microns?
In my exp you want the 220 to catch the crap you dont want in your hash. Then we use 160 120 75 and 25. When using different strains you are going to have more in certain bags due to size of trich's


Well-Known Member
Yup i used 220 in work bucket drained into the 120,45,25.

This week or next week when i make the bigger batchs i was going to use 120 90 73 45... The 25 caught maybe a gram under the 45 and it was not potent at all but I could use it instead of 45.

My biggest issue was I couldn't get it to dry properly at all, it still has a bit of water in it. Going thru forums i read keep it cold like 40 degrees and switch paper towels frequently so maybe ill try something like that.

And point taken on different microns for strains... I guess 8 bag is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
EC - I might try to make the BBQ. If you wanna carpool, let me know (PM, phone call, stop by, you know how to reach me... :-)


Well-Known Member
the wife wants to do the 420 rally dtown, i'm guessing we'll have to do the hill then run straight down ... if you wanna hit the rally too ............................?


Well-Known Member
the wife wants to do the 420 rally dtown, i'm guessing we'll have to do the hill then run straight down ... if you wanna hit the rally too ............................?
I can't make a full day of it but the BBQ sounds fun. Maybe I'll see you there...

chef c

Well-Known Member
NINE-FOURTEEN-D sneak peek coming tonight. This strain will have three Chems to choose from. My beautiful 91 is the mother and the new rose flowered frosty pheno of Chem4 x ChemD from scsc is the perfect 50/50 mix father.