Vortex and others CFL/HPS 2nd grow, Biothrive/veganic


Hey yall. My organic dried horsetail arrived today. I took about a gallon of unchlorinated water and boiled about 1 cup of leaf for 45 minutes. I'm letting it cool before I strain it out and place it in mason jars. If there is any sediment (I'm unsure if sediment only occurs with powder or with leaf as well) I will siphon the clear water out and dilute it to spray. I am praying this method works. I'm even going to add some to the soil in the next watering. Maybe I'll be able to cure this PM issue once and for all.

I'll update once I've had a chance to give it a try!

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Plants look good, not good but great for bag seed. Looks like that V1 really got some legs during the flip and a bit airy on the finish. That, combined with the fact that she started growin nutz by the end makes me think you are dealing with a possible heat issue or light leak problem. Also I recommend that you use predominately blue spectrum (MH) for the first 10-14 Days of 12-12, I have for years, it lowers stretch and gives you a much denser finished product. Just my .02 This journal is done well Descriptive pictures and weekly updates, it should have had a lot of followers from the get go, just continue on and all things will work themselves out. -S0uP +Rep for making it through some difficulties, however minor, with minimal guidance!-S0uP


Thanks soup! I appreciate the input. V1 was definitely airy she never got the chance to plump with those balls dropping. I do think I had a light leak issue but so far it appears to have only herm'd V1. As far as heat issues I havent really had any symptoms, the lights are dimmed so they aren't as warm as they normally would be at full blast. Plenty comfortable for my hand at the tops of the plants. The room itself never really gets over 74 wit RH in the low 20s or high teens.

I definitely went thru the room a few weeks back and sealed up all potential light leaks. It's so black in there you cant see your hand in front of your face. I have hope that the rest of the ladies growing now from dispensary clones will turn out even better!

I did go ahead and soak my ladies today with the horsetail tea. It seemed to wash the PM right off! I will be repeating this every 3 or 4 days until it's all gone. Hopefully this biodynamic method works out. I'll post some new pics of V2 and the other girls soon.


So I've been pretty busy continuing to fight PM on Vortex 2. I have been using the horsetail tea foliar spray and while it first appeared to work, the PM came back quickly. I completely soaked the girls through, and dried them with direct fans. The second spraying the solution had a strange milky odor. It may have not been effective, I was under the impression the solution could be stored in a jar for a few weeks. This doesn't seem to be the case. Now I'm only making enough for one spraying at one time, fresh. I also am upping the concentration. Hopefully it will prove more effective.

Here's Vortex #2 at 55 days. She just started foxtailing some, and is 9 days older now than Vortex #1 was when I cut her. Strangely V2 doesn't appear to be a hermie. Knock on wood.

These are the other 5 ladies in the room.
The most forward left girl is Jack the Ripper, to her right is Carmella both at 32 days flower. In the center is Chernobyl at 23 days.

This is the view from the other side of the table. In the front and left you can see the blueberry haze twins. They're starting to get chunky at 37 days.

The five trained ladies aren't showing signs of PM yet, I am soaking them with the horsetail solution every few days as a precaution. As soon as V2 gets the chop I'm going to rearrange the room to accommodate the LST/supercrop training style. More space between plants and better light appropriation. From the looks of it, V2 should yield more weight than V1. I can't wait to see how she turns out!

I also have just 4 small clones in veg right now, but they're very fresh. Some of the JTR clones are finally showing roots and will get into soil very soon.


Happy almost 420 everyone!

I'm here with a pretty positive update today, and pics! So I seem to be finally winning my fight with PM, I increased the concentration of horsetail tea and added baking soda. I have been spraying every 3-5 days heavily and hitting them with a couple direct fans to dry out completely. My recipe for the tea has been 1 cup dried sifted leaf to 4-6 cups distilled water, simmer for an hour and allow to sit and cool for an additional 24 hours. When it's spray time I add 1 tsp baking soda, a few drops biodegradable soap, and a bit more distilled water to fill my 56 oz sprayer. This is enough to completely soak out 5-7 large plants and the little veg ladies. I am not seeing any PM on the thus far uninfected plants. Jack the Ripper was getting bad there for a minute, but I only found a single spot on her when I sprayed them down today.

Unfortunately I did find a couple nanners in the bunch. This grow has really been throwing me in regards to hermies. Vortex 1 went full hermie, nanners all over at day 40. Vortex 2 went to 56 days and never showed a single one. Today I found one poking out of my biggest Blueberry Haze lady. Here you can see it. Then a shot of the whole plant, and the other BBH


I didn't find any on the other BBH. They're both at day 48 and swollen as fuck. I am trying to figure out why I'm seeing random nanners on random plants. It seems environmental to me, I know it's been getting down to the low 60's at night lately since in Colorado we just had a major snowstorm.

I also found about 3 sticking straight out of the top of the very center of 3 colas on Carmella. No other nanners were found on the plant. I am pretty confused actually. She is at day 43 along with JTR. I am really hoping I got the late swelling JTR strain, cause she is pretty wimpy currently. Don't get me wrong, she's caked, but not packing any weight.


And my bushy Chernobyl. She had PM in veg but has been totally clean thus far in flower. 34 days flowering. She is actually catching up to JTR in terms of bulk. Only time will tell, but I may be dropping JTR in my future plans.


And in veg I have 4 medium size Blueberry Haze going. This strain seems to be producing very well so I think it'll be worth keeping around. I have like 4 smaller JTR clones. I think a couple are Vortex as well. I had a label mix up and now I just don't know for sure. I will try growing the next JTRs differently this time, with just a few colas, to see if they can yield somewhat decently.


Heres some macro shots of the ladies and some thru a 10x loupe.

First is the big BBH lady


Here's a shot of JTR


Carmella and Chernobyl


I'm keeping a close eye on the nanner situation, if anyone has any input there I would greatly appreciate it. I try to go in there during dark and I haven't really seen any light leaks. Possibly from the fan intake? I'll check tonight. There is also the furnace in the same room but it doesn't put out much more than an extremely dim glow when it's running.

Happy holidaze!


I've been reading that it's somewhat common for plants to throw out a few nanners in late flower. I just don't know if these ladies are considered 'late flower' yet. Considering I keep seeing it intermittently I am just so confused.


Well-Known Member
if they are bag seed then it could just be that the genetics are hermie prone on the pheno that you got... i never have any hermie issues with my strain recon from DNA Genetics... but sometimes i have had issues with bagseeds that i have popped... everything looks good my man i really love the G.O. Nutes been using them awhile havnt been really activ on here lately lots of stuff going on but i had to comment cause you should be getting alot more interest/ feedback.. your doing great.. show your cloner setup.

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
I've been reading that it's somewhat common for plants to throw out a few nanners in late flower. I just don't know if these ladies are considered 'late flower' yet. Considering I keep seeing it intermittently I am just so confused.
That depends largely on genetics bro. The more stable a strain the less likely you are to find deviation from phenotype characteristics and sex. Since (if I remember correctly) these were largely bagseed? Or unconfirmed genetics right? That would make it hard to say... If your methodical about your environment and strict about your due diligence (Sounds like you are) there are only so many options left... Plants look great all things considered. As far as the PM goes I use eagle 20 and have for years without problem (I dont know how that works with the Veganics ethos) but I would be just a bit wary of using baking soda as a foliar as it will settle a solutions pH around 9.5 if given the chance! But if your having success thats kinda the bottom line right?:) Remember clearer skies are around the bend as it FAR easier to deal with PM preemptively than once its taken hold. -S0uP


if they are bag seed then it could just be that the genetics are hermie prone on the pheno that you got... i never have any hermie issues with my strain recon from DNA Genetics... but sometimes i have had issues with bagseeds that i have popped... everything looks good my man i really love the G.O. Nutes been using them awhile havnt been really activ on here lately lots of stuff going on but i had to comment cause you should be getting alot more interest/ feedback.. your doing great.. show your cloner setup.
Thanks SFguy! I have been thinking about investing in some stable genetics in the future. My Vortex were bag seed but I purchased the Chernobyl, JTR, Carm, and BBH clones from a dispensary. They seem to be accurate to the strain but who knows.


That depends largely on genetics bro. The more stable a strain the less likely you are to find deviation from phenotype characteristics and sex. Since (if I remember correctly) these were largely bagseed? Or unconfirmed genetics right? That would make it hard to say... If your methodical about your environment and strict about your due diligence (Sounds like you are) there are only so many options left... Plants look great all things considered. As far as the PM goes I use eagle 20 and have for years without problem (I dont know how that works with the Veganics ethos) but I would be just a bit wary of using baking soda as a foliar as it will settle a solutions pH around 9.5 if given the chance! But if your having success thats kinda the bottom line right?:) Remember clearer skies are around the bend as it FAR easier to deal with PM preemptively than once its taken hold. -S0uP
Hey S0uP, I appreciate the input again man. I am definitely having a great time learning and growing, both literally and figuratively. It's great to have you guys here to help out!


Just took a peek at the ladies and both BBH are showing a few nanner clusters. I'm grabbing them as soon as they appear, today is exactly 7 weeks so I'm going to start flushing and keep try to make it another week. The nugs are pretty dense and filled in and I have seen a few, maybe 2 or 3% amber trichs. I'll post some pics here soon under normal light.


Hey guys, today I sprayed and watered so I pulled the BBH twins aside to get some glamour shots. Today was their first nute free watering, day 51 of flower. I didn't find any nanners on any plants. Still some PM popping up on JTR. None still on any of the other ladies.

Anyways, on to the pics!



Hey guys,

So in the last 5 days or so the two BBH girls are really foxtailing hard. Looking at the oldest growth it's apparent new bud growth is sprouting out all over. The old growth shows a lot of amber but the new growth not so much. Also the foxtail growth is full of white pistils again. I started flushing on the 22nd planning to cut on the 29th which would make 58 days. Now I cant decide what to do. I am looking for a stony end product since I am mostly growing sativas, so I don't really care if she ends up going mostly/all amber. I just want to make sure I give her ample time to finish.

What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Other than those plants look great?!?!? I'm a newbie so my advice is shit, but a current pic of the trichs would be necessary to tell how close you are now until your desired effect! :-)


Haha thanks easy, I am going to likely cut them tomorrow. They aren't really getting much larger now, the trichs are turning, and 8 days into flushing, they are turning yellow and purple. Basically they look swollen and ripe. I'll take some final pics right before the cut and post em tomorrow for you guys!


Alright so yesterday I chopped BBH 1 and 2. They were at day 59 of flower, I pulled 187 g wet off the larger girl and 154 off the small one. 341 grams wet total, I am expecting around 3 oz dried weight. They are nice, tight, chunky nuggets. Much better than V1 and 2 as far as airyness. Anywho, the pics!


I also ran all the trim thru my new bubble bags. The process was new to me, so I only scored about 2.7 g on my first run and maybe another 1 or 1.5 g on my second run thru. The second run was greener in the end. First run was beige and light brown. Some potent stuff for sure!

I'll post some more pics once the nugs are in jars.


Well-Known Member
So pretty they should be legal everywhere to use as flowers :) I know my wife would appreciate a bouquet of those :) lol Nice job man!


Thanks for the kind words Easy! I'm about another week from harvesting JTR and Carm so I'll have some nice pics for ya soon.