jhod58vw 600hps/mh indoor spring run


Well-Known Member

Several research studies have shown that garlic supplements can lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure. In a 2007 issue of the "Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine," Jeffrey Knox and physician Barak Gaster note garlic's natriuretic or diuretic effects. By definition, a natriuretic increases the excretion of sodium by your body, while a diuretic increases urine output. Garlic might also boost the production of hydrogen sulfide, which relaxes your blood vessels. The result of the above-mentioned three actions is blood pressure reduction. Whitaker recommends getting as much garlic in your diet as you can, whether in the form of fresh cloves, juice, oil, dehydrated granules, powder, or puree.
Green Tea and Pine Bark Extract

Physician Robert Rakel also includes green tea and pycnogenol as useful tools in your arsenal against hypertension. Indeed, research studies have shown that habitual consumption of three or more daily cups of green tea can help reduce both your blood pressure and risk for stroke. Pycnogenol is a pine bark extract of a tree known as Pinus pinaster that helps improve blood flow. However, Rx List limits safe levels to daily doses of 120 to 450 milligrams for up to six months.

In spite of conflicting scientific evidence, hawthorn is a popular herb for lowering blood pressure. Knox and Gaster propose that hawthorn works against hypertension by activating relaxing factors from the inner lining of your blood vessels, and by blocking an enzyme called phosphodiesterase. A a result of these two actions, blood vessels relax, leading to blood pressure reduction.

In a 2005 issue of the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition," scientist Gong Yang and colleagues report studies indicating that women who habitually eat soy foods tend to have lower systolic and diastolic blood pressures. They further note that daily consumption of 25 grams of soy protein may reduce the risk of heart disease in adults. Although Yang's study involved female subjects, Rakel remarks that soy can help reduce your blood pressure, regardless of gender.

In addition to herbs, a number of other natural remedies may help control high blood pressure, says Rakel. These include vitamins C and E, as well as nutraceuticals, such as CoQ10 and fish oil. However, remember that "natural" does not always mean "harmless," especially if you are already taking prescription medications. To avoid drug interactions, consult with your doctor before adding any supplements to your drug regimen.
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I Had High Blood Pressure

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/146764-herbal-blood-pressure-control/#ixzz2QqAyIOaQ

Ok sorry Jhod I wont litter yer thread anymore, but health is important to me.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
I used too. But my Dad used to call me a fag for talkin about my problems. So I don't anymore, probably why I've wanted to Die since I was 15? LOL

I dont have the Ballz to do that though


Well-Known Member
I used too. But my Dad used to call me a fag for talkin about my problems. So I don't anymore, probably why I've wanted to Die since I was 15? LOL

I dont have the Ballz to do that though
I wont call u a fag for dealing with stress in the most normal way there is bro....talking!

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
I wont call u a fag for dealing with stress in the most normal way there is bro....talking!
Thanks bro!
I was molested at a young age so everyone I know thinks I'm Gay, and treat me like it too. Thing is, when I'm out in public I don't get Hit on by Guys(Thank God) only Big Ass Women and hot milfs(Mostly when i have my son with me) so either the people I know are just being complete assholes, or I give off some Vibe that says I'm not Gay but I've been there... Idk?


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro!
I was molested at a young age so everyone I know thinks I'm Gay, and treat me like it too. Thing is, when I'm out in public I don't get Hit on by Guys(Thank God) only Big Ass Women and hot milfs(Mostly when i have my son with me) so either the people I know are just being complete assholes, or I give off some Vibe that says I'm not Gay but I've been there... Idk?
I was molested by my stepdad that used to beat me daily as well.
I felt like I must be gay then for a long time.
But I am not gay and and can talk about my past finally and it feels liberating.


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys that you went through that. I will beat the living shit out of someone if I ever hear they do that shit to my kids. I know sometimes it's un avoidable. And people get scared to talk about it. I've told my kids I'm here for them no matter what.


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys that you went through that. I will beat the living shit out of someone if I ever hear they do that shit to my kids. I know sometimes it's un avoidable. And people get scared to talk about it. I've told my kids I'm here for them no matter what.
our kids were always mad they couldnt spend the night at friends houses and tat we are too strict, but this happens too often.
My kids mom was molested by her uncle too.

I would seriously kill someone who touches my kids no joke.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
It does feel liberating... It can get to you sometimes, even my Girlfriend, when she's mad at me, she will say shit like, why you got a dick in your ass or why don't you take the dick out of your ears an listen and I know you like sucking dick but would you take it out of your mouth and talk to me.

I love my Son and would never wish him to be in the same situation. If it ever did happen though I'd handle it alot better than my parents did with me.


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys that you went through that. I will beat the living shit out of someone if I ever hear they do that shit to my kids. I know sometimes it's un avoidable. And people get scared to talk about it. I've told my kids I'm here for them no matter what.
This is actually why I am on SSI
I told them all my issues with ppl and my paranoids and anger issues.
I tell ppl that my back is why I get SSI, but that is a lie


Well-Known Member
I mean I get Social Security Disability Insurance.

I have PTSD though and a laundry list of other things
My stepdad admitted the molesting and beating etc... and went to prison where he was killed for being a petifile.
Thats where my proof was about why I was messed up, and I was given free counseling through victim/witness program, and that was proof of diagnosis.
Well that and all my fights and arrests for assault, and reports of beating up bosses at different jobs.


Well-Known Member
something like 70% of ppl get denied the 1st time, and so maybe just apply while you are working on getting proof of your condition(s) to have for when you re-apply.


Well-Known Member
What to do?? I'm thinking about doing a order for the promo at the tude. I like the free strains. Which I would like to get the SkyWalker Kush.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
I almost ordered from them... But they stopped accepting cash. So screw them I go to the Doc

Thank you Bass. Same to you. Seems you have a lot of positive days ahead of you. And may God be with you on those days


Well-Known Member
I almost ordered from them... But they stopped accepting cash. So screw them I go to the Doc

Thank you Bass. Same to you. Seems you have a lot of positive days ahead of you. And may God be with you on those days
I just use my card. Probably stupid to do but what ever.