trade names

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
don't have a trade name. I go by my real name in RL. I do have a few shortened versions of my real name.. or I'll get called by my last name. we do that a lot here, use last name instead of first name. but no trade names

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
i didnt want to use my name online at first, i didnt know if i was going to stick around. but i like this site. plus there ms no harm in talking about buisness alias.

i should have figured most would have used thier most common alias on the tread.

and others probably dont want to say. for me tho, only 2 people could actually tell you who i am. and ones got dementia.
im not to worried about using my proffesional name.
Hell...thats the least of my worries.....just about every dam mountain man goes by BEAR....LMAO.....there are a whole bunch of BEARS out

Kite High

Well-Known Member
don't have a trade name. I go by my real name in RL. I do have a few shortened versions of my real name.. or I'll get called by my last name. we do that a lot here, use last name instead of first name. but no trade names
You go by Horny Green Genetics...I know...thinking you all slick n shit


Well-Known Member
Bucky, I have this odd feeling you and I would be good RL friends. I have to say though, Id probably take you in a round of golf though. Shot an 84 the other day, first round of the season!

kush187, we troll you because its easy. Dont let it be easy, and it might be different....yea yea i know you dont care...blah blah.

Its easy to troll bigots, haters and all around douche-bags. Dont be that and you wont get trolled. Pretty simple logic.


Well-Known Member
there is one of us here who uses the same screen name here as at a handful of hunting and fishing sites, of which I happen to be members of also. I got a pretty good laugh at seeing him here after "knowing" him at the other sites, but I use different names at all places. Using the same one makes it real easy to be recognized other places, which isn't good.


Well-Known Member
see4 is only used here and grasscity when i signed up there a long time ago.

besides that.. its actually not difficult to figure out who i am. though my rl name is very common, so you may be able to pinpoint who i am exactly.


Well-Known Member
...eye don't know man, like, eye really think sometimes that eye should have one :)
eye can help you find one. eye am not exaggerating.

i see what you did there with the use of the word eye. very clever. it gives me ideas... like little see4 explosions going off in my head.


Well-Known Member
around here everyones got a nickame/trade name.Only the real badd ass's have a "The" in the front of it though:mrgreen:
introducingggggggggggggggg... THE slowbus..... bad ass motha fucka right ova huuur! dun fuq around boiiiiii! lol


Well-Known Member
in my town i go by an alias.. shawn labelle or "the 3rd" cuz im 3rd generation of my real name..


Well-Known Member
A few call me body count or killer. Most call me by my name or short variations of. Asshole and fucker are names that I respond to quite regularly


Active Member
in my town i go by an alias.. shawn labelle or "the 3rd" cuz im 3rd generation of my real name..
i would add a THE to my name but it woukd sound like O.D. stands for something, and that something isint something that would sound normal with a the on it...

but any of my friends would understand why. irealesed that info to them. but i dont really feel like making my name public, soooo i guess it has to remain a big secret lol