Nutrient questions


Active Member
Hello all,

Was looking to some answers to my questions about newts. Before I get an harsh remarks for not doing my homework or reading i've been searching the threads, and it's kind of getting me no where. There are a lot of mixed reviews. Some growers will provides links to grows with products that look amazing and than somebody will bash it or try and list a bunch of negatives. With that all said i'm trying to find a simple nutrient that I can run with my experience. I don't want to get bashed or talked down up, but it seems like advanced nutrients grow part a and b, bloom part a and b, along with the b52 and bud candy should give me enough newts to achieve a great yield for my experience level. I know AN has it's name because of what's its been doing but from my perspective it does seem like matching what's on the guaranteed analysis would do the trick. However, after extensive reading it doesn't seem true. Right now i'm kind of tight for cash, but I believe I could afford that line up, and think I would be completely satisfied. I welcome any comments or suggestions. P.S my little ladies are in need of newts very soon!

Thanks all

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Hello all,

Was looking to some answers to my questions about newts. Before I get an harsh remarks for not doing my homework or reading i've been searching the threads, and it's kind of getting me no where. There are a lot of mixed reviews. Some growers will provides links to grows with products that look amazing and than somebody will bash it or try and list a bunch of negatives. With that all said i'm trying to find a simple nutrient that I can run with my experience. I don't want to get bashed or talked down up, but it seems like advanced nutrients grow part a and b, bloom part a and b, along with the b52 and bud candy should give me enough newts to achieve a great yield for my experience level. I know AN has it's name because of what's its been doing but from my perspective it does seem like matching what's on the guaranteed analysis would do the trick. However, after extensive reading it doesn't seem true. Right now i'm kind of tight for cash, but I believe I could afford that line up, and think I would be completely satisfied. I welcome any comments or suggestions. P.S my little ladies are in need of newts very soon!

Thanks all
How old are they....what stage of growth??

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
get a $10 jug of jack's classic 20-20-20, use it from start to finish and you will have incredible results and several hundred dollars you didn't waste on advanced. Advanced nutes are out for your money, Don't fall for there B.S.


Active Member


Well-Known Member
AN sucks, If you are looking for liquid nutes always use the same line whatever you choose. I use Fox Farms Big Bloom and Grow Big and use my own molasses tea for flowering along with my homemade mineral chunks. Saves $$$ and also there are sellers on Ebay that do small quantity sales. You can get a 4 ounce bottle of Grow Big for about $6 and the same with Big Bloom if you just want to try them out first. Good luck to you!


Active Member
get a $10 jug of jack's classic 20-20-20, use it from start to finish and you will have incredible results and several hundred dollars you didn't waste on advanced. Advanced nutes are out for your money, Don't fall for there B.S.
Did some reading and I think i'm going to go with Jack's classic 20-20-20 and Jack's Bloom booster which is a 10-30-20. Do you think there are any other additives I might need to give my plants the complete round about? I'm not for sure if Jack's contains the b vitamins or amino acids need, should I check into getting maybe bud candy and b52 from AN?

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
get a $10 jug of jack's classic 20-20-20, use it from start to finish and you will have incredible results and several hundred dollars you didn't waste on advanced. Advanced nutes are out for your money, Don't fall for there B.S.

^^^THIS!!!! Doesnt get easier....years from now after many successful grows, after finding out that there are only so many variations of the SAME 13 necessary Macro and Micro nutrients a plant needs and after realizing that there is no way COMMERCIAL green houses (the guys who grow plants for a living) would pay for something like AN so you shouldnt either you will see the wisdom in this advice. Short from making your own at Jacks professional from is a complete food and solid bet. -S0uP


Well-Known Member
i love how this "jacks classic" everyone in here keeps recommending doesnt even have a source of calcium haha

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
the answers in this thread are hilarious. 20-20-20 being complete and all you need... Lol
Offering no suggestion of your own to the OP, defending, in err your need to believe your sophomoric investment in undoubtedly shiny bottles of "cannabis specific" salts for no other reason than self validation is in your own words; hilarious sir.

I will not engage in a fight in this thread or any other regarding this matter. I have no vested interest in proving to you that I am right. I am.

If what your doing is working for you thats great, I wish you all the best with your future endeavors. Fact still remains that to not offer that information to the OP benefits no one. It does on the other hand make you a common fucking troll. -S0uP


Well-Known Member
Simple fact nearly every cannabis strain has unique nutrient needs. To address them properly you will need to run a strain several times over to dial in its nutrients needs, Throwing 20-20-20 on a plant thinking you are giving it everything it needs, in the balance it needs... AHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Your current method of approach is a grapeshot... Sure youll hit your target.. and every other damn thing around it. Gluck with that.

You sir are the furthest thing from right I have encountered yet. And your words are spoken like a true amateur, Go ahead and keep throwing your excessive salts on your plants kid.

When you feel like really learning how to grow, Start looking into the soil food web.


Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
The OP asked for an inexpensive and simple nutrient that would get them through their first grow problem free. This is not some one who has cycled a strain 3-4 times. By telling them to investigate beneficial microbes and food webs you have once again managed to NOT answer the original posters question. I havent mentioned my personal method, your arguing for the sake of arguing. I stand by my statement, for a first time grower Jacks all purpose and tap water is as easy, inexpensive, and effective as one can get which I believe is what the OP was looking for.-S0uP

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I grew with all the bottled crap, even use to use jack's veg and bloom formulas with all kinds of additives.
I just finished a run using nothing but 20-20-20 and I had the best run ever. I got more buds, bigger buds and happy healthy plants. so all this bullshit about needing this and that is nonsense. Keep the plant happy and healthy and she will reward you. Pack it full of P and K and add all those additives and your going to be trying to correct problems the whole run.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Simple fact nearly every cannabis strain has unique nutrient needs. To address them properly you will need to run a strain several times over to dial in its nutrients needs, Throwing 20-20-20 on a plant thinking you are giving it everything it needs, in the balance it needs... AHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Your current method of approach is a grapeshot... Sure youll hit your target.. and every other damn thing around it. Gluck with that.

You sir are the furthest thing from right I have encountered yet. And your words are spoken like a true amateur, Go ahead and keep throwing your excessive salts on your plants kid.

When you feel like really learning how to grow, Start looking into the soil food web.

organic is great, OUTDOORS. Indoors, your done with the soil about the time it really gets good.


Well-Known Member
FYI: Newt= north eastern white trash.... nute= nutrient
Hello all,

Was looking to some answers to my questions about newts. Before I get an harsh remarks for not doing my homework or reading i've been searching the threads, and it's kind of getting me no where. There are a lot of mixed reviews. Some growers will provides links to grows with products that look amazing and than somebody will bash it or try and list a bunch of negatives. With that all said i'm trying to find a simple nutrient that I can run with my experience. I don't want to get bashed or talked down up, but it seems like advanced nutrients grow part a and b, bloom part a and b, along with the b52 and bud candy should give me enough newts to achieve a great yield for my experience level. I know AN has it's name because of what's its been doing but from my perspective it does seem like matching what's on the guaranteed analysis would do the trick. However, after extensive reading it doesn't seem true. Right now i'm kind of tight for cash, but I believe I could afford that line up, and think I would be completely satisfied. I welcome any comments or suggestions. P.S my little ladies are in need of newts very soon!

Thanks all
I use fox farms grow big andtiger bloom, I also use some cal mag. gets me through just fine


Active Member
The OP asked for an inexpensive and simple nutrient that would get them through their first grow problem free. This is not some one who has cycled a strain 3-4 times. By telling them to investigate beneficial microbes and food webs you have once again managed to NOT answer the original posters question. I havent mentioned my personal method, your arguing for the sake of arguing. I stand by my statement, for a first time grower Jacks all purpose and tap water is as easy, inexpensive, and effective as one can get which I believe is what the OP was looking for.-S0uP
Thanks for the help, and advice man. It's crazy how you can get on here to ask a question and it turns in to a flaming newt war every time. I'm probably going to pick up jack's classic. I did some reading on it last night and a couple people were talking about Jack's bloom as well. I haven't looked at the guaranteed analysis of Jack's but do you know if it meets the requirements of all the nutrients my plant will need? I know someone mentioned it lacking Cal and Mg. If so, what would be a good supplement to add with this?

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Thanks for the help, and advice man. It's crazy how you can get on here to ask a question and it turns in to a flaming newt war every time. I'm probably going to pick up jack's classic. I did some reading on it last night and a couple people were talking about Jack's bloom as well. I haven't looked at the guaranteed analysis of Jack's but do you know if it meets the requirements of all the nutrients my plant will need? I know someone mentioned it lacking Cal and Mg. If so, what would be a good supplement to add with this?
I know, this topic seems to bring "the ugly" out in everyone. Jacks is indeed a "complete" fertilizer there should be enough calcium in your tap water to get you through. If you plan to use RO water or just for piece of mind, cal/mag or something of the like couldnt hurt at 1/2teaspoon/gallon. The one other thing I use every watering without fail from start to finish is a silica product. Protekt from DynaGro will run you 11$ a liter and is the most concentrated commercial grade silica on the market. Even with the added 20$ investment for these two additives it would be very difficult to come up with a solid game plan that could compete economically or in simplicity to Jacks. Most importantly, do a little research to see some results good growers have had growing cannabis with Jacks you will be surprised at the quality achieved for such a low price. This is NOT the way I grow, it is not perfect, but it will do you very well for your first time and be more fun than frustrating with out sacrifice to quality, you can always dial your plants in for maximization in future successful grows. Good luck, I hope I have been of some assistance. -S0uP