who was your mentor


Active Member
who taught you to grow. what was your relationship like, and what were they like (eazy/hard to learn from, thier personal pet peeves)?.

i mentored under a woman named sara. i met her at a party (she was out of place as she was old enough to be anyones who was theres momma (she was 44 at the time). but i ended up chatting with her over a drink and a joint of this mysterious indica she had. little did i know at the time, she grew the stuff herself. and it was amazing. i ended up talking to her all night.

a few people thought i was just into older girls and was trying to hookup with her. and while she was pretty for a older woman, i was more interested in talking to someone who knew ganja at the time. i was just getting into growing, so she had lots of interesting things to say.

she invited me to her home to check out her babbies. i couldnt believe my luck. several people i know were talking shit, saying i was just going to break off a piece of old girl. i didnt care what they said tho, i figured what the worst that could happen. even if she came onto me, its not like it was really that scary of a thing to me. i just thought they were all kinda being, inmature.

when i went there, nothing happened other than she taught me so much shit my head was spinning for hours. i ended up passing out on her couch, head on her sholder. her kid came in the next morning (he was a year older tgan me) andfreaked out. lol i still laugh when i remember his face.

anyway, after about 4 years of working under her and learning from her, we relocated to van city. we ended up livjng in surry, but we were really based outta van. i lived with sara for 4 years after that. we were always really close to one another, and just felt better having someone there for each other. we had alot of good times.

she taught me how to cook, she taught me how to grow, and she taught me about love. she used to make fun of me when i would bring home ramdom hoochies from the bar. she would always tell me i would find love where id least expect it. she always had excellent advice to give on any subject.

i had to leave van a few years ago (gang members threatening me) and i was real sad. i knew i was going to miss sara, but it was safer for us if we split up. it was hard, having to be alone after years of company. and then i got some hard news, sara was diagnosed with dementia. at age 55, she cant remember most of her life.she still remembers me tho. she said she cant forget me. i know ill never forget her i. my life. im going to visit her soon tho, its been a bit.

anyway, who taught you? it has a big impact on your style. ive had help from many other sorces than her as well. i have the dj short book, and ive really refined and modernized some of saras methods by combining some of mandala seeds guides info with them.

i highly recomend these pieces of literature for new growers or those who are mentorless. they are a real help...


Well-Known Member
no one really, I kinda just take it all in. Everyone has there own experience with growing and what works for someone else may* not with yours.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
who taught you to grow. what was your relationship like, and what were they like (eazy/hard to learn from, thier personal pet peeves)?.

i mentored under a woman named sara. i met her at a party (she was out of place as she was old enough to be anyones who was theres momma (she was 44 at the time). but i ended up chatting with her over a drink and a joint of this mysterious indica she had. little did i know at the time, she grew the stuff herself. and it was amazing. i ended up talking to her all night.

a few people thought i was just into older girls and was trying to hookup with her. and while she was pretty for a older woman, i was more interested in talking to someone who knew ganja at the time. i was just getting into growing, so she had lots of interesting things to say.

she invited me to her home to check out her babbies. i couldnt believe my luck. several people i know were talking shit, saying i was just going to break off a piece of old girl. i didnt care what they said tho, i figured what the worst that could happen. even if she came onto me, its not like it was really that scary of a thing to me. i just thought they were all kinda being, inmature.

when i went there, nothing happened other than she taught me so much shit my head was spinning for hours. i ended up passing out on her couch, head on her sholder. her kid came in the next morning (he was a year older tgan me) andfreaked out. lol i still laugh when i remember his face.

anyway, after about 4 years of working under her and learning from her, we relocated to van city. we ended up livjng in surry, but we were really based outta van. i lived with sara for 4 years after that. we were always really close to one another, and just felt better having someone there for each other. we had alot of good times.

she taught me how to cook, she taught me how to grow, and she taught me about love. she used to make fun of me when i would bring home ramdom hoochies from the bar. she would always tell me i would find love where id least expect it. she always had excellent advice to give on any subject.

i had to leave van a few years ago (gang members threatening me) and i was real sad. i knew i was going to miss sara, but it was safer for us if we split up. it was hard, having to be alone after years of company. and then i got some hard news, sara was diagnosed with dementia. at age 55, she cant remember most of her life.she still remembers me tho. she said she cant forget me. i know ill never forget her i. my life. im going to visit her soon tho, its been a bit.

anyway, who taught you? it has a big impact on your style. ive had help from many other sorces than her as well. i have the dj short book, and ive really refined and modernized some of saras methods by combining some of mandala seeds guides info with them.

i highly recomend these pieces of literature for new growers or those who are mentorless. they are a real help...
family and friends of the family. they were my mentors... also do a lot of reading.


Active Member
no one really, I kinda just take it all in. Everyone has there own experience with growing and what works for someone else my not with yours.
fair answer.

but its a tragety to have been mentorless. having someone experienced around is a real luxury.plus having somone to talk to about growing. having to hide is hard. leading double lives is stessful and unfair. we shouldnt have to hide our identities for fear of going to prison for producing something really mot bad at all

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Outdoors when I was a teen it was an old hippy named Grover. Then Thomas began me on indoors. Both are dead. Grover od'ed on coke and Thomas was killed in a fight over dope money. Pretty much self taught from there. Have a couple of buds we share ideas.


Active Member
Outdoors when I was a teen it was an old hippy named Grover. Then Thomas began me on indoors. Both are dead. Grover od'ed on coke and Thomas was killed in a fight over dope money. Pretty much self taught from there. Have a couple of buds we share ideas.
its rough when our mentors arent doing well, or worse. some of em were really good people. and lif has a shitty tendancy of fucking over alot of good people


Well-Known Member
Wow that's quite a story. I'm self taught, I've only met one other person who grows out here.


Well-Known Member
tough story man, i can imagine thats pretty hard to cope with... i know it would be for me.

ive had several mentors in my life, but none for growing, i guess you could riu and some of its members as mentors in that respect


Active Member
Wow that's quite a story. I'm self taught, I've only met one other person who grows out here.
ive always been fortunate when it comes to meeting the people i need to in life. im a naturally lucky person. im always in the right place at the right time.

but i can understand with how underground we are, if you dont get lucky, you can end up having to have to rely on books and other literaturd.


Well-Known Member
No one. Trial and error. I love weed so much, and one year I decided to put some seeds outside just for the heck of it. One of my buddies had come over with a sack of good weed, that had about 6 seeds in it...Little did I know, that come late October, I decided I was done buying weed for good, and growing from that point on.

No one I know grows. I wish I had someone in reality to talk to about it. I have one friend that tried to grow once, and took some already vegged plants from someone and flowered them. But it was a 10 week deal for him, and he stopped after that. Last year he ended up giving me his brand new 1000w ballast and Eye Hortilux bulb(which he had stolen from the hydro shop he worked at...shitty, I know), which had been in storage since his one attempt...So 2 months use on 'em, practically brand new.

I wish my girlfriend was into growing...I'd love to have a girlfriend who's as much into growing as I am, not just into smoking my weed after I do all the work.(she trims a little)


Well-Known Member
had a few buddies that grew and i mostly taught myself altho a buddy or two were always there to answer my questions if i had any.


Active Member
tough story man, i can imagine thats pretty hard to cope with... i know it would be for me.

ive had several mentors in my life, but none for growing, i guess you could riu and some of its members as mentors in that respect
thanks for the condolences. i wasnt looking to tell a sad story, more just share my storry of who taught me.
the hardest part about saras dementia is her inability to grow, and her memory loss. its taken a serios toll on her.

it hasnt changed much between us, i still love her. i will forever. it hasnt changed how i love her. even tho we didnt start out with that kinda relationship, when you live with someone long enough, sometimes things happen. we were never boyfriend - girlfrind, but we were really close...


Well-Known Member
thanks for the condolences. i wasnt looking to tell a sad story, more just share my storry of who taught me.
the hardest part about saras dementia is her inability to grow, and her memory loss. its taken a serios toll on her.

it hasnt changed much between us, i still love her. i will forever. it hasnt changed how i love her. even tho we didnt start out with that kinda relationship, when you live with someone long enough, sometimes things happen. we were never boyfriend - girlfrind, but we were really close...
some say thats stronger


Active Member
fair answer.

but its a tragety to have been mentorless. having someone experienced aroubmnd is a real luxury

RUI, the tragedy was my first few plants with nothing but what i read on here. I'm not saying there is not a lot of good advice on here but as a noob there are 2 major disadvantages.

First is deciding which of the advice is right when each post nearly always contradicts the one before. and second actually understanding what is being said rather then attempting to apply the advice directly, people type out long complex methods filled with superfluous information and redundancy.

To be honest, it wasn't until i stopped asking RUI's opinion and advice on my plants and started applying my own common since to the knowledge i had gained that my plant quality began to pic up.

Still i am very thankful that a place like this existed to get me started.


Well-Known Member
I was taught at the school of hard knocks. Lessons learned the hard way, and not repeated. When I started there wasn't places like this, we had to go buy an actual book with pages, I think there were a few to choose from.


Active Member
some say thats stronger
sometimes lines got a little blurred (like after a couple bottles of wine on new years) but for the most part our relationship was based on love and respect. my friends who thought i was into her for sex was wrong. i never turned her down, but its not like i was looking for it. niethed of us was. that was just a by product of being together and being close all the time.

but i knew our feelings for one another was why she used to give me a hard time for the hoochies. she didnt aprove. i dont blame her tho. it was kinda selfish, but i had repect for what we had and dint want to throw it away cause some heated love/sex affair going south. i didnt want to turn it intos something that would go south...


Well-Known Member
i had to leave van a few years ago (gang members threatening me) and i was real sad.
maybe if you didn't sell them weed with raccoon fur in it, things would have gone differently.

and seriously, the gangsters of vancouver, BC?

OMFG i am bursting my sides here just imagining such a prospect.

comic gold, my friend.