Gorilla growing, most important tips


Active Member
For a summer Gorilla grow, what information do people need to know before they try this? To be more specific, small town, lots of wilderness around. If someone was looking to do a small gorilla grow for fun, like 4-6 autos, what advice would you give?


Well-Known Member
dont tell it to ANYBODY !

dont go there to often, find a good excuse, like Mountain bike in the wood`s if that is where its located, try to find two spots so if one is discovered you might be able to harvest the other, dont leave garbages or any sings of you near the plants

auto`s is IMO a good choise as it let you harvest it before Ppl/cop`s actually begin to go and look for crops

start em inside under some fluorescent light, so you have small seedlings/Veg plants to plant out, remove all other growth around the plants so it don't have to compete for light/food and dont catch Bugs and stuff from other plants so easily, dig a nice 1x1x1 ft hole and fill it with your own fresh soil and drop a few nutrients sticks/balls in the bottom of the hole before you fill it with your fresh soil and plant out your seedling

just what I could come up with here and now, but there are many threats out there about the subject, google is a great tool ;)


Active Member
“Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.”
― Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack
I always love this quote, good application. The "person" who is looking into this, I would never do anything illegal, so it is clearly not me, but they would be working alone and it would be a small project. 4 autos, somewhere in the woods, acessable by hike only. Start them inside, harden them before putting them in their final gorilla location and make trips to them several times a week for feeding and maintenance.

At least that is the persons idea. He/she, is going to do some research and see if its worth it for a little fun, or if it is too risky and would be pointless for the tiny reward of 4 little autos.


Active Member
but there are many threats out there about the subject, google is a great tool ;)
Threats of threads? ;)
Also, thanks for the info, thats a great synapses. exactly what I was looking for. Going to hit goolge for some research and I think there is a chapter in the JC medical growers bible dedicated to it.


Well-Known Member
don't tell anybody.

don't create any new trails.. especially leading from the road... if anything find a deer trail or enter from a side of the woods that isn't attached to the road..

park somewhere you have permission to park where it is legal to park... otherwise maybe bring a bike and park a mile away and then just hide your bike in the woods when nobody is looking.

have an excuse to why you are in the woods if you are spotted going to or from the plot... walking the dog.. hiking.. birdwatching.. scouting for hunting.. carry a bird book or binoculars... make it believable.

avoid leaving tracks.. especially after a rain. using waterways to walk will not leave tracks.. rockhopping..

don't put them all in one place.. maybe do 2 or 3 locations for 5 plants.

for autos you could probably grow in a 5gallon bucket... that way you can move them.

start making a stinky concoction to keep the animals away. 2 eggs, 1 habanero pepper, and 3 cloves of garlic, 1 cup of water in a blender.... add to milk jugs and top up with water.. give a good shake and let sit for 10+ days.. then bring it to your plot and scatter around everywhere... also saving piss in another gallon jug... spread those around plants.. ideally 1-2 weeks before you plant and then again when you plant... then every 2 weeks..

heard hanging a piece of smelly soap from a tree limb will also help ward off animals..

i've thought about a fake scarecrow owl to drill to a tree nearby to keep the small mice and rabbits away.

if you plant close enough to trees you could use fishing line to block some of the entrances to your plants..

plant near thorny bushes... it sucks for you but it will stop people from going near your plants

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I grew a gorilla once, that fucker got up to 600 lbs with a large hairy silver back. Man was my banana bill high!!


Well-Known Member
to be honest, 4-6 auto's is not much of a guerrilla grow, you would not yield very much. If there's lots of wilderness, then why not stick out a few more regular marijuana plants, grow some in different areas, so if some plants are found, you wont lose all your plants.


Well-Known Member
Don't leave tracks , don't leave things there that could have your fingerprints on them! Especially if your prints are already on the police data base. Stagger your plants around instead of veggie garden style.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yea man make it a hell of a walk, with prickers, and thick bush you really have to work to get through... If its just a nice peacefull stroll its too easy to get to. also be mindful of making visible paths that are easily followable. goodluck and dont be scared. If uncle sam wastes enough money pulling our gorrila grows he might just say fuck it.