Hydroponics Pros/Cons


I understand the pros are numerous to any method of hydoponics over soil, (faster growth, increased yield, possible improved taste and potency).

But hydroponis restricts a grow to a set concentration and timing of nutrients for many plants in one grow room.

I have continual interest in multi-strain grows, with differing maturation schedules and nutrition needs. How does one get around that in hydroponics?

I suspect one does not, and best adopts a soiless mix until a phenotype is encountered just begging to be mass produced. Is this correct or no?

Really, I did a search.


Expand your operation so that you have a different reservior for your different strains and you can adjust the nutes accodingly in each res.


Please enlighten me. Multiple wilmas? I am sure I will use my hand on the flat part of my forehead when you tell me, but what is that? (Thanks for the strain separate DWC/Aeroponics idea, this board even gets better).


Well-Known Member
I continuously run 8-14 different strains in a perpetual grow using aero and dwc. Just find the best sweet spot for the strains and go from there.


New Member
I have only grown a couple times in soil and was thinking of trying a single plant just to see how different the yields,time and potency was but coming from soil and not doing much but give it water and a lil nutes here and there everything that seems to go along with a hydro setup is kinda mind boggling. I know it's gunna be a lotta research but can anyone point me to a method that's simple and not gunna break the bank thanks


Well-Known Member
Wilma systems are top drip feed hydroponic systems that have the reservoir underneath the pots. YouTube Wilma Hydroponics


New Member
I have only grown a couple times in soil and was thinking of trying a single plant just to see how different the yields,time and potency was but coming from soil and not doing much but give it water and a lil nutes here and there everything that seems to go along with a hydro setup is kinda mind boggling. I know it's gunna be a lotta research but can anyone point me to a method that's simple and not gunna break the bank thanks
hempy bucket or dwc bucket