First time outside grower need help


Hey Guys,

So im doing my first outside grow.

I have recently Purchased a bag of FF Ocean Soil, and wanted some pointers and help.

I was going to purchase 5 Gallon Buckets today about 8 of them. Someone referred me to Smart Pots, over Nursery Pots, i wanted some opinions, as well thoughts on this move. I was gonna put the Nursery Pots on some Saucers.

With 5 Gallons how often do they need to be watered, and when should i change nutes. I am currently testing a DWC system which is easy to do,(flush and new nute induction).

Also with FF Soil ive been told its loaded with Nutes already so the plant wont need to be fed until 3-4 weeks from now.

I already have a PH Meter through Hanna but i was told that a Soil Blue Labs meter would be needed as well. Any Thoughts on this?

As far as Nutes go, this is what i was recommended.



10 Liters Each

Sensizyme 10 L
Liquid Carbaload 10 L
Voodoo Juice 1L
Big Bud 4L
Bud Candy 10L
Nirvana 10L
Final Phase 4L


^ These seem to get a little pricey (AN), so i was wondering what everyones thoughts where on the list provided to me. Ive done a little research but not sure about the Heavy Harvest stuff and wanted to get some feed back.

Im growing in heat box out here it gets to 100-120 in the Summer here, some im starting early.

Anyways guys let me know, Thanks!


Well-Known Member
You're doing a DWC outside? I don't know anything about hydro. I think this post would benefit you more in the hydro section...


Well-Known Member
You won't need that many nutrients... i'm using only:
Tap Water
Jacks All Purpose 20-20-20
Blackstrap Molasses
Epsom Salts
PH Down Gallon

I'm also doing 5 gallon buckets.. buried them so they don't get hot.. I expect to water them 2-3 times a week during the hot and dry part of the summer... otherwise once a week.

I'm also using FFOF but I mixed it 50/50 with Promix HP... I'm on a pretty tight budget but I think I might get a little Dolomite Lime too.

You will also want some fishing line if you can tie to nearby trees to create a deer deterrent. I'm also saving some piss in a 1 gallon milk jug and also another 1 gallon milk jug with Garlic and Rotten eggs... spread that a couple feet from plants to keep the animals away.

I'm using the 5 Gallons only because I don't want my plants to get over 6-7' tall... if you go in ground they could be over 10' if they have sativa qualities...

Also topping and tying down branches to keep the plant short and bushy to keep it hidden and also to increase yield...

I've been vegging inside for 3-4 months now and I have been training these plants like crazy to be short and bushy.


Well-Known Member
You are paying a lot for brand name with Advanced Nutrients... I'm sure there might be slight advantages to it.. I do believe there is more room for error for a beginner if you have to combine the nutrients yourself. I only paid 20 bucks for the Jacks Classic and I expect it to be enough to grow about 20 plants for a year.


Well-Known Member
I spent less than $400 on everything i need for outdoor... including the electricity and lights used for vegging. I spent around $100 on soil (Promix, FFOF), $60 on nutrients (Epsom Salts, Jacks, Ph Down, Molasses, Earthworm Castings), Lights ($70), Electricity ($100), Pots ($10), Cloner ($4)..

AN works good though if you have money to throw away at it... it will pay for itself i guess if you have a really good harvest. I was just on a budget... Anyways good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
Going to throw another $100-$200 in gas to get my car to the spot too... so figure around $600.. i expect to come out with a pound after rippers, pests, and disease.... going with 8 plants... expect to harvest 2 of them.


Going to throw another $100-$200 in gas to get my car to the spot too... so figure around $600.. i expect to come out with a pound after rippers, pests, and disease.... going with 8 plants... expect to harvest 2 of them.

Hey guys,

Thanks for the suggestions.

Im not doing a DWC outside. Im currently doing one to test out inside, this is just a different site for outside. I wanna learn both ways, so thats the reason im asking for the help! Sorry for any confusion. Yea it seems to be a little on the pricey side, but if it brings the best product thats all i care about in the end. I just wanted some suggestions


So ive done some more research and im about to get all my plants set up next week. I've read alot on Heavy Harvest, but im confused. I also found this other company which people are raving about People are also stating FF is cheaper and better. Im going to be in 5 Gal pots its looking like, and I will be starting with FF Ocean Soil. So i need help as to how much to feed, watering schedule. If I use HH or one one of these time releasing ferts, do I mix in prior to planting or will it cause root burn and kill plant?

Thanks guys
If ur planting in soil outdoors there are far cheaper options for nutes that will work better.. for one u dont even need nute bottles, u can just layer the soil with organic dry ferts and let the water do the rest. also u can buy earth juice nutes for very cheap.. even general organics will work great outdoors. and a tiny bit pricier but not nearly as bad as an is organicare that has a great line of omri certified nutes, with cal, mag, nitrogen all seperate so u can really dial it in in veg & bloom. they have some simple 1 part granuals that are also omri certified and work great outdoors. i find its much easier to overcomplicate things outdoors, and hydro can be so complicated/frustrating to me sometimes.cheers.


Well-Known Member
Liquid nutes are good, and can provide excellent results, but are geared more toward hydroponic setups. You should def look into building a super soil if growing outdoors. The plants will take what they need from the soil as needed, and it makes it a hell of a lot easier not having to use a ph meter.


Liquid nutes are good, and can provide excellent results, but are geared more toward hydroponic setups. You should def look into building a super soil if growing outdoors. The plants will take what they need from the soil as needed, and it makes it a hell of a lot easier not having to use a ph meter.
Thanks Guys,

So with using FF Ocean what would be a soil mix for lets say a 5 Gal Pot and a 10 Gal Pot

Dolomite lime
^ What Else?

Also as far as nutes i got the Go Box from General Organics, gonna give it a whirl on one plant and then the others ill use some other stuff maybe just the FF Nutes, or Stay Brewin what ever you recommended. But please help me out with a soil mix! Thanks Guys!

Also whats a watering schedule look like in a summer where it gets to the upper one hundreds? and right of the bat? Do i water right after transplant? Right now im doing a DWC in a PC Grow Box as an experiment while i setup my flo n grow system with

My Flo N Grow Site System

2 - 9 Band 300 Watt LED's
1 - 4X4 Tent
1 - 6 Site Flo N Grow with 55 Gal Res Drum
1 - 20 Lb C02
1 - Blue Labs Guardian Meter
1 - Set of General Hydroponics 3 Part System Gallon each - Havent gotten any additives yet so recommendations are nice
1 - Water Chiller
1 - c02 Regulator
1 - Sentinel Environment Controller


New Member
How much water will depend on how hot the weather is, and how stretch the roots are in the bucket. I grew up in five gallon buckets last year and during the warmer, humid part, they needed to be watered about 2-4 times a week.


got it. It gets hot as shit out here. What about Soil Blends i keep reading all these different soil mixes?