I went to the meeting/seminar in Fort Collins and got to ask a couple questions. The guys speaking were the authors of 64 along with a rep from the union (UFCW Local 7) that helped repeal the dispensary ban in that city. The union rep made a case for unionizing dispensaries and he pointed out that government will be less likely to attempt to over regulate or drive cannabis businesses out if there is a union involved. Especially the feds.
Someone asked if your 6 allowed medical plants are in addition to your 6 rec plants and they both shrugged their shoulders and said I guess so, sounds good to me, so yeah. But they also said that the law is not clear on this yet, so it is a risk.
I asked if 64 covered assigning your 6 plants to someone else to grow and they both did the same thing, shrugged, yeah, sounds good and Brian started to explain how a sort of co-op agreement could be drawn up, but then said the law is not clear on this yet, but it makes sense to allow it.
The DUID law was discussed, 5 nanos was described as the couple hours after medicating, but many patients will have that amount in their blood at all times and not be impaired. They suggested that a driver should never consent to a field sobriety test, but did not offer advice on the blood test. An audience member said you should request a DRE do the test in order to give your system time to process some of the THC. Apparently the test is for active THC, something different from the 'other kind'. If it came down to a court case you have a better chance of defending yourself if you have a medical card, so they both suggesting keeping it.
Open container carry in a car was discussed, they advised that you should secure your meds away from the passenger compartment in case you get pulled over. They also commented on how whacked this rule is, but we are stuck with it.
Was great to meet these guys, they are doing the work in Denver that keeps the wolves from shredding our rights and everyone there was supportive. The guv signs a bunch of laws into effect on Monday and they suggested that anyone who can attend to do so as it helps to show up. They also said to be sure to participate in any email campaigns as that is what stopped the recent attempted threat to repeal 64.