I made a mistake and I'm freaking out. Help!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I accidentally broke one of the golden rules of growing: don't tell your friends. I was really pissed off about something that happened earlier today so I couldn't even think straight, and just a couple hours ago I ran into one of my old friends who I used to go to school with at a burger place. He asked if I had a job or was going to school and I told him that I was taking horticulture at a community college, and he said "you gonna grow pot?" And I said yeah but not yet, then he laughed and I got my food and left. I didn't even realize how much of a mistake I made after I got in my car and started freaking out, because it only takes one person to know for your house to get broken into and your plants jacked. The good thing is, that when we used to hang out he never came over to my house except for a couple times when he was waiting to get picked up, so I don't think he remembers where I live. For the past hour I've been trying to delete myself from white pages and other websites like it just in case he tells anyone. Am I being overly paranoid about this? I'm kinda scared to grow after that.


Well-Known Member
If you're paranoid don't grow, simple enough for me. Its not like its a one night thing, grows take months. If you're the paranoid type it probably wont be very enjoyable


Well-Known Member
Not too big of a deal, i told a random dealer once, i know him tho. i keep a Dolla 89 next to the bed, got a machete in my jacket and if you done sell some of your shit you can buy a real problem solver.

Really theres nothing else you can do but wait, i seriously doubt anyones gonna raid you but be cautious cause you never know, its good that you atleast pay attention to the mistake you possibly made, even tho i think you might be overreacting i wasnt there and dont know the guy.
some people will shoot someone in the head for a dollar or less i could imagine someone trying to raid a place he thinks he can find weed.

Keep an eye open if you see a car you've never seen before ride in your street alot at dark but never see it park or shit like that, most of the time its people that are looking for something.

If you are planning on growing big amounts or for a longer time i suggest you get a dog, not too long ago the police in my town found a map that had all the houses marked red if there where dogs, meaning they most likely werent going to attempt robbing those places.

Remember that where you are trying to hide your stuff people are still trying to find it and if they figure out its not even worth the risk they'll leave you..

Im hoping this message makes you a little less paranoid, if you expect the worst then only better things can happen.



New Member
get some good locks on your house and window's if your growing outside then that's more of a reason to paranoid you could get jacked in your sleep but good locks and your'l be safe there not going to be able to jack some big ass bushes out your house and not get noticed by police some locals ,

and if your a medical patient then there's no need to be paranoid it's worse for the illigals because if we get jacked we can't do shit


Well-Known Member
If this really is too big of a deal for your personal health being paranoid and all you can still try to attempt a Outdoor Guerilla grow if your area allows it, would make a raid useless and if your plants get jacked atleast no one knows who what where or why,


Well-Known Member
I had my grandson rob me once. I would end up kicking his ass and has since been disowned and placed on my list.


Active Member
yeah man.
Paranoia can Drive you Crazy and possibly Kill You! BE E-Z! If its gone one day...then start over.
If you were laughing a lot, perhaps you were just joking around, then? I wouldn't worry about it too much. He probably forgot you even mentioned it, but then we don't know this persons character either. Does he have a reason to tell or rob you? The reason you dont tell your friends or anyone is they get jealous, envious, greedy and want what you have. They see your hard work as free weed, plants that magically grew and cost you nothing...so why shouldn't you just give it to them, I mean after all they are your friends. Right? That's where problems start.

Unless youre legal IMO, keeping friends is a no no.


Well-Known Member
Not too big of a deal, i told a random dealer once, i know him tho. i keep a Dolla 89 next to the bed, got a machete in my jacket and if you done sell some of your shit you can buy a real problem solver.

Really theres nothing else you can do but wait, i seriously doubt anyones gonna raid you but be cautious cause you never know, its good that you atleast pay attention to the mistake you possibly made, even tho i think you might be overreacting i wasnt there and dont know the guy.
some people will shoot someone in the head for a dollar or less i could imagine someone trying to raid a place he thinks he can find weed.

Keep an eye open if you see a car you've never seen before ride in your street alot at dark but never see it park or shit like that, most of the time its people that are looking for something.

If you are planning on growing big amounts or for a longer time i suggest you get a dog, not too long ago the police in my town found a map that had all the houses marked red if there where dogs, meaning they most likely werent going to attempt robbing those places.

Remember that where you are trying to hide your stuff people are still trying to find it and if they figure out its not even worth the risk they'll leave you..

Im hoping this message makes you a little less paranoid, if you expect the worst then only better things can happen.


This really irks me... Talking about blades and then ending your post with "peace" *sigh*


Well-Known Member
This is gonna be my second outdoor grow. I probably am overreacting, because like I said in my original post, I'm almost positive he doesn't remember where I live and I deleted myself off of white pages so there's no way of finding it online. I'm not worried about him robbing me because he was a good friend of mine and he doesn't smoke anymore, I was more worried about him telling other people.


Active Member
You said "yeah- but not yet..." Nothing to be paranoid about--

but I agree- if you are this paranoid now--it will get worse later!

Decide now-- is it worth the stress & risk?????
Only You can make that decision.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I accidentally broke one of the golden rules of growing: don't tell your friends. I was really pissed off about something that happened earlier today so I couldn't even think straight, and just a couple hours ago I ran into one of my old friends who I used to go to school with at a burger place. He asked if I had a job or was going to school and I told him that I was taking horticulture at a community college, and he said "you gonna grow pot?" And I said yeah but not yet, then he laughed and I got my food and left. I didn't even realize how much of a mistake I made after I got in my car and started freaking out, because it only takes one person to know for your house to get broken into and your plants jacked. The good thing is, that when we used to hang out he never came over to my house except for a couple times when he was waiting to get picked up, so I don't think he remembers where I live. For the past hour I've been trying to delete myself from white pages and other websites like it just in case he tells anyone. Am I being overly paranoid about this? I'm kinda scared to grow after that.
At least you said 'Not yet', just go find him, and inconspicuously mention in a conversation that you "Might" within a year or so.
Maybe even seem to try and get him interested, as if you want his participation so he doesn't think you're trying to cover up.


Well-Known Member
Telling people is one of the ways you might end up getting caught. You could tell 50 people and not get busted/robbed as a result. Then again you could mention it to one person innocuously and end up being busted by the law or robbed with a weapon.

Use your judgement to decide how likely a threat/grass the friend you told is; then deicide if you feel safe growing afterwords.


Well-Known Member
I don't think he's that big of a threat since I'm not in contact with him at all anymore, I just ran into him at a burger restaurant and he doesn't smoke anymore due to his career path. I'm more afraid of my plants getting jacked and my house broken into than a run in with the law because I'm a MMJ patient and I have my rec and the municipal code for cultivation in my area on hand. And even if he did tell anyone they probably won't be able to find my house because I'm not listed in any online directories anymore and he doesn't remember where my house is.