List any One-Hitter-Quiter strains you have smoked.

hey redeye bri ive noticed some bashing of the attitude around here lately but theyve always done good by me & so has sannie but the tude has a bigger variety theyve always came through for me
Yeah, the tude treated me well. I would love to try Sannie, but the strains I want are out.

mandala satori... the most devistating sative less than 6 feet.
Oh man, I can't wait to try it. Ordering some tomorrow. Mandala really seems to be on the level. I haven't ran any of their gear, but I love their website. So much information, and if you want to talk about a True Breeder rather than a pollen chucker.
I have smoked "The Willies" which I think is also willies wonder, this was in the 90's in western Washington state, Quimper peninsula area where this was a common street weed pickup.
Probably the same thing. As a "name" strain, Williams Wonder came from the Pacific Northwest, almost certainly got its name there (from Williams Oregon) and is still grown there.

To be honest, it really turned me off to the 'strong' 'one hitter quitter' stuff. It's like Jargo describes; dangerous and hard to dose. I would be in for a wild, paranoid, couch-locked, ride where short term memory doesn't exist. Unable to move, follow a conversation, keep a train of thought; it left me feeling really negative about getting high or stoned.
Been there for sure. . .I think this sort of "overdose" is a pretty common experience, when people used to commercial or common street weed try one of the top-shelf "super" strains.

In practice, its sort of a self-correcting error. If you're actually working with a bag of it (instead of a one-time try), not only do you learn pretty fast how much of a given strain you need, but I've found that you build up a tolerance to the strong strains (especially indicas) pretty fast.

I was thinking about this thread and how a few people have criticized the possibility of being done in one hit. Listen guys, my intention is to find strains that you when you take a quick hit or two you CAN quit and be legitimately stoned. I'm not saying you couldn't sit down for a session, just what will get you good and high after a good rip.
Again, what's a "rip"? Is that a puff from a normal joint, a bit toke from a spliff, a bong hit, a vaporizer hit?

Really, I think the range of what constitutes a "hit" is so variable, and what constitutes "stoned" is so subjective, that all the answers here have to be taken with a pretty big grain of salt. If you want a better measure of what's going on, its probably best to describe these "one hit" strains in terms of how much by WEIGHT it takes you to get stoned/high/medicated. At least that way, the type of hit doesn't really factor into it. Of course, in practice, almost nobody actually weighs out their dose.

If you think about the question, its really just another way of asking about which are the most potent strains. Admittedly, measured THC levels aren't a perfect representation of effect (cannabinoid ratios matter too), but they're a pretty good first approximation of effect, and if you look at the strains mentioned in this thread, most of them clock in at about 20-23% THC. So its probably fair to say that any strain above 20% THC is potentially a "one-hitter".

Again, with the Williams ("one hit") Wonder I just grew, I got nicely "medicated" on a weighed out 0.17 gram "pinner" joint, which was about 1/3 of a small bud and literally the smallest joint I could roll. I wasn't "done" in the sense that I was unable to have more, or didn't want more (I definitely wouldn't have minded!), but I didn't "need" more.

Since then, I've had more experience with this, and I've noticed an interesting thing. The subjective effect of this is NOT linear. In other words, twice as much bud doesn't get me "twice" as high, and 3 or even 4x as much doesn't completely incapacitate me the way I would have thought it should. . .there is a "ceiling" effect at play. Also, while more bud definitely means more intensity of effect, it doesn't really mean more duration. Apart from eating it, I've found the only way to get a strain to last more than about 4 hours is to re-dose.
Oh man, I can't wait to try it. Ordering some tomorrow. Mandala really seems to be on the level. I haven't ran any of their gear, but I love their website. So much information, and if you want to talk about a True Breeder rather than a pollen chucker.

You never know that until you try their strains. People who are good at talking aren't always good at breading.

Some of the best breeders out there look like total amateurs when it comes to presentation of their products, and MOST of the highest profile breeders produce most the most average strains out there.
If you think about the question, its really just another way of asking about which are the most potent strains. Admittedly, measured THC levels aren't a perfect representation of effect (cannabinoid ratios matter too), but they're a pretty good first approximation of effect, and if you look at the strains mentioned in this thread, most of them clock in at about 20-23% THC. So its probably fair to say that any strain above 20% THC is potentially a "one-hitter".

Actually it doesn't really work that way when you're talking about 1 hitters. Anyone who's got decent tolerance built up isn't going to get floored on THC alone. It's the terpenes more than the THC that'll do it.

My trainwreck for example tests in the teens and it's one hit anyone I've ever given it to, including people who dab all day long. Same goes for my bubblegum. Not high testing but it's one hit everyone. My Alien OG which tests 25% doesn't one hit you.

Terpenes matter more than THC level IMO. Terpene mapping is in it's infancy. Give it a few years and we'll be able to nail down what exactly it is that one hits people.
Actually it doesn't really work that way when you're talking about 1 hitters. Anyone who's got decent tolerance built up isn't going to get floored on THC alone. It's the terpenes more than the THC that'll do it.

My trainwreck for example tests in the teens and it's one hit anyone I've ever given it to, including people who dab all day long. Same goes for my bubblegum. Not high testing but it's one hit everyone. My Alien OG which tests 25% doesn't one hit you.

Terpenes matter more than THC level IMO. Terpene mapping is in it's infancy. Give it a few years and we'll be able to nail down what exactly it is that one hits people.

That's interesting.

Don't know about terpenes per se (and bluntly, I've heard a lot of claims, but I'm a bit skeptical about the effects here), but I know the "minor" cannabinoids and their ratios can change the psychoactivity effect a great deal.

THCV, in particular is not only thought to have a psychedelic effect by itself, but acts as a potentiator that brings on the effect of THC faster and gives a strong "buzz" feeling. High THCV strains probably do "hit" harder than their THC numbers alone suggest, though interestingly, I don't think any of the major US labs routinely break this one out in their measurement. (And please correct me if I'm wrong about this).

CBD is probably responsible for the "ceiling" effect by locking up THC receptors. This probably explains why in contrast to the indica strains, the pure sativas have no "ceiling". Some of the cannabinoids (including CBD) also bind to cannabis receptors for a long time (~24 hours), and if you have any "on board" they can mute the effect of THC, contributing to tolerance.
That's interesting.

Don't know about terpenes per se (and bluntly, I've heard a lot of claims, but I'm a bit skeptical about the effects here), but I know the "minor" cannabinoids and their ratios can change the psychoactivity effect a great deal.

THCV, in particular is not only thought to have a psychedelic effect by itself, but acts as a potentiator that brings on the effect of THC faster and gives a strong "buzz" feeling. High THCV strains probably do "hit" harder than their THC numbers alone suggest, though interestingly, I don't think any of the major US labs routinely break this one out in their measurement. (And please correct me if I'm wrong about this).

CBD is probably responsible for the "ceiling" effect by locking up THC receptors. This probably explains why in contrast to the indica strains, the pure sativas have no "ceiling". Some of the cannabinoids (including CBD) also bind to cannabis receptors for a long time (~24 hours), and if you have any "on board" they can mute the effect of THC, contributing to tolerance.

There is my trainwreck. Decent level of cbd 0.9%. You'd think that would be enough to put some sort of ceiling on it. Labs absolutley have the ability to test for thcV, but they don't put it on their tests (not sure why). I don't know enough about terpenes to explain why it's a 1 hitter, but it absolutely is without question the strongest strain I've ever come across and everyone else who tries it agrees. Now that steep hill and sclabs are doing basic terpene mapping, I'm going to get myself learn'd up on the subject.

There is my trainwreck. Decent level of cbd 0.9%. You'd think that would be enough to put some sort of ceiling on it. Labs absolutley have the ability to test for thcV, but they don't put it on their tests (not sure why).
I know they "can". I think the reason they don't is basically because there is little interest in it. Once the public wants it, they'll respond accordingly.

FWIW, Sickmeds Williams Wonder tested out at20.5% THC, 0.7% CBD, but 1.0% THCV by alpha-cat, which is a reputable European lab.

I don't know enough about terpenes to explain why it's a 1 hitter, but it absolutely is without question the strongest strain I've ever come across and everyone else who tries it agrees. Now that steep hill and sclabs are doing basic terpene mapping, I'm going to get myself learn'd up on the subject.
I'd love to try it some day.

I've read quite a bit on terpenes, actually, and based on what I know, I'm skeptical that these things are the make or break in terms of "high" quality. Most of them probably have no effect on that, though there may be a few that might have some effect (especially myrcene).

If you want a really good "head start" on the subject, this article is really excellent. Its not the easiest read for a lay person, but it content is extremely good and its worth the effort:
I've read quite a bit on terpenes, actually, and based on what I know, I'm skeptical that these things are the make or break in terms of "high" quality. Most of them probably have no effect on that, though there may be a few that might have some effect (especially myrcene).

Yeah, I'm probably the wrong person to be talking about the subject. I'm just going off what the lab told me when I asked them how it was possible that it tested this low but is incredibly strong with no ceiling. I did also kind of get the feeling that the lab themselves didn't know too much.

If you want a really good "head start" on the subject, this article is really excellent. Its not the easiest read for a lay person, but it content is extremely good and its worth the effort:

Awesome. thank you
Took one hit of Black Domina scissor hash yesterday, 5 phenos. Choked my ass off and was DONE. Not really high like I like, but done! Very safe to say Hazey Grapes would absolutely hate this strain.

There is my trainwreck.

When you say "my trainwreck" do you mean it's your own breed? Or is it available elsewhere?

Not my own breed. It's available, but it's extremely difficult to get these days. It's done by Billgoat, but he has serious health issues and as far as I know isn't putting out seeds or clones at this time. It's still floating around Arcata a little bit.
Thanks for the info. You're not in Colorado by chance are ya? Haha ;)

About to kick off some sannies herijuana. Not expecting yield, so looking for something that has more of both.
Not my own breed. It's available, but it's extremely difficult to get these days. It's done by Billgoat, but he has serious health issues and as far as I know isn't putting out seeds or clones at this time. It's still floating around Arcata a little bit.

For what its worth, there are multiple commercialized versions of this available in ceed form:

Homegrown Fantaseeds
Greenhouse ceed co
Royal Dutch Genetics
Sagarmantha Seeds
Humboldt Seed Organization
SoCal Seed Company ("A Taste of Arcata" and "Pure E32")

I can't speak to how good any of these are, and typically ceed versions of clone only strains aren't as good as the original, but at least some of them are just S1s of the original "clone only" line, and ought to at least have the potential for some good phenos.

TH Seeds "A Train" is supposed to be Arcata Trainwreck x Mazari Shariff, and at least a few other breeders also offer a few other F1 type crosses of this out there (eg TW x Chemdog, TW x OK Kush, etc).
A lot of people pass out after a few tokes of my organically grown Sannies Herijuana or any of its crosses. Very nice medicine. Mortabel breeds potent marvels. For me, Herijuana relieves some pain, makes me happy, calm. Some White Widow phenos are madly potent. I like to have a variety of flavors just as well as a range of medical strains to suit all needs. One has to quit for at least 3 weeks to drop your tolerance low enough to be suitable to take a single bong rip and be so stoned you might pass up another toke, your head is stashed full lol. Said strain could be mid level potentcy and get a low tolerance toker set right with a fat ass bong rip. Peace.
For what its worth, there are multiple commercialized versions of this available in ceed form:

Homegrown Fantaseeds
Greenhouse ceed co
Royal Dutch Genetics
Sagarmantha Seeds
Humboldt Seed Organization
SoCal Seed Company ("A Taste of Arcata" and "Pure E32")

I can't speak to how good any of these are, and typically ceed versions of clone only strains aren't as good as the original, but at least some of them are just S1s of the original "clone only" line, and ought to at least have the potential for some good phenos.

TH Seeds "A Train" is supposed to be Arcata Trainwreck x Mazari Shariff, and at least a few other breeders also offer a few other F1 type crosses of this out there (eg TW x Chemdog, TW x OK Kush, etc).

The Socal seed company's is complete legit. It's directly from the source and it's so close to e32 I have a hard time telling the difference. That is e32 x arcata wreck if I remember correctly. Also superwreck holds down the integrity of arcata wreck pretty well. The breeding mom they use comes from the same mom as mine. We both got them directly from billgoat. Socal seed co does have some original, stabilized arcata wreck seeds, not s1's. No idea about the other companies.
I may need to get some of these.

Anything else by this co you can recommend?

Pure e32. It's considered the holy grail of heavy hitting trainwrecks, I run the arcata cutting instead of their heavy yield. Their trainwreck and thai lines are as legit as you can get. Anything from those should be great. Their Oriental express is the trainwreck x thai used to create Casey Jones. They do have some vietnam black occasionally (only available in person). I'd go for that if they have it. I like the classics.

I just picked up a ton of their seeds and will be trying out some of their other lines this summer. They also carry some BOG seeds :)

I've got:

Oriental Express (e32 wreck x pure thai)

Arcata Wreck (e32 wreck x oriental express) - The trainwreck I run. Bought a pack to get the males. I think these are only available if you meet them in person. The supply is limited and it's unlikely any more of these seeds will be produced. (breeder has cancer)

superwreck (mass superskunk x AtoT trainwreck) - heavier yielding version of wreck

bogglegum - How could I pass that up?

Big Sur Holy (heirloom) - Been looking for seeds of this for 15 years. Super stoked to finally find them! Haven't had this strain since highschool, but it was by far the best bud that existed back then. Super happy about this!

VGH OG (Tahoe OG x Chemdawg D) - supposed to be tahoe dom with a big yield. They insisted I get this, I listened.

Santa Monica 13 (original real G-13 x AToT trainwreck) - They gave this one to me for free. They think highly of it. Don't know what to expect.

Electric Banana (banana kush x Dirty Dawg) - Yeah, I bought it for the name. But how can Bannana Kush and chem be bad?

Fire on the Mountain (Sugaree x fire headband) - Headband dom but with huge yield

Southr'n Comfort (Mass superskunk x Dirty Dawg) - again, I'm looking for yielders. 8-9 weeks, stinky, big yields, sign me up.

I'm not going to crack them all at once, but I'll crack two today, then more when I get my plant numbers down. (I'm one of those people who likes to stay under 99 lol)

They were out of two strains that I really wanted.

4d - Chem 4 x chem d (I wanted a male)
Black Nelli - Vietnam black x Willie Nelson