is it safe to bring em out now?


I have 2 rounds of plants vegging in my greenhouse. some for the last 2 months and a round of new clones. I only have ONE greenhouse which i supplement with lighting and have a blackout cover for. Right now i am supplementing the light so the daylight is from 6am-930pm.

What I would LIKE to do at the beginning of may is start force flowering the longer vegging ones and bringing the new babies outside to veg naturally.

So what I Need to know is this: At the end of this month (april ) can i bring my already vegging babies outside to continue vegging? or will they try to immediately flower? Im aiming to harvest the first round about july 1st and letting the rest go naturally till the end of summer.


Active Member
you should be alright to bring them outside the days are getting longer once you pass the point where the days go from getting longer to getting shorter (summer solstice?) you can no longer put your plants outside or they will start to flower from natural light deprivation... until then you should be good and so long as it is not frosting over night depending on where u live good luck keep us posted :leaf:


Active Member
I veg indoors and flower outside all season long about 100 miles south of you. My plants are getting 18/6 indoors. When I put them outside they are gonna flower right away. This is my 3rd year of doing this. I have already had one harvest and will have my second of the season in another 2 weeks. I start putting plants outside the end of February. I try to put 3 plants outside every 30 days so I have a perpetual harvest. I'll put the last ones of the year out the first of September. The only way to put them out without flowering is to slowly reduce the light to match the outdoors.

Watch out for the caterpillars !!


Active Member
In Northern Hemisphere, blooming starts naturally in late July/early August--

they'll be fine outside the greenhouse as long as you don't get frost or temps below 60f for too long... But your profile sayd "East Coast" so unless you are WAY down South- we still have a lot of cold weather coming....

For the ones you force to flower in the greenhouse- You will need to be certain there is ZERO light leaking into the greenhouse during the light-off hours... or you plants can hermie...


Active Member
In Northern Hemisphere, blooming starts naturally in late July/early August--

they'll be fine outside the greenhouse as long as you don't get frost or temps below 60f for too long... But your profile sayd "East Coast" so unless you are WAY down South- we still have a lot of cold weather coming....

For the ones you force to flower in the greenhouse- You will need to be certain there is ZERO light leaking into the greenhouse during the light-off hours... or you plants can hermie...
The OP's profile says "City of Angels".. L.A.


Well-Known Member
stick those 2 month clones outdoors right now, and they will go into flower, no question about it, but depending on how many hours of light per day you are receiving, those plants could begin to reveg. Do not stick the younger clones outside for a while, clones are sexually mature, and will go into flower if its receiving less then 14 hours of light per day, around here that is almost june, so check out your day light time index thing and do not put out until 14 hours of light. happy 420